Different forms of socialization

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When MK woke up it was a slow affair, he found himself warm and comfortable so he didn't bother moving for a while, happy to bask in the sleepy feeling of just waking up, trying to remember bits and pieces of his dream. Whatever that had been. Just when he thought he was going to fall back asleep again, snug and cozy, something moved and he realized there was a pressure on his legs, making him pay more attention to the rest of his body.

He was on his belly and when he moved his foot back and forth lazily it brushed against something else, something that made a noise and moved slightly at the soft touch. MK yawned, feeling a bit more awake now but still not wanting to move as he cracked open his eyes, blinking slowly to get used to the small amount of light coming in from the window and trying to remember the last time he felt so relaxed.

He didn't bother moving his head to look but he could feel the pressure of something on top of one of his legs and something else entwined with the other. It took him a long moment to realize that those were legs and then another much longer moment to realize those were Ren Son's legs. 

He almost squeaked at the realization, cheeks feeling warm and rosy as he finally did peek his eyes out of the blankets, moving and staring down at the person on the other end of the bed, finding Red Son sprawled out much closer to him, his legs a firm weight on MK's own.

He flushed at the feeling, enjoying the weight and yet feeling flustered at the same time, especially when Red Son moved in his sleep, shuffling his body so that he was closer to MK. 

It was probably because MK was warm but still the action made his whole face burn and he had to choke back a yelp as he tried to move away, his efforts immediately hindered by getting caught on something. When he looked closer, he saw that his tail was wrapped securely around Red Son's left leg, keeping him in place as it spiraled up to his thigh. 

This time he did screech at the sight, untangling his tail and tugging it back clumsily as Red Son scrunched his eyes shut tighter and mumbled something about the noise. 

Heart thumping wildly in his chest as he hoped the other didn't wake up MK waited, not daring to move an inch or even breathe for another minute before feeling sure that he wasn't going to wake up. His heartbeat felt loud in his ears and MK took a few deep breaths to calm himself before finally getting his thumping heart back to a less painful pace.

Now very much awake, he pouted slightly that he absolutely wouldn't be going back to sleep and moved to grab his phone. 

Red Son mumbled something though when he moved and he turned sharply back to the demon, watching as he rolled over. 

"Would you stop squirming about?" He huffed out tiredly and MK tried to get his brain to work again to find something to say. In the end, he just squeaked out an apology that was too high-pitched and made him embarrassed all over again.    

While silence once again filled the room, MK stayed where he was sitting as stiff as a rod. He didn't and couldn't relax, not when his heart was beating so fast and eventually he heard Red Son groan and sit up. 

"How am I supposed to sleep with you sitting like you're made of stone?" The demon huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned over to grab his glasses from the side table and slide them on his face. 

"Sorry." MK winced but it felt like the other wasn't really that annoyed with him anyway. 

"Whatever, since I'm unable to get back to sleep now we might as well get up." MK nodded sharply, stumbling out of bed carefully to not pull on his wound and missing the warmth immediately. Red Son followed him, his hair down and messily hanging around his shoulders in a way that had MK's stupid heart thumping even faster.  

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