Just a Nightmare?

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After listening to MK chatter excitedly about their relationship for hours both Macaque and Wukong were almost relieved when it was time for bed later on in the night. Not that they minded the endless enthusiasm, if anything it was reassuring to know their kid was so clearly overjoyed at them being together (even though they'd known he would be) and it was nice not having to hide it anymore too. They could definitely do without the loud squealing every time he noticed they were holding hands or linking their tails together though.

Once MK was in bed and asleep Macaque finally faced Wukong, staring at his gleeful face and sighing.  

"Alright fine. What is it you want me to do then?" He asked, slightly scared of the gleam in the other's eyes and knowing he'd been thinking of it almost all day. He could only hope that it would be nothing too embarrassing. Unfortunately, looking back on it Macaque had promised Wukong whatever he wanted as a prize, sure at the time that it wouldn't matter. He wanted to smack his past self now though. 

"Hmm, I don't know. I think I might just save it for when I come up with something really good to make you do." Wukong teased and Macaque rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"No, you have to pick now. You can't just save it." He huffed, not at all pleased with the idea of giving Wukong more time to come up with something but he just smiled wider with confidence on his face that only came with the power he held at that moment. 

"Says who? We didn't agree on that." He purred, leaning in close and Macaque shoved him away with his hand, dropping onto the couch and scoffing and inwardly hoping that eventually Wukong and his short attention span would forget all about it and Macaque would get off scot-free. 

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." He huffed, standing up and Wukong grabbed his arm once he did, his tail swinging about behind him lazily. 

"Oh come on Moonlight, don't be like that." He said sweetly and Macaque's whole body jolted, eyes going wide as he turned back. 

"What the hell did you just call me?" He asked, blinking at Wukong's innocent, cutesy look that he didn't buy for one second as the immortal tilted his head.

"What? Am I not allowed to have cute nicknames for my partner too? You call me Peaches all the time." Macaque shook his head again, feeling the way his ears burned and his face felt warmer all of a sudden.

"That's different." He grumbled out, embarrassed with how much his face burnt at the sugary nickname that was too romantic to be for anyone but a lover. If Wukong called him that in front of their child, he swore to Buddha he'd strangle him. 

"Wha- how's it different?" Wukong questioned and Macaque opened his mouth to retort only to find himself unable to think of anything to say. 

"Or is it just because you don't like that one? I can do something else, Plum. Sweetheart. Baby-"

"Okay, stop!" Macaque blurted out, resisting the urge to hide his burning cheeks in his hands as he glared at a still very smug Wukong who was obviously very pleased with himself. Macaque could see the self-achievement all over his satisfied face and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to smack the smirk off or kiss it off. 

"Why don't you make me?" Wukong laughed out and any self-control Macaque had snapped as he stormed forwards, intent on getting the upper hand. It was Wukong's turn to feel how it felt to be flustered and he took great delight in the small squeak that felt the immortal's mouth when he got in close, inwardly smirking at the way Wukong leaned into his touch as he cupped Wukong's cheek like he was about to kiss him.

"You should be careful what you wish for." He muttered in a sultry smooth tone, utterly delighting in the way Wukong shivered subtly at the sound and then he held that position for a moment, staring down at Wukong's lips until the other finally got the courage to lean forward to kiss him which was when he moved back, standing tall and feeling just a little bit powerful and petty at Wukong's confused, bewildered expression as he blinked.

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