Out Of Time

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When Wukong got to the others' he came across Red Son tying down the Bone demon, grappling with knots that had already been done to tighten them up and keep her down. His first thought was surprise and shock that they'd done it and then worry because she looked too pleased. 

He put a foot on her back, helping keep her still while Red Son finished off tying her up but he wasn't really paying attention, too busy looking around for MK.

"I've taken everything from you." The demon hissed, delight in her tone as she kept going, poisonous joy coating her words.

"I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out." She laughed and Wukong looked down at her, confused. What did she mean by that? Didn't she know Macaque was alive? If not, then he couldn't wait to run into her face that they'd won and she'd failed. Before he could respond to her cryptic sentences though, he was interrupted by a firey, snippy voice.    

"I've got her, go help the other two you stupid ape!" Red Son hissed at him, yelling and he blinked, taken aback by the way his voice wabbled in the middle and the way it made the hair on his arms stand on end.

Still, he didn't argue, leaving Red Son to look after the Lady Bone Demon who was trapped while he rushed over to the other kids, finding Mei holding MK. 

Worry swelled in his gut, making him rush faster. He hoped they were okay, were they hurt? Why weren't they helping Red Son? 

The moment he get close enough to see MK properly was the second time that day that his heart stopped working and words were tumbling from his mouth.  

"No, no, no, no, no, kid!" It felt like his chest was exploding into panic, his stomach flipping inside his chest.

"Come on look at me, you're gonna be okay, you hear me. It's all gonna be okay. It's okay. You're okay." He held him, taking him off Mei carefully, running his hands through the kid's hair to smoothen it out in a familiar motion, his eyes scanning over the wound and sticking on the ice that had gone straight through him. He thought maybe he'd gasped or whimpered at the sight but didn't hear whatever sound he may have made, too busy trying to hear over the roaring panic in his ears.

Holding his child carefully he tore off his sleeves, grateful that this time his brain was working as he pressed them to the wound to soak up the blood. He was trying to be gentle but that didn't stop the pathetically weak cry of pain MK made as he applied pressure, the sound sending ice down his spine before he looked down at his son's face.

His eyes were unfocused and glassy, pinched with pain and it was the worst thing Wukong had ever had to look at, his heart feeling like it was slamming against his ribcage with how fast it was beating. Though maybe it actually was, it certainly hurt and ached like it was punching him, leaving him winded and feeling sick. He couldn't believe he had let this happen.  

"You're okay, I've got you. Stay awake, okay MK? Just please stay awake." He knew he was babbling, hands not daring to touch the spike in his chest out of fear of making it worse. He tried to remember any medical knowledge and cursed the fact that being six times immortal for so long meant that he didn't really know how mortal bodies worked. Why was he so useless? He could feel the way MK's body grew limper every second that passed and it was making him want to scream or cry, the adrenaline and terror crashing through him like a burst dam. 

Should he take the spike out or leave it in? Which would do more damage? He didn't know.

His kid's hands, which had been clinging onto him weakly, fell, and he choked on the panic that burned inside him, making a keening noise as he tried to keep him awake as he stared up at Wukong like he wasn't really taking in what he was seeing. 

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