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They couldn't straight away though. MK was nervous about using it and reasoned that he couldn't skip work, not when Pigsy was already in a bad mood about the broken dishes yesterday. So they arranged it for another time, MK telling Mei he'd call her when he was free. 

He was secretly hoping to put it off until she forgot about it but, knowing his friend, she wouldn't. 

So he got to work instead, enjoying the welcome distraction that driving and delivering was. 

After about an hour, he was on his fifth delivery and, because he was MK and was terrible at paying attention, he found himself lost. He sighed, stopping to take a closer look at the road signs and wishing he could see where he was going in the fog that had rolled in to this more deserted part of the city when his vision completely changed, turning golden. 

"Ah!" He stumbled out of his vehicle, rubbing his eyes and blinking rapidly to try and get rid of it when he realized he could see through the fog now. 

"What's- what's happening to me!" He yelled out, stumbling around as he tried to adjust to having everything golden and bright and clear when suddenly everything was back to normal, gone just as quick as it came.  

Still blinking rapidly, he looked around, trying to figure out if he was hallucinating or going mad when a chuckle next to him made him jump. 

"That's a neat little trick you got there." A strangers voice said and MK whirled around frantically, seeing a- monkey? A demon, standing behind him. 

"Sorry bud, didn't mean to frighten ya." The other said, voice smooth and MK took a step back. 

"W-who are you?" He stammered out, clearing his throat afterwards and trying his best to look threatening. The other held out his hands- paws? In a placating manor. Tail unmoving behind him.

"Chill kid, I'm just someone who wants to help." MK raised an eyebrow, confused.

"I couldn't help but notice your... unique power levels. You've probably been having some trouble with it, right?" MK narrowed his eyes. 

"What's it to you?" and, really, MK hadn't even meant to sound so defensive. It was just- the idea of someone knowing about the strange things that had been happening with him recently made him nervous. So far, only Mei really knew about it and that was because he told her!

"As I said, I want to help. The name's Macaque and- well." MK watched as the other seemingly blended in with the floor smoothly, becoming a part of it, becoming a-

A shadow.

"You can do it too." MK breathed out in awe, the previous trepidation washed out by excitement and relief. 

"What but- how? This is amazing! I thought- I thought I was the only one!" The other, Macaque, changed back into his normal, non-shadow self and smiled. 

"Me too kid. But now that I know about it, I can help! You know, teach you the ropes help you control it safely, maybe find out what other things you can do? If you'd want, that is." He scratched the back of his head nervously and MK felt himself smile brightly, nodding furiously.

"That- that would be great! I've been really worried about getting stuck or something and honestly, things just seem to be getting worse as time goes on so that would be super helpful." He beamed, bouncing happily on the balls of his feet and fighting to keep himself from shaking his hands while wishing he had something to hold onto as Macaque slung a casual arm around his shoulder. 

"Cool. Don't worry kid, with me teaching you, you'll have mastered this all in no time." 

Since MK had a few more noodles to deliver, he did that first, racing around to get it done before finding the address Macaque gave him and driving there, ending up at what looked like a dojo. 

"Uh, Macaque, you there?" He asked as he pushed the front door open nervously, almost jumping out of his skin when Macaque seemingly appeared out of nowhere. 

"Kid! You made it!" The other sounded excited to see him as he slung an arm over his shoulder and MK leaned happily into the touch, feeling warm and bright all over. 

"Of course I did!" Macaque looked pleased and MK felt himself glow on the inside at the thought of someone being happy with him, pleased, even. 

"So, what's first?" He asked as they walked into the room. It was filled with equipment and mats and weapons that had MK gawking at them in amazement, grinning in excitement like a child. 

"First," Macaque said, picking a long, metal staff off the weapons rack nearby and pointing it at MK. 

"You learn how to fight." 

"What?" MK let out, startled and self-conscious.

"But- why would- I don't need to know how to fight! I'm- I'm not-" Not good enough. Going to disappoint you, was what he didn't say, trailing off as Macaque placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Fighting is all about control. Trust me, kid, this is the best way to hone in on your powers and practice things like patience, balance, and when to put your strength into something. You're a weapon, and you need to learn how to use your power." Then, in a softer voice, he looked MK in the eyes, earnest as he watched MK's anxious fiddling with his fingers.

"I know you'll do great kid. And hey, we'll be working on this together, okay? I'll be here every step of the way."

He stepped back as MK nodded with renewed confidence and determination. He was going to do this. He wasn't going to disappoint the other.

"Okay." Macaque smiled widely, standing up tall and reaching out the end of the staff for MK to take.

"Great. Then let's do this." 

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