Protective, Sweet Side

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"Fuckin' mutts." He mumbled out, loud enough for MK to flinch and just loud enough for Red Son to hear. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL HIM?" The demon absolutely exploded, his hair burning bright with flames and at the display of power and heat and rage, the guy actually took a step back, pailing as a flush of panic settled in. MK ignored the way his heart flipped at the defense, noticing that even though the guy had been talking about both of them it was MK that Red Son was defending fiercely.

"I-" The guy stammered his words, cringing back from the heat like he'd realized he'd made a huge mistake.

"Do you have any idea who I am? I could tear you apart limb from limb you pathetic human so apologize or I'll burn you to ash." Red yelled angrily, his hands curled into fists and MK could do nothing but stare in absolute awe at the bright flames surrounding him, ignoring the way that everyone around them had stopped whatever they were doing to watch the commotion and the wild flames that licked at the floor.

Red Son looked wild like that, flames bursting from his hands and hair and surrounding him like a halo, and MK couldn't look away, fixed to the spot.

"S-sorry!" The guy rushed out, practically trembling on the spot, and MK really should be upset that Red Son was threatening someone like this but his heart was too busy thundering wildly in his chest, delighted for some odd reason.

"Not to me, to him!" Red snapped out and the guy quickly looked over to MK, making eye contact with him timidly and frantically.

"I'm sorry!" He whimpered out again and MK didn't say anything, didn't even manage to close his jaw as Red Son growled, Mei just as stumped and awed and oddly delighted next to him. Obviously, neither had been expecting Red Son to care as much as he had.

"Good, now get out of here." The guy nodded gratefully and was quick to flee at the demon's words, scrambling out the door with wide eyes and trembling limbs while the fire around them died down, and then Red Son crossed his arms and acted totally normal right before their eyes a second later.

"Tch, peasants." He huffed to himself, looking back over at MK as he pulled his hair back so it looked a little neater, having been messed up a little after bursting into flames.

"Are you okay, Monkey boy?" He asked, tone casual and sounding a little disinterested the way he normally did, and MK could do nothing but nod dumbly, throat oddly dry and body tingling with a warmth that was thick in the air.

"Uh yeah, thanks." He managed to get out when it was obvious the demon was looking for a verbal answer and Red Son settled at this, straightening his jacket as he nodded.


Around them, everyone else was silent and still, staring at the small flames on the carpet left behind that Mei stared at too, the smell of something burning wafting through the air.

"We uh- we should probably leave before security comes." Mei finally laughed awkwardly, stamping out a little fire that was in front of her and MK nodded, holding his wet jacket in his arms.

"Hey! Who did this?" The trio heard a guy, probably the manager or the security guard yell and MK laughed, nervously.

"Yep! We should definitely go!" He rushed out, grabbing onto Red's arm and tugging him out of the store after Mei, someone yelling behind them but they were too fast, Mei cheering as they rushed down the street and out of sight.

Once it was clear they weren't being chased MK let go of Red Son only for Mei to jump and clap her hands together loudly, getting right up in the demon's space.

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