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It was surprising, MK thought as he walked on uneven flooring, how quiet the whole place felt. 

There was evidence of a battle here. The old pillars were broken the further in they went and MK had to step over more and more debris as they ventured deeper. 

Mei was looking at the symbols and carvings on what was left on the walls and pillars with interest while MK glossed straight over them. His eyes were focussed on the darkness ahead, Mei and him using their phones as flashlights while Pigsy walked behind them with his arms crossed. 

The whole thing made the hairs on MK's arms stand on end and he held his tail with his free hand, gripping it like a lifeline as some form of comfort.    

The tree-o got far enough in that MK couldn't see the entrance anymore when they came across a split. The roof caves down in the two paths so that the ceiling wasn't so high there and the paths branched off to the left and the right, both feeling the same to MK. 

"Which way do we go?" Mei questioned out loud, peering into the two different directions one after the other. MK looked left then right and then shrugged. 

"I don't know." He said and Mei grabbed his shoulders from behind, giving them a squeeze. 

"Don't you have some power you can use? Some way to tell?" She asked and MK blinked rapidly, lighting up with an idea.

"Oh yeah! My gold vision thingy!" He'd forgotten about that and wasted no time in pushing that feeling forward, blinking till his whole vision was swallowed in gold. He looked around, blinking one last time to get used to the change, and scanned only the left pathway before there was a noise above him, a loud crashing sound that hurt all four of his ears. 

He swiveled his head upwards just as Mei yelled, her shock cut off along with MK's reaction as the ceiling seemed to all at once fall on top of them. 

None had time to do much more than fall backward and brace themselves, the collapsing of the ceiling too sudden for them to react in time and MK felt himself hit the floor, something heavy landing on his leg as his arms went to instinctively shield his face.

There was silence. MK's mind buzzed with noise as the dust-choked his lungs and he coughed loudly. He looked up to find that a small part of the ceiling had collapsed on them before looking around wildly for any sight of Pigsy or Mei, both of which seemed missing. He couldn't see properly, the darkness swallowing him and he flicked his gold vision on in panic, scanning around more easily but still not seeing them. 

His chest tightened with panic as he thought of them trapped under the rubble, their lifeless body's crushed under the weight because they couldn't move away in time.

"MEI! PIGSY?" He yelled out frantically, his ears straining to catch even the slightest sound while adrenaline rushed through his body. 

He rushed forwards and dug his hands into the pile of stones and rocks, tugging against the closest ones with the intention of potentially digging them out. 

"GUYS? ARE YOU OKAY?" He yelled louder, heart-thumping painfully fast in his chest as his thoughts began to spiral.  

What if they weren't okay? What if they were dead and MK had failed them and-

"MK! Hey, we're okay!" He heard Mei's voice from the other side of the rock pile and all but sagged in relief, resting his hands on the stone and stopping his frantic digging. 

"Yeah just stuck on the other side of this stupid rockpile," Pigsy added with a grumbly tone and the panic wound down more. 

"What about you, you okay kid? No scratches or anything?" The older then asked and MK blinked, looking down at himself. He hadn't even thought about that but now that it had been brought to mind he couldn't help but begin to feel that ache in his left leg and a stinging sensation in his hands. 

That wasn't much of a surprise though, he thought as he looked down at them. His fingertips were split and his nails broken and jagged from where he'd been clawing against the rocks. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." He called back resolutely and it was true! Those small things didn't hurt that bad. Surface wounds. 

"Okay, that's good, do you think you can get through? It looks like a bit much to break through or move."

MK shrugged though he knew the other two wouldn't be able to see it then poked around the rocks. A lot of the ceiling had caved in and there didn't seem to be any openings.

"There could be a way around?" He suggested, looking back into the darkness with shining eyes and glancing at the long hallway. 

"It probably comes together." He added at the pause and heard a sigh. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. We'll search over here and find another way to meet up with you. Stay safe, kid." Pigsy said and MK nodded, beginning to walk away before hearing Mei call out a- 

"see you soon, MK!" He smiled at that, taking a step into the darkness only to stop. 

"Your phone MK! Can't leave that behind, idiot." He scolded himself, looking around at golden outlines and easy locating it under a small bit of rubble with his golden vision. 

He turned it around and found that his screen was seriously and badly cracked, a dent that was clearly bad enough for MK to be incredibly lucky that his phone would even turn on.  

He tried turning it on and as expected nothing happened and he sighed in disappointment, pocketing the broken device with a frown.

Fine. Fine, that was okay. 

He could find a way to get a new one after all of this. He didn't know where he'd find the money but still. It was going to be fine. 

For now, he'd have to keep using his gold vision and hope it didn't give him a headache. 

He had his dad's to find.   

(That cave-in was not accidental people. MK's break has officially ended lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back for another update tomorrow!)

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