A friend

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It was easier, just a little, the next day to use less force on everything, MK found. He didn't break anything in the morning (Besides his alarm clock but that was fine because it was only the button on the top that was slightly bent and it still worked anyway) and in the evening he went to find somewhere to let off some of this excess energy.

He ended up right near the docks, surrounded by a bunch of big containers and machinery.

He hadn't known what had brought him here, really. Just that he liked the view of the ocean and this place was as quiet as it could get, just outside the bustle of the city.

But he still wasn't sure how to let off some energy, still feeling that buzz from yesterday. He could go for a run? But that wasn't his kind of thing.  

"You feelin' alright there?" MK jumped at the sound of another person's voice, as soft as it may be, spinning around from the view of the ocean to see someone at least three times his size. 

"Um, hi." He squeaked out, clearing his throat afterward and continuing on in a faked deeper voice. 

"I was just- enjoying the view?" The other guy nodded, looking thoughtful, and MK slowly relaxed as the other stood by him and looked out at the ocean as well. 

"Yeah, it is relaxing. I find it goes well with a nice cup of tea." And, much to MK's surprise, he pulled a cup (that even seemed to be hot!) out of nowhere and offered it to him. 

"Would you like some?" And, though MK's first reaction was to take it out of his hands and accept, he stopped himself mid-motion, drawing back awkwardly. 

"um, no thanks. I really shouldn't - well, take things from strangers." 

The other, instead of getting offended, simply nodded. 

"Makes sense to me. My name's Sandy by the way." Then the other took a sip of the tea instead, sighing in content afterward. 

"I'm- I'm MK." The other smiled a big smile that made MK feel more relaxed. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you, MK!" and the weird thing was, the other sounded so sincere about that, too! Which was strange because not many people liked meeting MK. He knew that from experience. 

"What brings you out here. I don't get that many people this far outside of the city. It's usually just me and my cats!" MK gasped, eyes sparkling. 

"YOU HAVE CATS!" He yelled out excitedly, bouncing on his heels before stopping and adding in a more confused tone, 

"Wait, you live here?" 

"I sure do! It's great. Besides the lack of company, that is. But that's why I have MO." MK tilted his head.

"Who?" Sandy, delighted, spoke louder. 

"MO! He's the best cat in the whole world!" MK laughed, smiling along with this person who was so strange. In a good way, of course. 

"I'd love to meet him sometime," MK said, almost shy and Sandy grinned even wider. 

"That would be great! You should come back sometime and see him. He loves being pet." MK nodded, eyes trailing back to the ocean and the setting sun. 

"Ah, I should probably get going. It was nice talking to you though sandy!" He was already bounding away though, waving behind him and tripping over a garbage can before righting himself and laughing sheepishly then running away again. 

"Bye MK!" He heard Sandy yell after him and MK smiled to himself, getting into his vehicle and driving away.  

When he got home, he flopped onto his bed, smiling up at the ceiling. 

Tomorrow, he'd go visit Sandy again. 

It was easier because he had the day off. Today was a Sunday and that meant that the shop was closed in the morning so that Pigsy could go food shopping, just as he did every week. It was nice because it gave MK plenty of time to hang out with Mei. Which is obviously what he did. 

They spent most of the morning at the arcade playing Monkey Mech! Arguably the best game ever. Mei always beat him but he didn't mind. Today, he was focused, tongue sticking out his mouth slightly in concentration, hands slamming on the buttons. 

"C'mon!" He panicked when Mei was about to win, hitting the buttons with a little bit too much force and suddenly he was yelping as his hand cracked the machine, a split going all the way through it up to where the screen was and cracking that, too. 

"Jeez MK, what's gotten into you lately," Mei asked, poking around the broken machine in both confusion and awe. 

"Ah, I'm sorry Mei! I didn't mean to, honest!" MK stumbled out, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. 

"Yeah. We should probably get going before someone comes and tells us off." Mei said, still poking the busted machine and letting out a "yeesh" when some smoke came out of it. 

"yep!" MK let out hysterically. 

"Let's go." And he grabbed Mei's hand and dragged her out of the arcade. 

"Shame about that machine," Mei said as they walked along the sidewalk, hands in her pockets. 

Feeling guilty, MK only let out a small "Yeah" before sighing. 

"So what should we do now?" She asked, kicking a stray can that was on the ground with her foot. It was silent for a moment while MK processed the question and then he grabbed her shoulders suddenly, eyes lighting up with an idea. 

"Let's go to the docks!" He yelled and Mei looked at him, deadpan and confused. 

"What? Why there?" Tugging her along he tried forming the words in his head to explain, realizing that she wasn't in his head and therefore couldn't follow his line of thinking if he didn't explain. 

"There's this guy, Sandy. He's really cool and you should meet him!" Mei didn't look convinced. 

"And he's got cats," MK added in a sing-song tone, laughing when Mei's face lit up like a Christmas tree. 

"CATS!" His best friend yelled excitedly, grabbing MK and jumping up and down. 

"LET'S GO!" She tugged along MK and, though it didn't actually move him at all, he moved along with her to humor his friend's excitement, leading the way as they walked. 

As they walked, there was silence for a while, MK simply enjoying the walk until Mei spoke. 

"So." MK looked at his friend, tilting his head and waiting for her to continue. 

"What's been going on with you recently?" Feeling embarrassed MK played oblivious, smile carefully placed on his face. 

"What do you mean?" His best friend must have seen through him though because she sighed in frustration. 

"I mean, how come you're always breaking things and- and you're more clumsy than you usually are." Then, under her breath, she mumbled. 

"Which is saying something 'cause you're usually very clumsy anyway." 

"Hey!" MK protested though it was mostly for show. He was well aware of how clumsy he was, always having terrible balance. It wasn't his fault though! He just- the weight wasn't right! He didn't know how to describe it but he'd always felt.. off. 

Mei gave him a look and he sighed. 

"Yeah... you're right. Honestly, I don't even know what's going on with me! I just-" He looked down at his hands and clenched them shut. 

"Feel different?" But not in a bad way, really. If anything, he felt better than he normally did. More- right. Less tired, too, despite the lack of sleep he'd been getting. 

Mei looked at him, concerned and he waved her off, glad when they reached their destination. 

"Look! Here we are!" He raced ahead, avoiding the conversation while feeling grateful for the distraction. 

"Let's see Sandy." 

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