Blame Game

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When Wukong woke up it was by immediately sitting up in bed, disoriented and far more awake than one should be after only just waking up. His heart was thumping hard enough in his chest that he could hear it and he gasped, settling a hand over his chest to calm his heart rate down. 

Her words still echoed in his ears and he shivered, clutching at the blankets around him with his free hand as he tried to shake off the feeling of helplessness and worry. 

Shaking, he pulled both his hands into his lap, bending down and burying his face into them, breathing out shakily. He just needed to calm down. He needed to stop thinking about her and MK and- 

A knock made him snap his head up, immediately alert as his gaze flung over to the door. 

A knock, he told himself firmly. It had just been a knock at his door. 

That didn't help calm his nerves though or stop his tail from feeling stiff with anxiousness. 

"Uh, you okay in there, Wukong? I thought I heard...something." Hearing Macaque's voice made him breathe a small, involuntary sigh of relief, worry melting away, and he untensed. 

Then, just as quickly self-consciousness came, making him cringe as he wondered what exactly Macaque had heard, and with the others' more than impressive hearing and their rooms being next to each other it had probably been more than Wukong would have liked. 

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm okay. It's okay." He said but the pause on the other side of the door afterward made him think maybe Macaque didn't believe him. 

"I'm coming in." He told Wukong instead, pushing the door open before he could protest.

"You forget that I can tell when you're lying, Wukong. You're not very convincing," he added as he stepped in, pressing his back against the wall and keeping his distance as he folded his arms, trying to appear unbothered or uncaring. 

"Everyone else is always fooled by it," Wukong mumbled to himself, pouting and Macaque gave him a pitying look. 

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." He deadpanned and Wukong gasped, offended. 

"Hey!" He thought about chucking his pillow at the other but decided not to, in the end, simply crossing his arms and looking away. 

"So are you gonna tell me what was bothering you or should I just pretend like I didn't hear how fast your heart was beating just a minute ago?" Macaque brought the tone in the room back to serious and inwardly Wukong sighed, wishing he would have dropped it but knowing it was probably for the best that he told the other.

Face dropping into a serious expression he made sure to stare at Macaque, getting across the seriousness of what he was about to say. 

"I talked to her. The Bone Demon that is." 

Immediately Macaque's eyes widened, alarmed as his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Here? But I didn't hear-" Wukong shook his head. 

"No, in my dream." He clarified but it didn't help much. 

"So you had a nightmare?" Was what Macaque had gotten from that and Wukong groaned and resisted the urge to facepalm. 

"No! It was real. I telepathically communicated with her while I was asleep." There. That was as straight worded as he could possibly put it. 

"What... why the hell would you do that and what did she say?" 

"Well, I didn't mean to obviously!" He defended and then quieter,

"I was trying to talk to MK subconsciously..." At the mention of their son Macaque suddenly stood up straighter. 

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