Confessions and conversations

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When Sun Wukong came back, two mugs in hand he was met by silence. MK was sat down on the couch and Wukong sat down next to him, passing a mug over silently and watching as MK slowly sipped on his, eyes not leaving the item.

It was a distorted parallel to the first night MK had stayed there. They'd sat in the same positions, same mugs in hand only this time Wukong was further away from the kid, not daring to sit so close. 

He sighed, not sure where to start but eventually deciding on the beginning. 

"You- you called Macaque... dad." He said, trying hard not to sound judgmental and failing miserably but MK's response, a sudden jerk as he found his voice. 

"Yeah! So don't you dare hurt him again or I'll- I'll-" He didn't finish, choosing to huff instead and feeling much better for it, like he'd finally gotten something off his chest. Wukong sighed but thought that that was fair. 

"You're his kid?" He asked again, to clarify, still confused because Macaque, as far as he knew, didn't have a kid. well, except their kid but he was safe from him. He didn't even know who he was. It was better that way. MK blushed and scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"Not biologically, I just- he's like a dad to me, I guess." It felt strange explaining it to someone else. He wasn't sure how.  

"He's... got a lot of bad habits." Sun Wukong tried. It was a warning, as gentle a warning as he could give when it came to the person who made him give up what was most important to him. It was almost painful thinking about the fact that Macaque had what Wukong had to give up to keep his own kid safe. 

"He cares," MK responded and Sun Wukong took a deep breath in. MK just wasn't getting it. 

"He manipulates people." A better elaboration though still an understatement. He needed MK to understand.   

"He's misunderstood." It took all of Wukong's willpower to force away tears that were blinking back in the corner of his eyes. 

"He made me give up my kid!" It broke free from his mouth like an old, pent-up frustration and the immortal really was forcing away tears, eyes welling up for just a second as MK looked at him, jaw open. 

"What?" Mk didn't understand. 

"I- my son, I had too- had to give him up to keep him safe." MK shook his head, feeling sympathy and denial at the same time, both emotions clashing against each other. 

"But... what does that have to do with Macaque? He'd never hurt a kid." He wouldn't. MK told himself firmly. He knew the other and he knew he'd never. He'd been so helpful to MK after all without a reason. Had been nothing but kind. 

"He and I have history, bud. When my kid was born Macaque threatened him. He'd never wanted him in the first place and wanted- at first- to get rid of him." Even though it sounded like saying this physically pained the other, he kept going, and MK felt his chest tighten uncomfortably, finding it hard to deny any of the story when it was clearly such a sensitive topic for the other. 

"Then he wanted to use him as a weapon." He sounded bitter, wiping away the last trails of what could have been tears from his eyes as MK's head took him back to training, the word striking a chord in him.

 Macaque had called him a weapon once, too. 

"So I disguised him as a human, put a seal on him to keep him safe and away from danger. Dangers like Macaque and any other demon that has a grudge against me. I couldn't even check up on him." He confessed, sounding horridly sad and MK shuffled just a little closer to the other, his heart aching. 

"Not without leading others' to his location." he sounded broken. 

"I couldn't even watch my son grow up." The last part was whispered, like a secret confession he'd never let himself say before, never let himself properly feel before and MK was putting a hand on the immortal's arm before he could second guess himself, squeezing tightly in a form of comfort. 

On the inside he was at war with himself, torn between feeling for Wukong and wanting it to not be true because- because the Macaque he knew wouldn't do that, would he? 

He honestly wasn't sure what to believe anymore. He knew what he wanted to believe, though.

"I tried to find him this year. He would be eighteen now. Old enough to keep himself safe, old enough to not be so vulnerable and the seal was never meant to last forever anyway but I couldn't find anyone his age with his name. I looked. Maybe he already knows. Maybe he hates me for it."

Mk didn't think anyone could hate the sad person in front of him now. Sure, he'd made mistakes but he'd tried. 

It was strange, really. The thought that somewhere out there, there was a kid his age who was Monkey King's son, who could probably lift the staff too, probably had powers of his own and- 

MK's eyes widened and he turned his neck quick enough to give him whiplash, staring straight at Sun Wukong. 

"Your kid. What was his name?" The powers, the fact that he could lift the staff at all, his form that looked so much like Wukong and Macaque that it couldn't be a coincidence, the fact that he never knew his parents, had been abandoned, didn't go by his birth name-

"It was Qi Xiaotian."   

(Oooh look at that, MK actually connected the dots! Because I like watching you all suffer I'm going to leave it on this horrible cliffhanger but don't worry I won't take too long to update again. Hope you all enjoyed, let me know what you thought, and I'll see you all next time!) 

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