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MK was feeling much better that morning. Despite the nightmare, he'd woken up well-rested, probably from feeling so safe and snug tucked in between his dads. Waking up later had also helped with that but MK was now full of energy and mischief. 

He'd been feeling better physically as well, especially yesterday when it took him a lot longer to tire out than the day before, and since Dad had let him train yesterday, he was hoping he could convince him to do something more physical again today. With any luck, he'd be able to convince him to spare with him. It felt like it had been ages since they last did that and MK could remember doing it often before, back when Macaque was still lying to him. 

Even though the situation was tinged with that knowledge it was still a fond memory of MK's. He'd enjoyed that time Macaque had been training him and helping him with his powers but he was even more glad things were different now. Maybe even Baba would join in this time if MK could convince him. That would be really cool! Training with his two favorite people. 

Wondering how to ask while he made breakfast MK waited until both Macaque and Wkuong were in the kitchen and settled before opening his mouth and asking. 

"Can we spare a bit today?" He asked, tilting his head and looking at Macaque. 

"Please?" He added at seeing the hesitation there and he saw the way his dad rolled his eyes fondly, taking note of the very moment he was on-bored with the idea when he opened his mouth to, hopefully, agree. 

"No way! Are you serious? You can't be serious, he's still healing!" MK's ears twitched and dropped at the sound of Baba's frustrated scolding, the immortal glaring right at Macaque who looked away. 

"Come on, Baba! I feel much better, promise!" MK tried to sway him, bringing out his puppy eyes that Wukong immediately softened at but didn't seem convinced all the way. 

"Yeah, we'll be careful Peaches, don't worry." MK beamed at the support, nodding eagerly as Wkuong flicked his gaze between the two.

"You can even join us if you want! That way you'll be right there." MK suggested, silently hoping he would and he could feel his tail flicking back and forth in anticipation as Wukong made up his mind, sighing with a defeated but find smile. 

"Alright fine, but we're taking breaks." He insisted and MK nodded his head at the compromise, happy that he'd get to spare with both his dads as a family. He couldn't wait! 

"Awesome! Thank you so much! Let's go!" he cheered, excited and impatient as he shoved the last of his cereal down his throat and stood up, tail wagging in anticipation as he darted towards the front door.   

"Woah, slow down bud, where's the fire? Besides, we're all still in our pajamas." Macaque snorted and MK gasped, looking down and realizing he was right. 

"Okay, meet me outside when you're dressed then!" MK called while running back towards his room, bouncing in impatience as he found his clothes and quickly dressed and brushed his teeth, putting up his hair messily before darting back outside, waiting near the front door in the sun for his dads to hurry up and get out here too.     

He waited about four seconds before getting bored, rocking back and forth on his heels before sighing and tapping his fingers against each other, wishing they'd hurry up. Even though the sun was warm and the sky was bright and the area around him was covered in greenery, water, and trees MK was bored and he couldn't wait to start getting stronger again. He felt so out of practice! 

If they were sparing though he knew Macaque would make him do some warm-ups beforehand so he didn't pull anything. Though Wukong had never done that before sparing with him, (probably because he didn't do it himself or didn't know pulling a muscle was something that could happen) Macaque had always made sure MK took the time to warm up before things like this so with that thought in mind MK reached towards his ear for his staff so he could get started while he waited, mussing to himself about how the last time he'd used it had been before he woke up injured. 

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