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The sound of the click in the room as the key snapped open the lock was uncomfortably loud, all the whispers that had been slowly reaching a crescendo instantly falling completely silent in such a sudden juxtaposition that left MK startled with unease, that feeling only growing as he gripped the lid of the box slowly. 

His fingers stung with cold at the touch and he hated the way his heart was thundering in his chest for no reason, his throat suddenly dry as he leaned in closer and looked inside. 

He found himself staring at a woman bound by a golden rope. Wearing purple and white with a headpiece that looked like skulls MK felt his heart plummet in his stomach as his eyes connected with her red ones, the familiar look of delight crossing her face as she went to open her mouth to speak, but before she could even utter a word MK already knew what she would sound like, his breath catching in his throat as his face paled suddenly, going as white as a ghost. 

He knew her. He knew her

"What an unexpected surprise." The woman spoke and MK took a startled step back, his eyes wide and glassy as his chest tightened painfully, head suddenly aching and memories flickered through his thoughts like sand, taunting him and making his whole body freeze for reasons other than how cold it was in the room now. 

He remembered.

Oh gods he remembered everything.

The Lady Bone Demon, because that's who she was, MK remembered her and everything she'd done to him and the time spent with only her that had felt like an eternity, moved slightly and fear crashed like a tidal wave into MK's head, his limbs jerking backward and further away as she stood, movements halted and slow due to the rope pinning her arms to her side. 

"No." His tongue felt heavy and dry like sandpaper in his mouth, his ears buzzing with noise and ringing alarms, screaming at him to get out but he couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? 

"I must thank you for freeing me, though I'm afraid you may have to wait. It seems I'm not at my strongest right now." The demon spoke casually like she was talking to an old friend, with no rush or hurry in her voice but her eyes seared right through MK's soul, her gleeful grin making him burn with terror and tremble in fear. 

She was here. She was here and she was going to take him again. MK didn't want to go through that again, he didn't want to be alone! He couldn't do it again. 

He didn't breathe as she stepped out of her confines, not taking her eyes off him for even a second, and MK's mind screamed at him to run, remembering an ice spike through his chest, remembering thinking he was going to die and hating how afraid he felt that he couldn't even bring himself to flee.

He was utterly useless.

It felt like his chest was going to explode just from the nerves inside it alone and yet he still couldn't find it in himself to suck in a breath even when his lungs ached and burned for it, finding his mouth glued shut like she'd forget he was there if he just stopped moving or making any noise at all long enough.

Like being a child and hiding under his bed with his hand over his mouth, holding his breath in hopes that it would keep him from being discovered. But it never did.  

"It sounds like company has found us." She told him suddenly, taking a small look over MK's shoulder at the door behind him, and before MK could even process what that meant she was talking again, mirth in his voice and a glimmer of vicious glee in her eyes.

"But have no fear, I will see you again sooner than you think." She laughed like it was funny in some way. Like she was telling an inside joke MK wasn't meant to get and it unsettled him even further, only just recognizing that he could hear footsteps down the hallway over the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears and the way her words echoed in his head like a gong.

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