A Crush

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"What? Absolutely not! You're grounded if you haven't forgotten anyway."

It turns out MK did not, in fact, got this. 

MK frowned at Wukong's immediate rejection, pressing his hands together and looking his Baba in the eyes. 

"Come on, please? I've never been over to see Red Son's place before and this is like- a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I really, really want to go." He pleaded, flicking his gaze over to Macaque to see if he would side with MK on this but his dad just gave him a look that said 'you're on your own' and MK huffed. 

"I'll be safe there too and it's only one night, I don't wanna miss out on this." Some of his desperation must have shown in his voice because Wukong softened at that, his expression getting a little less resolute which is when MK felt a little bubble of hope well up inside him.

"I don't know..." The immortal turned to Macaque, clearly wanting his opinion on the matter and MK could only hope that his dad would be as lenient as he normally was with this kind of thing.

"I say we let him go," Macaque commented after a pause, seeing that Wukong was looking to him for advice. 

"Kid gets to spend some time with his friends, gets rid of some energy and we get a little alone time. It's a win-win." He grinned and Wukong rolled his eyes, the colouring on his cheeks going a little darker before he turned back to MK who was still staring up at him with big, round, begging eyes. 


"YES!" MK cheered loudly, jumping for joy as a wide grin spread on his face. 

"But you have to check in with us before you go to bed-" 

"Uh huh, I will!" MK didn't mind the rules, just so long as he could go. 

"And you aren't allowed to leave the palace, okay? That means no going out to the city with them, alright?" A big of a bummer but MK wasn't too worried about that rule. He was sure there was so much to do in Red's house that they wouldn't want to go out anyway. 

"And if you need anything or anything happens you have to contact me immediately." MK nodded frantically, practically bouncing in place where he stood from delight. 

"I will, Baba! Don't worry." He assured, quickly opening his arms and jumping forwards to pull Baba into a big hug, his smile so wide on his face that it hurt.  He couldn't wait till tomorrow! 

"Thank you so much!" He yelled out, gratitude clear in his tone and Wukong hugged him back, sighing to himself and silently hoping that nothing happened while he was away. 

"You're welcome but I'm serious about those rules kiddo." 

"I know! Don't worry, I'll be fine, I promise." He told him as he pulled back from the hug, energy still racing through his body from his joy. 

"Now I have to go tell Mei right away!" He gasped out before rushing out of the room, his new phone already in his hand with her contact on his screen. The two in the room let him leave, Wukong bringing his hands up and holding them tightly in worry. 

"Oh don't worry so much, Peaches. Our kid will be fine." Macaque told him, leaning in close and taking Wukong's hands in his own, smoothing out the areas the immortal had been tugging at stressfully. 

"You worry about him too much." He continued but it wasn't a criticism and Wukong sighed. 

"I know. I just- after what happened-" It was irrational to be this protective and cautious he knew but he still couldn't get the image of MK cold and still in his arms out of his head.

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