To terrify an enemy

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The next day had MK hammering one of the walls inside which, honestly, he was getting tired of really quickly. He knew though that there was probably a reason for it but that didn't stop his joy when Mei suddenly called him, making him pause in what he was doing. 

"MK!" In the background, MK could see that the sky was a dark grey and the wind was wiping his friends' hair around violently. 

"Red Son's taken control of the weather station! We need help!" MK nodded, dropping the hammer and letting it clatter loudly to the ground. 

"I'm on it!" He went to leave but paused, looking over at Monkey King who was just silently watching the whole thing play out. 

"Can I-?" He pointed his thumb towards the exit and Monkey King smiled slightly, nodding. 

"Go get 'em, bud." MK nodded and raced off, yelling,

"see you later," as he went. As soon as he was outside, looking at the ocean and the land far away he grabbed his staff out, wishing there was an easier way to travel over the ocean. In the town, he could use his shadows, sure, but he'd found he couldn't make them go over the water quickly. 

He raced over to Mei, who was with the others below the control station and nodded at them.

"Let's do this!" They bust in, ignoring the broken door that MK had just bashed open and MK branded his staff out in front of him, Red Son turning around at the noise. 

"Well, well, if it's isn't the- monkey BOY. Though you're looking a little less monkey than you were the last time I saw you." MK's friends, thoroughly confused, looked to MK for an explanation but MK ignored it, hoping to divert the conversation so he wouldn't have to explain. 

"Give it up, Red Son! You won't be able to beat us." The firey boy shot him an over-the-top offended look at that, grinning manically. 

"That's where you're wrong Monkey Boy!" And then he lunged forward, attacking with speed so intense that the others were struggling to keep up as MK blocked and parried the blows with his staff. It reminded him of his sparing with Macaque and he grinned as he landed a blow of his own, striking with the same ferocity he'd been taught to. 

At the blow, Red Son was sent crashing back into the wall, grunting with a scowl and suddenly the bull clones were attacking MK, what seemed like hundreds of them raining down on him. Behind him, he could hear his friends fight some of them off and he tried to make some space, spinning his staff around him while it was extended to knock the ones close to him into the glass, shattering it as they fell. 

Now with plenty of room, MK took his time destroying the robots one by one, the cathartic feeling of fighting and adrenaline chasing through him. 

Red Son got back up and MK's ears twitched as he heard the demon stand up, coming at him from behind. When he was close enough, MK swung around and blocked the demons' punch, the resulting force sweeping out and shattering the rest of the glass windows in the room. 

At this distance, MK could feel the heat that radiated off the demon easily and it was uncomfortable enough that MK pushed him backward with a complex wrist motion. The same one that Macaque had done on him many times. It- like It'd done with MK- caused Red Son to lose his balance and as he stumbled MK used the weakness to his advantage, striking forward with all his might. 

Red Son, who saw the attack coming towards him full force with wide eyes, could only see the dark, determined look in his enemy's eyes, a sheen of purple over them that made his whole being tremble. 

He used all his power to immediately teleport away in a whirlwind of fire and MK's staff crashed down onto thin air, completely destroying the floor beneath it. 

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