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MK wasn't sure how long he'd spent at the foot of his bed, face buried into the covers as he listened to the rhythmic sound of Macaque's heartbeat. 

His knees hurt but it was like it was layered deep in static so he couldn't really feel it anyway. 

On the bed, Macaque's breathing hitched slightly and all MK's ears twitched as he looked up at the demon, waiting. 

Macaque let out a sigh and shuffled around slightly, groaning. MK watched. 

Then, Macaque's eyes scrunched up before blinking open slowly, barely squinting as he let out another groan. 

"Macaque!" MK yelled, excited, jumping up as his tail began whipping around behind him. 

"Kid?" Macaque opened his eyes all the way, looking with wide eyes at MK who was grinning. 

"You're awake!" MK yelled out again, excited and when macaque winced slightly at the volume he said, quieter.

"I'm so glad you're okay? Wait, are you okay? Does anything hurt too much? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you dying?" He got more hysteric as he went along and Macaque let out a chuckle, moving to put a hand on MK's arm. 

"Kid, seriously, I'm gonna be fine. I'll heal up in no time, you'll see." Then, he looked around the room and back at MK, taking note of the fact that MK wasn't human anymore. 

"What happened anyway kid? All I remember is Wukong pinning me down and then- nothing." 

MK winced. 

"Yeah- um. You blacked out after he- hit you and I brought you home. Pigsy helped me patch you up." He explained, heart still racing from the memory of what had happened. 

"Oh." Macaque sounded stumped. 

There was silence, the only sound being the swishing of MK's tail behind him. 

Eventually, Macaque drew his gaze to it and it stopped suddenly, MK flushing in embarrassment as he forced it still. 

"You- you shapeshifted?" Macaque asked, leaving it open ended to encourage MK to provide more information. 

"Oh, yeah. I had to get away and I couldn't really pick you up so..." He didn't give anymore then that, looking down at his own paws with a strange expression on his face.

Macaque sighed, sitting up slowly with a wince before patting the bed next to him. MK sat down, comfort by feeling close to him. 

  "I'm sorry, kid." He said eventually, looking dismay and MK was confused. 

"Sorry? What for? You didn't do anything! If anything I should be sorry because I said we could trust him and you trusted me and you got hurt! That's my fault! I should have- should have stopped him or tried to help or-" 

He was cut off by firm, soft arms wrapping around him, tugging him in close and MK's eyes welled up tears once again, clutching on tight and grasping handfuls of fur into his hands. 

"It wasn't you fault, kid. It wasn't. You just... trusted the wrong person, that's all. That's not on you." He pulled MK back so he could see the others' face, expression soft as he wiped the tears off the kids' cheeks. 

"And hey, we'll learn from this together yeah? Thing's will be fine. I'm here for you." MK nodded, feeling small as he tucked himself into Macaque's side and just held on, enjoying the feeling of the demon's hands slowly combing through his fur carefully.

"We'll be fine as long as we've got each other." He finished, voice low and quiet as he looked down at his kid. His kid who was in his arms, trusting and hurt and so very, very naïve. 

It wouldn't do well to be that soft, but he could train Mk out of it eventually. What was important for now was that he was loyal to Macaque and Macaque alone. 

Sun Wukong had nothing. 

The thought brought a smile to his face and he tugged MK just a tad bit closer. Yes, MK was his and Macaque didn't share things that were his.

They stayed like that for a while, MK's mind spinning like a disk as it tried to comprehend everything that had happened the day before. From Monkey King attacking Macaque to MK calling the demon 'dad.' 

He'd been scared at the time, that's why he'd done it and yet he wouldn't take it back now. 

Not when he was lying down, snuggled into the others' side with both their tails entwined, holding on to each other like they would get lost if they didn't. 

Macaque acted like a dad. He looked after him, taught him, comforted him, encouraged him. He cared. MK wanted Macaque to be his dad.

He just hoped Macaque felt the same way. 

"What do you remember from yesterday?" He found himself asking vagally, trying to push the conversation in a certain direction. 

"Not much, kid. Like I said, I remember being knocked down, I remember seeing the look in Wukong's eyes, the rage and then my head was hurting and it was like I was under water suddenly." He ran his claws through MK's fur gently. 

"..why do you ask?"  Because Mk had been hoping that Macaque would remember MK calling him dad. 

"...No reason." He muttered out, curling up a little bit more and Macaque shifted behind him, tugging MK around so that he was facing him. He looked worried. 

"Kid. You can tell me anything, you know? Anything." MK took a deep breath in, searching the demon's eyes and finding nothing but genuine care.

"It's... when you were... unconscious I called you 'dad.'" He watched as Macaque's eyes widened, startled. Before Mk could even begin to try and figure out whether it was a positive or negative reaction he was already back peddling. 

"I didn't mean to! It just came out and I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable, we can just forget about it and-"  

"You're my kid, MK. I already thought of you as such." Macaque said, startling MK who's jaw hung open. 

"You- you do?" There was hope there. A hope that even after all those years of disappointment and neglect had never died out.   

Macaque nodded and opened his mouth to say something else when MK flung his arms around him, squeezing on tightly while his tail swung happily behind him. He buried his smile into Macaque's fur, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. 

"Love you." He whispered out, like it was the first time he'd ever told anyone that and Macaque wrapped his arm arms around his kid, something warm squirming in his chest hard enough that the felt his heart was going to explode. 

He'd never felt like this before. Soft-weak, his mind provided for him but he ignored it to clutch on closer to his son, allowing himself this moment.

"I love you too, kid." 

(Macaque has really bad morals and motivations behind why he was getting close to MK at first but it's just really sweet how MK is slowly getting past those barriers. I love seeing these two together! But all the things Macaque's done and made MK believe are totally gonna have to be addressed at some point because he's a terrible influence on our poor boy.  

The truth always comes out sooner or later.

But anyway, Merry Christmas! This is my gift to all of you, have a wonderful day!)

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