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When Mei skidded into the kitchen Pigsy was immediately worried about her, opening his mouth to tell her to leave gently only for her to beat him to it.

"Sandy says we'll be there in five minutes." She told him, almost breathless and he nodded, nervous jitters squirming about inside him for a second before he pushed the feeling down.

Almost immediately after speaking Mei was turning to look at the Bone Demon, her eyes set into a hard glare before purposefully looking away from her like she wasn't worth her time and Pigsy could practically see the problem even before the demon even opened her mouth. 

"Not looking at me? Are you sure that's wise? After all, the last time you weren't paying attention someone got hurt." She taunted and he winced when Mei swung around to glare at her again, her glare so hard he almost thought the Bone Demon would catch on fire from it.

"That's coming from the one tied up. Maybe you should be the one being careful. I won't feel any remorse ending you after what you did." She spat out, her knife all but appearing from thin air as she played with it in her hands. It would have been more threatening if her eyes weren't still red from how much she'd been crying earlier.   

"After what I did?" The demon tilted her head, teeth showing as she smiled. 

"You mean after what you did. If you hadn't been there-" 

"That's enough." Pigsy interrupted, cutting straight through her poisonous words and turning to Mei.

"Why don't you go see if Macaque needs any help bandaging himself up, 'kay kiddo." He asked her, voice softening and she stared at the Bone Demon for a moment longer, something haunted in her expression before snapping out of it and nodding. 

"Yeah okay. I'll let you know when we land." She told him before walking off, not glancing back at the woman in the chair who watched silently, creepily, as she left.   

She seemed relaxed as one tied up could be and Pigsy wondered if her confidence was just arrogance. Then again, maybe she'd be less calm if she knew what they were planning on doing with her. 

He wasn't a sadistic person but he couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she realized what she'd gotten herself into and he couldn't wait till they put her back in that fucking box and let her rot.  

Macaque found his mind wandering as he bandaged his wounds slowly. It felt like he'd been doing nothing but tending to wounds lately and he wondered for a second if he had just been a liability. If he was weak. 

He must be to keep getting himself hurt like this, right? 

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, ears twitching in the direction of the sound. 

"Come in." He called out, already knowing who it was from the sound of their breathing. As expected, Mei opened the door, head down as she fiddled with her sword in her hands.

"Pigsy told me to make sure you were okay and ask if you needed any help." She told him, standing in the doorway as he continued wrapping bandages around his leg. 

"Oh, and we'll be at the hospital in a few minutes so you might want to hurry up as well." She added on afterward and he nodded at her, glad that he was pretty much done anyway. 

"Thanks, kid but I'm almost done." She didn't respond and he watched as she stared off into space again, still fiddling with the handle of her sword like she didn't know what to do with herself. 

"Do you want to come and wait in here till we get there?" He asked and she took a moment before nodding, walking in quietly, and shutting the door behind her before perching on the edge of his bed, eyes looking down at her sword. 

"...Do you want to talk about it?" He asked quietly after a moment of silence, recognizing the way she was stuck in her own head. She took a deep breath in, squeezing her eyes shut for a second before blurting out- 

"It's my fault," sagging afterward like there was a weight off her shoulders and yet somehow looking tenser for it. He'd heard her say that earlier as well so it didn't surprise him that she was telling him again now.   

"I was supposed to protect him, that's why I was there, to help, and I just got in the way. If I hadn't been there then maybe he wouldn't have-" She didn't finish, her words choking off as she put her hand over her mouth to muffle a sob, and Macaque sighed before moving to sit down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. 

"It's not your fault. I don't know what happened but I can tell you that it definitely isn't your fault. Besides, do you think MK would want you to blame yourself like this?" She shook her head, leaning into his side as she let out a breath. 

"No..." She mumbled miserably. 

"He'd probably feel awful about it and try to cheer me up." She sniffled, letting out a huff that was a half laugh at the thought of her best friend trying to cheer her up desperately like it was his fault she was upset.  

"He'll be okay," Macaque told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and hoping that he was telling the truth. He had to be okay and Macaque was pretty certain he was because only Buddha knew what Wukong would do if he wasn't okay. He was pretty unpredictable when it came to his emotions. 

Macaque's only comfort was that if MK had died Wukong surely would've been back to kill the Bone Demon by now so that meant that at least MK wasn't dead.  

Or at least that's what he was telling himself.

His arm was still around Mei, inwardly and guiltily wishing it was his kid next to him for just a moment when the ship stopped moving and his heart thumped loudly in his chest, picking up pace when he realized that meant they were there. 

Mei seemed to realize too because almost instantly she was on her feet, Macaque following after her as she left his room and walked to the deck where they could immediately see the city. 

They were at the shore but they weren't at the hospital he thought numbly, concern bubbling inside him till Sandy appeared from around the corner. 

"This is as close as my ship will take us, you'll have to take the truck to get to the hospital. Red Son, Tang, and I are going to stay back to keep an eye on the Bone Demon."

"Wait you are?" Mei asked, blinking in surprise, and Red Son seemed to appear out of nowhere as he suddenly cut in, rolling his eyes. 

"Yes, we are. Someone needs to make sure she doesn't get free while you go make sure Monkey boy is okay." He explained like it was obvious and Mei grinned at him, the first smile she'd had on her face since she'd gotten back. 


"Yeah, no problem. Now you'd better keep me updated! I can't make plans if I don't know what's going on." He huffed but Mei knew what he was asking for, her smile becoming a little brighter and more real. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure MK texts you as soon as he can so you know he's okay." She grinned, laughing at the way Red Son's face became flushed as his hair caught on fire. 

"That's not what I was asking for! I don't care if that damn nuisance is okay!" He screeched but everyone hearing him could tell that wasn't true. 

"Sure, text you later, stay safe!" Mei said as a goodbye as she tugged on Macaque's arm, wanting to leave as soon as possible and get to MK. 

Macaque didn't complain, he was equally nervous to see MK and Wukong, anticipation making him feel jittery. He'd be fine as soon as he saw them both with his own eyes, as soon as he could confirm for himself that they were okay which he was sure they were.  

He refused to think about the alternative. 

(Everyone's looking after Mei and she deserves it because I feel bad for traumatizing her. LBD is still being an ass even when she's a prisoner though lol. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time! I can't wait to get back to MK and Wukong. ( •̀ ω •́ ))  

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