Ocean of tears

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MK wasn't sure how much time passed as he sat there, curled up on the floor as he sobbed loudly, crumpled into himself. Eventually, the sobs quieted to silent crying but the tears still flooded his vision and he rocked back and forth slightly in a soothing motion. It didn't help much but it made him feel less like he was falling apart. 

He tried to ignore what she'd said. She could have just been trying to get to him. Somehow MK didn't think so, couldn't bring himself to believe it when it felt so true. Why would Monkey King, the great sage equal to heaven itself, six times immortal ever want anything to do with useless, pathetic MK? He couldn't even get himself out of the mess he was currently in by himself. 

It was no wonder he hadn't wanted to keep MK.

No one else had. 

He stopped crying, arms aching and feeling sore all over as he stood up, emotions bled dry and left feeling raw and abused and blank. He took a step, ignoring the way he felt numb and his hands and legs shook as he kept going, walking out of the cave and through the waterfall as though he could leave his feelings behind.

He didn't shapeshift into his human disguise, too tired and burnt out as he slumped across the stepping stones, his tail drooping behind him limply as he made his way back to the beach. 

He made it, not remembering anything of the journey, time feeling irrelevant as he stood on the sand. The breeze tingled his four ears and he looked across the water, eyes glazing over the volcanic ring and beyond even though he couldn't see the boat from here. 

He should get back to it though. 

He didn't move. 

Instead, he stayed on the shore, watching the water lap at his feet as more tears welled up in his eyes and he wiped them away in frustration, feeling like his chest was burning.  

He didn't sit down, didn't move as he stood, eyes unfocused wherever they landed as he thought about the boat. 

What was the point in going back, anyway? None of this was real. It explained why everyone had been so strange today. Maybe all of this was fake, even the sand he was standing on. What was the point in going back to that? What was the point in trying? It wasn't like MK could ever even make a difference against the Lady Bone Demon and MK was so stupid, so useless that he wouldn't be able to find a way out of whatever this was anyway. 

He might as well not even try.

The ground underneath him shook again and MK let his body tumble with the motion, falling onto the ground as the shaking stopped, face impassive the whole time as he sank down and laid himself onto his back and stayed there, limbs sprawled out while he stared at the perfectly blue sky. 

He'd just sit here for a while.   

It turned out to be a long, long while, the sky soon setting and then going dark. He watched as the stars came out, twinkling and shinning as though nothing was wrong. Even they felt out of place though, like someone had made them without properly knowing what they looked like, sloppily dotting them in the sky with lazy precision. 

MK watched, his body feeling impossibly heavy as he tried to shut off his brain, unwilling to think about what had happened or what was going to happen next. 

Distantly, childishly, perhaps foolishly he wished Monkey King was here or Macaque.

He'd hug them both if they were, wishing that they cared about him the way he cared about them. Maybe it was a childish wish but he couldn't help but long for his dads' arms around him, telling him he would be alright and that they loved him. 

The world shifted again, moving about longer this time and MK ignored it, staying pressed against the sand and the shaking soon stopped, once again leaving nothing but silence. 

When the sun began to peek over the horizon MK finally sat up, rubbing his sore eyes and looking over the ocean tiredly. 

Maybe he should get back to the boat. Sitting on the sand all day and night had made his back ache and now that he was focusing on his physical pain he could tell that he was slightly cold, too. He could continue resting in his bed at Pigsy's and sleep away this nightmare. 

With the promise of a bed and possibly some warm food MK stood up, cracking his stiff joints and shaking his arms before shapeshifting into a bird and flapping over the ocean. It wasn't as quick as using shadows but it was certainly easier despite taking longer.

He found the boat easily, being in the same place as it was before and he dropped onto the deck, shifting back into his monkey form and looking around curiously at the strangely silent boat. 

"Sandy?" He called out, scrunching his nose up when there was no response. 

"Are you here?" There was still no response and he shrugged before going to the top of the boat with the intention of setting sail for land. After all, how hard could using a boat be? 

Pretty hard apparently. After failing to manage to get it to start five times and then immediately crashing into the volcanic ring when he did get it to start MK gave up, yelling in frustration then kicking the boat harshly only to start crying again pathetically. 

It felt so stupid, crying at something as small as not being able to work a boat and he cursed himself loudly, shaking his arms and telling himself to stop being such a baby. It didn't help much and if anything he felt even worse than before but he pushed it down, sighing and transforming back into a bird. 

He could totally fly across the ocean. Probably. Hopefully. 

He sighed, shaking his wings and pushing off the railing of the boat, flapping higher into the sky and leaving the boat behind him as he rode the breeze with his wings. 

With any luck, he could be back at the mainland before evening. 

As he sored across the sky, wings stretched wide, he couldn't help but think about Monkey King and what the Lady Bone Demon had said. Was she right? Would Monkey King hate him- disown him the moment he realized who MK was? Or was that a trick, a lie? He hoped so, gods he hoped so but she was probably right.

If the Monkey King was disappointed in him then there was no person on earth who wouldn't be, of that MK was sure.

Monkey King seemed to love his son though, surely he would be glad that MK was still alive and relatively safe?  Thinking back on all the adults in his life that had repeatedly told him how worthless and disappointing he was MK didn't think Monkey King would be proud of him. He didn't want to believe that he'd be left alone once again, not when he'd finally found out where he'd come from.

He knew what he wanted to believe though and that was that his dads' would save him, hug him and work things out with each other. If that happened he knows he would be dreaming because it was too good to be true. 

Flying across the ocean turned out to be more tiring than he'd imagined it being and his previously unused flight muscles ached. By the time the shore came into view he was practically crying from relief at seeing it, not sure how much longer he could have kept going for and promptly collapsed into a feathery heap on the ground as soon as he could.  

He laid there, panting and trying to catch his breath for a while, cursing his lack of staff as he shifted back into his normal form, tail swishing behind him gently. 

There was less aching in his bones as soon as he changed and he sagged happily, spreading his body out on the floor face down and kissing the ground like he hadn't believed he'd ever see it again. Drifting across the endless ocean it had certainly felt that way. 

Once he was done he stood up, enjoying how coordinated the action was with the use of his tail and he began walking towards where he lived, finding himself needing the walk more than he needed to get back quickly. 

It's not like there was anything there for him anyway.  

None of this was probably even real.

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