Food Thoughts

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"Will you knock that racket off? I'm trying to work here!"  Red Son yelled angrily, Wukong's laughter dying down pretty quickly as Macaque sat down, flicking some of the water out of his fur before beginning to pick at the food in front of him.

Wukong kept the amused grin on his face, which probably helped to sully Macaque's mood further but there was something oddly fond in the way Wukong found himself looking at Macaque that had him feeling concerned, shoving the feeling down.  

"Red Son's just not used to normal laughter," Mei commented teasingly, watching as Red Son's hair lit with flames at the insult, gawking and squawking at her with the ferocity of a small but loud dog. 

Mei didn't seem to take any of his numerous threats seriously so neither did anyone else as they watched the young two's conversation like it was entertainment while they ate.

Wukong watched the way Macaque ate, making sure the other didn't notice his gaze as he observed the way Macaque tugged his bowl closer to him discreetly, a tiny, almost invisible upwards turn of the lips whenever he took a bite or a moment where he closed his eyes in delight just a moment too long to be a blink. 

It was funny to watch, finding himself feeling something warm as he found those little things about Macaque interesting. The way he hid his joy in the food by pretending to be unemotional and indifferent, the way he only relaxed and enjoyed himself when he thought no one was looking.

A small, amused huff caused Macaque's ears to twitch and he had to hold in his smile as the other glanced at him from the corner of his eye in confusion, Wukong looking away innocently like he hadn't just been caught staring and hadn't even been looking at Macaque at all. 

He must have acted well enough to evade suspicion because soon Macaque was turning back to his food, not tensed or bothered. It made Wukong feel accomplished and he looked around, sure MK would have caught him and made a face with that stupidly wide grin of his- 

It felt like ice water had been dumped over him, the smile dropping right off his face as whatever mall bits of warmth he'd been feeling sank like a rock in his stomach. 

Right. MK wasn't here. 

How many times was he going to just keep forgetting? How many times was he going to look around expecting to see his kid only to see nothing and remember? 

Why- why did it still feel just as horrible and painful as it had the first time like something had been ripped away from him?  

"Did that bowl do something to you or what?" Macaque's voice cut through the thoughts and Wukong snapped his head up from the bowl he hadn't even realized he'd been glaring into sorrowfully, blinking in surprise. 

"You're looking at it like it personally offended you." The other continued with a raised eyebrow and Wukong rolled his eyes, huffing as he took another bite. 

"Just thinking." He scoffed and really he should have known better than to say that before Macaque was immediately grinning like a smug bastard and he could hear the rebuttal on the others' lips before he'd even spoken- 

"Yeah? Don't think too hard, wouldn't want you hurting yourself." Wukong was so, so close to hitting him but settled for rolling his eyes harder and taking another bite of food, petulantly ignoring him and the way his voice came across so god damn smoothly. 

The other probably knew it too, knew he sounded smooth and sultry in his deep baritone voice. It was unfair. No one should be allowed to be that- 

deciding not to finish the thought Wukong tuned back into the other conversations around him, proud of the way Macaque looked offended at his side for being ignored. 

He watched as Tang tried to steal Pigsy's bowl after already finishing his, watched as Red Son and Mei squabbled and Sandy calmly tried to keep the peace. It was chaotic and weird and yet he could absolutely see why MK was so fond of it all. 

He finished his food and was just about getting ready to leave when Mei looked up at him, seeming to sense he was done. 

"Mister Monkey King, sir? I was wondering if you'd help train me?" The girl looked down at her hands, her expression that of stubborn determination. 

"I want to- I need to get stronger." She sounded so serious, so resolute and Wukong watched, feeling awkward. He understood where she was coming from, of course, he knew all too well the feeling of needing more power, of needing to be indestructible.  

But he taught MK. 

He wasn't sure he'd be able to ever teach someone else how to fight, even if they were very different he was sure he'd crumble under the familiarity, missing that one person that made it so fond in the first place.

"Sorry, kid, I don't do lessons." He came out with, waving her off. He could see the way her eyes went wide and then narrowed with frustration. 

"But I-" 

"Mei, he said no." Wukong had never been more grateful for Macaque in his life, the demon having interrupted as soon as her voice became a shout. It surprised him when Mei listened, though, having expected her to continue pushing. Instead, she simply crossed her arms, looking away. 

"That's not fair! I need to be able to help." She huffed, and guilt ate away at Wukong's insides. He was such a coward.

"Like you'd need his help to get better."  Surprisingly Red Son hissed, tone scathing but what he''d said made Mei perk up. 

"What?" She was just as surprised and Red Son rolled his eyes, looking up from what he was fiddling with.

"He'd be a terrible teacher! He can't even teach monkey boy properly." Anger flared up inside Wukong, immediately defensive. 

"That's not true-" 

"Then why wasn't he able to get away from her, huh? Cause you're bad at teaching. Heck, I bet I could do better!" He huffed and Wukong froze at the words, hearing them bouncing around in his head. He was right. Maybe- maybe if he'd been better MK would have been able to stop her, wouldn't have been taken. Maybe if he were just stronger he wouldn't have created this whole mess in the first place. It was all his fault and guilt tore away at him. 

"The kid wasn't just taught by Wukong, you know. Watch what you're saying, brat." Macaque told the demon, tone stern. His cold glare didn't deter Red Son but he did inwardly decide to tactically quit on that line of thought. 

"If that peasant won't train you then I, Red Son will! I'll show you who's superior." He cackled out and Mei grinned, touched and excited. 

"You will? Yes! Thanks, Red Son!" She smiled grinning wide enough that her sharp teeth were on display and Red Son pushed her away, yelping loudly when she tried to hug him.

"Hey, get off! I'm not doing it because I like you, you peasant! I'm proving my superiority- I said get off!" They squabbled like kids, an interesting but explosive and loud dynamic. Then again, they were kids, Wukong thought as he watched them. He knew he shouldn't listen to what Red Son had said but... well he was right, wasn't he? 

Wukong had failed.

Next time... next time he wouldn't.

(Sorry I've taken so long, Iv'e been unwell again! What is going on with my immune system recently? I'm still feeling under the weather but it's better then before, which was seriously awful and I'm glad I'm no longer in that much pain :( I hope you guys have been doing better then me and I'll see you guys soon!)

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