Mistakes help us both learn

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"I'm so borreddd." Mei complained loudly as she leaned back on the railing outside. They were still on the boat, having been there for two days and Mei already felt like she'd done everything that could possibly be done. 

MK grunted next to her, lying on his back beneath her feet. 

"Me too." He groaned in agreement, silence following for a while afterward as MK and Mei both tried to ignore the boredom that was plaguing them. Suddenly Mei sprung up, jumping onto her feet with wide eyes. 

"MK! Let's race!" She cheered and MK looked up at her, tilting his head. 

"I don't think the boat is big enough for a race, Mei." He said and Mei shook her head, rolling her eyes fondly. 

"No silly! We'll just pop off for a little bit. Quick race to the edge of the city and then straight back again." MK bit his lip, swinging his body into a sitting position cross-legged on the floor. 

"I don't know Mei, Dad and Pigsy told us we had to stay here." He reminded and Mei waved him off, smiling brightly. 

"We'll be so fast it won't even matter. It's not like we're gonna stop anywhere, it'll be fine. C'mon MK. You know you want to." She begged in a singsong voice, pouting and giving him puppy eyes. It took a second but eventually, MK sighed, standing up and giving his best friend a smile. 

"Okay fine! Last one back has to do what the other says for a day!" He challenged, now convinced and Mei giggled, putting on a face of faux seriousness. 

"Oh, you're on. 3 2 1, GO." In a burst of bright, electric green light, she was off, MK grinning to himself as he slipped off into the shadows and chased after her. This was gonna be a piece of cake.

Competitive as they were, both of them reached impressive speeds as they zipped towards the city, reaching the first building before turning around and zipping back, the whole thing didn't take very long, maybe two minutes at most, and Mei cheered when she got back to the boat, hands pumping into the air just as MK appeared behind her, pouting unhappily. 

"Aw! No fair!" Mei chuckled loudly, putting one foot onto a box next to her grinning. 

"And the amazing, victorious Mei has done it again! Kneel before me and bask in my awesomeness!" She cackled and MK crossed his arms.

"No way! You- I was just distracted, you had a headstart. Let's go again!" He challenged, not willing to mention how he'd gotten distracted which was that he saw something shiny and chased after it for a second before remembering the game and getting back on track. It felt too embarrassing to say that. Mei hopped off the box, nodding eagerly. 

"Heck yeah, let's go again, I'll show you whose boss." They got into a starting position next to each other, MK's eyes narrowed in focus. No way was he going to let her win again and Mei was about to count down again when a voice made them both stop. 

"And just what do you think you're both doing?" It was Macaque, his face presenting a deep, disappointed scowl and MK immediately felt sweat on his forehead, wincing. 

"Uh, nothing. Just...you know... racing?" He said it like a question and Macaque sighed deeply, glaring at both of them. 

"I know what you were doing! I can't believe you both, I told you not to leave. Do you have any idea the type of danger you would put yourselves in if Lady Bone Demon caught you? I can't believe you'd be so careless!" He sounded angry and MK shrunk back from his harsh gaze, his heart hurting in his chest. 

"I'm sorry, I-" MK went to explain, voice shaky and small but it was immediately interrupted. 

"I don't want to hear excuses! I can't believe you'd be so irresponsible and thoughtless. I thought you'd been taught better than to just completely ruin everything we've had to do to keep you safe, or do you just not care about the effort everyone else is making to look after you?" MK didn't say anything, his throat feeling tight like there was a lump in it and he looked away from Macque's eyes, his gaze on the floor as he tried to keep the childish tears out of his eyes.  

Macaque sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his frustration faded when he caught sight of MK's slumped posture. 

"Why don't you just... go to your rooms or something. We'll talk about this later." MK nodded, slinking away filled with guilt and Mei walked silently alongside him, holding her arm nervously as she tried to think of something, anything to say to make her friend feel better. 

"I'm sorry, MK. I shouldn't have suggested it. It was my fault." She admitted, also feeling guilty for dragging her friend into danger without thinking about the consequences. She'd just been so bored of being cooped up! And it's not like anything bad happened anyway...

"No. No, it was my fault. I should have known better. Sorry, Mei. I'm just... I'll be in my room. I'll talk to you later." He walked away from her, hugging his arms to his chest and Mei watched him go with a worried, guilty expression. 

She wished he'd talk to her when he was upset, wished she knew what to say to make it better, wished she'd never suggested the stupid race in the first place.

In his temporary room MK curled up on his bed, tucking his head into his legs and curling his tail around his ankles. Macaque had sounded so angry with him, so upset, and MK couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was fed up with MK now. If this was the thing that made him leave, realizing that MK was useless and stupid and wanting nothing more to do with him. 

He should have expected it eventually anyway. Everyone else had left, every other parent hadn't wanted him once they'd discovered how useless he was. It made sense that Macaque would be the same. There had to be a limit to how much he'd allow before figuring MK was a lost cause and leaving him behind. 

He'd certainly have a lot less issues and worries if MK wasn't around. 

All he ever seemed to do was burden the people around him.  

(Macaque's just a tired parent now lol and MK's got issues. Don't be too hard on him though! He has no idea what he's doing and family isn't family with out conflict and learning. Anyway, we're at 50 chapters now! I'm so amazed we've made it this far and thank you so much to everyone who's been here and who's been commenting and stuff. 

It's been really motivating to know that people are enjoying this. I'm really happy with how far we've come, I'm pretty sure this is the most I've ever written for one thing! Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again soon!)

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