Weak Planning

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After the strangest encounter of his life, Wukong found himself blinking in the empty kitchen for a long while before finally snapping out of his daze and shoving his hand into his bag of chips, taking one out and quickly eating it.

He hadn't been hungry but the flavor was nice and he was glad he had them as he walked back to his room, mulling over his conversation. 

Finishing off the chips quickly he made it to his room, uncaring of the time as he finally felt settled enough to get into his bed. His head was still buzzing with thoughts but some of the tightness in his chest that had kept him awake earlier had mellowed out now and it was easier than he'd thought it would be to simply lie down and close his eyes, not sure of the moment he fell asleep. 

He was rudely awoken in the morning by a loud knock on his door that had him jumping up in his head, eyes spinning to the door at the abrupt awakening. 

"Mister Monkey King, Red Son told me to tell you to come out for breakfast!" Mei called out, her voice far too bubbly for first thing in the morning.  

"I said no such thing! I don't care if that- that peasant starves or not!" Wukong heard Red Son splutter out, voice snarling and angry. He wondered exactly why MK had befriended such an annoying individual but quickly shook the thought away. MK would befriend a pile of dirt, that's just who he was.  

 Red Son was less dirt and more trashcan Wukong thought to himself with a small laugh.

"Uh, mister Monkey King? Are you awake?" Mei knocked again on the door and he suppressed a sigh. 

"Yeah, I'm awake, kid. I'll be there in a sec." 

"Okay!" She yelled through the door and he heard footsteps walking away, finally sighing in relief and lying back down on the bed. 

He didn't... really want to do today. 

 The door swung open and he yelped, immediately sitting back up as Macaque stood in the doorway, arms crossed and fur tussled from sleep. Well, the parts he could see that weren't under his bandages of course. 

"What the heck?" He yelled instead, glaring at the figure in the doorway. 

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" He scoffed, tone sarcastic and Macaque rolled his eyes.

"If I don't drag you there myself, you'll stay in this room all day. I know you, idiot." He said and Wukong scowled, frustrated that he was probably right. He wasn't going to admit that, though, swinging his legs off the side of the bed and standing up instead. 

"Not true." He muttered but conviction didn't really come through from his tone and it was obvious Macaque didn't believe him.  Sulking the whole time, Wukong resigned himself to his fate and followed Macaque as he left his room, stalking down familiar hallways to the dining room. 

Macaque could hear the voices from the room long before they got to the doorway and he faltered for just a moment, not enough to notice, before forcing himself to walk into the chaos and awkwardness.

Inside the room, everyone else sat at a table, the Bull King at one end and Princesses Iron Fan on his left. Everyone else was scattered about and Macaque took a seat next to the lumbering figure that was Sandy, Wukong sitting down next to him with Mei on his other side.

Tang sat next to Princess Iron Fan, the poor woman, and was excitedly asking endless questions at her while she ignored him, eating her food with a displeased expression on her face. DBK also looked fairly displeased, expression souring when Macaque and Wukong had walked in but he did catch that expression softening just a tad when he looked over at his son, who was yelling about something to do with engines to Mei.

Food was brought out by the bull clones and Macaque watched as Wukong's face lit up as a bowl of cut-up peaches was placed down in front of him, the immortal immediately shoving a slice into his mouth and closing his eyes in joy. Macaque smirked to himself, picking up some of his own fruit and figuring that it had probably been a while since Wukong had been able to have peaches. 

Conversations went by around him that he didn't pay attention to until Princess Iron Fan cleared her throat, staring straight at Wukong. 

"So, how long do you think you'll all be staying?" Her tone was icy and Macaque could tell that she wanted them gone as soon as possible, not that he blamed her. 

Even though it was clear the question was for Wukong, he didn't acknowledge her or look up. It was obvious he'd heard and was probably choosing to be ignorant on purpose. In the end, it was awkwardness that made Mei answer when it was clear no one else was going to. Macaque himself wasn't going to because it was Wukong who was being a coward and he absolutely deserved to suffer for it. 

"We're just waiting till Macaque heals up a bit!" She smiled, slinging an arm around Red Son's shoulder that was immediately shoved off. 

"Then we're gonna go back and bust up that creepy Bone Demon and get MK back." She sounded confident and sure but Macaque knew it wasn't going to be that easy, he knew that they shouldn't really be going back even though they had to. He wasn't just leaving MK there. 

It was at this, though, that the Demon Bull King snorted, shaking his head as his wife raised a judgmental eyebrow at Mei. 

"You really think you all will be able to defeat her? Her power has grown and she is an overwhelming presence. If she has your friend under her control I doubt it will be that simple freeing him." Iron Fan told Mei and Macaque wasn't sure whether she was trying to tear the girl down or ward her off something dangerous. Her tone was so flat that he couldn't tell. 

"What? But you did, Red Son told me! If you can break out then so can MK!" She said, directing her statement at DBK and Macaque wondered when Red Son had mentioned that story to Mei before shaking the thought off. It was almost sad how determined Mei was about this, how sure she was that they could win. 

"Ha! Hardly. I was completely under her control until she left of her own volition, it was pathetic. There was nothing I could have done. Your friend is truly gone." DBK at the very least sounded sympathetic but Macaque winced at the expression on Mei's face, the rage, and anger there as she stood up swiftly. 

"That's not true! I'll never give up on MK! We're going to save him." She protested, eyes wild and firey. She looked around the table for support, waiting for someone to agree as steadily as she was but everyone else stayed silent, too unsure to give her what she was looking for. Macaque wasn't sure what expression he'd had when she'd looked at him briefly but clearly, it wasn't what she wanted. When she got to Wukong, the other simply looked away uncomfortably and Mei's expression dropped, hurt clear in her eyes. 

Macaque wondered what would have happened if she'd looked to Red Son for support too, would he have stood up for her, agreeing wholeheartedly or would he have taken his family's view? She didn't look though so he supposed he'd never know. 

"Foolish child, do you even have a solid plan? Something to defeat her? Or were you just hoping your determination and stubbornness would be enough?" Iron Fans' rhetorical and unfortunately true question made Mei sit back down, mouth opening like she had something to say before closing it again, looking lost.

Silence covered the table and Macaque looked back to Wukong again, noticing the way he was staring into the bowl in front of him, expression closed off. It was so hard to imagine what was running through his head right then so Macaque didn't bother trying, not sure if he was angry at him for not speaking up or not. 

"...Then let's make a plan."  

(Okay,  it's late so I didn't really spell check so if there are any mistakes please let me know and I'll fix them, thanks. I always love writing Mei being fiercely protective of MK. Also, DBK absolutely got the Bull clones to buy some peaches so Wukong could have them for breakfast since they didn't have any. He's secretly a big softy even if he still hasn't really forgiven Wukong. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again soon!)

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