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A flash of light bright enough to blind made everyone shut their eyes and, once they opened them, there was MK, sitting among the shattered remains of the gourd, looking dizzy and confused. 

He looked up, blinking twice to get his vision back to normal only to see Wukong, staring at him and then behind him. 

Confusion twisted inside him, thoughts sluggishly spinning through his head as he realized he could move his own hands, that voice he'd heard for what felt like forever no longer with him. It was her he couldn't hear, he realized, couldn't feel, and for a moment he thought he was just hallucinating because how could that be? 

He couldn't have been free of her, not when he could still feel her cold burning at his back. 

"Such a fragile thing." He froze at the sound of her voice, breath catching in his throat, almost choking him as a hand, cold and firm rested itself on the back of his neck, goosebumps traveling down his spine as his eyes widened in absolute horror.  

He was still looking at his Baba, not daring to move or turn to look at the monster behind him but the fury and anger on Wukong's face wasn't helping either. 

Her grip tightened around his throat and he felt her nails drag across his skin for just a second before his flight response kicked in, body jerking away without his consent, legs scrambling under him as he wrenched himself out of her grip suddenly, tumbling towards his Baba who he instantly found himself hiding behind, grabbing on to the others' leg with an iron grip and trembling hands. 

He felt sick, closing his eyes and not daring to open them again, his heart hammering inside his chest and echoing in his ears like a loud drum.

He wasn't even sure how he'd managed to get out of her grip really, thinking in the back of his mind that he must have caught her off guard. She hadn't been expecting him to move so suddenly, so desperately. 

To be fair, neither had he. 

He felt his Baba's warm hand clutch him closer and sagged into his leg from where he was cowering behind him on the floor, face pressed into Wukong's leg in an action of seeking comfort.

"Oh, that's sweet. He thinks you can protect him." Her voice made him whimper even though it wasn't directed at him. After having what felt like forever with only her voice for company he was sure just hearing it now was enough to make him want to hide his face in his knees.  

"A foolish hope. After all, you have only failed at that so far." The jab made Wukong flinch, something small enough that it was barely noticeable to the others but for MK, who was holding onto the immortal's leg with an iron grip, it was easy to feel the way the muscles in his leg twitched. 

MK had heard what she'd said and felt indignation simmer for just a second inside him. His Baba hadn't failed. It was MK who was the one failing. Who was she to spout such lies? Then, as quickly as the feeling came, it fled, leaving him with unease and horror at his thoughts. Even going against her in his head made him feel like she was about to start talking to him again, telling him how pathetic and worthless he was. 

It felt like he'd been listening to those facts for forever and he didn't want  to have to bare it a second more. (That just showed how weak he really was though, didn't it? Hiding behind his Baba's leg like a coward.)

"I won't fail again." MK tuned back in as Wukong shifted, his tail wrapping around MK's wrist tightly. It was comforting and MK almost sagged into the feeling of protection he felt from it. He didn't, but only because he didn't want to look any more pathetic then he was sure he already did. He really wanted to though.

The Bone Demon smiled, tilting her head to the side and glancing down at MK, delighted with the way Wukong moved to shield his even further from her sight. 

"We'll see." She told him, ominous and leaving MK even more uncomfortable, squeezing his eyes shut like that would make it all go away. 

"Yeah, you will." Wukong snarled back, tone hard and biting and she frowned, narrowing her eyes at the implications.

"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake twice." She promised, only managing to make Wukong on edge. What had she meant by that? He didn't know but talking was better then fighting. He just needed to stall until Macaque got over here and then there would be someone around to keep MK safe while he fought.

"Oh yeah? And what mistake was that? Crawling out of your hole and pissing off me?" MK opened his eyes, blinking as he looked up at his Baba who was staring down the Bone Demon. He sounded so... furious. MK had only heard him that serious once and that was before he'd attacked Macaque. 

Just knowing what his Baba would do for him made his chest feel warm and fuzzy, small bits of safety pushing through the cold that still lingered in his chest. 

"No." It wasn't as terrifying hearing her voice this time, even though she sounded just as scary as ever. Mostly because he knew the Monkey King was right beside him, and his Baba wouldn't let her take him again, he was sure of it. 

Then she continued, and dread washed over him like a cold bucket of water, adrenaline and fear pumping through his veins. 

"My mistake was even giving you the opportunity to save him. You're like a cockroach, if you think there's a chance, you'll have hope, as annoying as that is. So this time, I'll make sure you can't win by finishing the job." 

Her tone was cold and taunting, painfully threatening and harsh. MK knew what she meant by that, his heart thumping loudly in his chest to prove it. 

She was going to kill him.

(Nah, don't worry MK, I won't let her... Or will I? Also, protective Wukong is best Wukong.

Anyway! I know It's been longer then it should have, thanks for being patient! Once again I haven't been taking care of my needs. As an introvert, all this constant socialization Iv'e been forcing myself into day after day was making me so stressed I became unwell, so now I'm taking some time for me and myself and it's actually really nice.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one, let me know what you thought and I'll see you all again next time!)

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