Hasty Decisions

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Both the immortals stilted at the sound of MK's voice, tinged with the creepy tone that only the Bone Demon could create.

MK's body pulled out the staff, staring at the weapon and then grinning at Sun Wukong who was staring at her in absolute horror. 

"What's wrong? Trying to leave your son again?" She taunted and Macaque winced at the fire that instantly lit up in Wukong's fierce eyes, his expression murderous enough to set a bush on fire. 

"You let go of him right now or so help me-" The Bone Demon laughed, the sound eerie and nothing like MK's joyful laugh. It made Macaque flinch, his body immediately protesting the action as he winced at the pain. 

Wukong bore his teeth, animalistic aggression making him seem all the more dangerous. The Lady Bone Demon only looked more pleased with his reaction, taking a second to milk the moment before making her move. 

"Don't worry. I shall make sure you stay with him this time." She raised her hand, ice careening towards the two. With MK's body, it had a golden tint to it and that alone only made Wukong more enraged, tail lashing out heavily behind him. 

Macaque lunged to the side, crashing into Wukong to push him out the way since it was clear the other wasn't even trying to move. Luckily, the shove snapped Wukong out of his frozen state, darting to the side to be able to fully avoid the attack only for ice to grip around Macaque's leg and freeze him in place, having been too busy worrying about the idiot next to him to focus on his own footing and surroundings. 

"Shit." He pulled out his spiked staff, swinging against the ice at his leg heavily only for it to not even remotely chip. Panic fuelled his body as he swung at it again, harder this time only for the same result. 

"Macaque!" Wukong was at his side, his eyes ablaze with something fierce and terrifying as his hands curled into fists while he raised them and swung with all his might at the ice. 

It broke, shattering into splintering pieces and Macaque quickly yanked his foot out, wincing at how cold it felt before noting the scraped state of Wukong's hands, blood clumping into his fur.

He didn't even have a second to breathe, panic, or thank the other before ice spread from the ceiling, beginning to trap off their exit ruit, and at this Wukong's flight reflex cut in, his mind spinning with the thought of being trapped in another mountain. 

Within a millisecond he had summoned his cloud, motions completely instinctive and flooded with panic as he grabbed Macaque's arm and bolted it out of the room quick enough to give the demon hanging onto him whiplash and for even the Bone Demon to be surprised. 

She scowled, sighing in annoyance before blue mist pulled around her, the energy in the room combining in the atmosphere around her as the hairs on MK's body stood on end before they were gone, the space empty and leaving only the wreck of ice and damage of evidence she'd ever been there in the first place. 

Wukong and Macaque made it outside, the former dropping the latter as soon as they were out of the caves and into the open air where the panic faded. 

Macaque's eyes were wide with panic as he leaned over, breathing heavily while his brain tried to catch up with what was happening before he was quickly interrupted from his mounting terror.

"Mister Monkey King!" A voice, loud, bright, and excited to see them both spoke and they both whipped their heads around in the direction only to see Mei and Pigsy, both looking relieved to see them. 

"You're okay! Where's MK?" She asked, tilting her head and looking around them like she'd find him hiding behind them, ignorance allowing her to sound bright and cheerful as she asked. 

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