Trusting again

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MK listened as Pigsy explained everything including the Lady Bone Demon and why they were hiding from her, Sandy nodding along and making comments every now and then while everyone else sipped their tea and listened. 

MK, on the other hand, was making an active effort not to pay attention, trying hard not to hear what they were saying because he knew the story/ situation. Had lived through it and was there. He stayed only till his cup was empty, cradling the mug in his hands before standing up. Everyone turned their attention to him at the movement and MK swallowed, trying to sound casual and not uncomfortable like he actually was. 

"I'm gonna go check on Monkey King." He said in way of explanation and promptly left once Pigsy had nodded, setting his cup down and walking out the door as the conversation continued behind him. 

Outside he saw Monkey King easily, the other lounging back in a chair looking relaxed and MK took a deep breath, forcing a smile on his face. 

"Monkey King!" MK called out and the other looked over and watched him approach, tail giving a flick of a wave in greeting.

"Heya bud, how's it going in there?" He asked, sounding completely calm and relaxed and not at all worried about everything.  

"Yeah, it's going good thanks." He paused, trying hard not to visibly fiddle with his hands or fidget as he made his voice sound uninterested even though he was very interested.

"Have you um, given any more thought onto what we're gonna do about the Lady Bone Demon?" He didn't like saying her name, shivering at the thought but unwilling to show Monkey King how affected he was by her. He didn't want to look weak. Well, weaker.  

"Yeah. About that actually. There's this... weapon I know of that is powerful enough to defeat her." He started and MK felt a smidge of relief at the thought of an actual plan or having something they could use. If Monkey King thought this thing could defeat her then MK knew it could.

"Only problem is that to find it we need a map. A map we don't have. I've got some... uh, buddies in the celestial realm that could 'help out' with information on that though." The immortal explained and MK grinned, tail wagging behind him happily. 

"That's great news! We can find this map, get that weapon and bust her up!" He exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air only for Monkey King to glance away again awkwardly and frown. 

"Yeah. About that." At the tone MK immediately knew where this was going, could feel the way his heart thumped inside his chest all of a sudden, sinking in disappointment because he was definitely about to be told something he didn't want to hear. 

"He thinks he should do it by himself." It was Macaque that cut in, saying basically what Wukong had actually been about to say and both MK and Sun Wukong turned their heads at the sudden entrance of the demon, who was standing a little ways away with his arms crossed and MK really shouldn't have been surprised at hearing this. He still was. Though maybe that was just disappointment.  

"No, I know I should!" Monkey King huffed, sounding frustrated this time. Macaque scowled at him, his eyes narrowed sharply as he scoffed. 

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" 

"Because I'm the only one here who can't die!" Sun Wukong yelled out, breaths heavy and uneven afterward. Neither MK nor Macaque had been expecting such an extreme reaction, too used to the sages casual brushing everything off, and misdirecting all the time, tactics to have expected that. 

Monkey King sighed loudly when he caught sight of MK's startled expression, sagging and suddenly looking as old as he actually was. He looked tired.

"Look. It's safer if I go alone. This is going to be really, really dangerous." MK still felt the need to explain, the need to convince the immortal that he was strong and could handle himself. 

"We've handled dangerous before." He pointed out but Monkey King shook his head, voice surprisingly soft as his tail dropped behind him. 

"Not like this." And at that MK found he couldn't think of anything to say. He had no argument to give. He pouted and looked away, hiding the hurt in his eyes. The conversation was over it seemed, MK having given in. Maybe that's why both MK and Monkey King were taken aback by Macaque's snarl. 

"And while you're off doing everything by yourself again and playing hero what about MK? You'll just be leaving him behind!" MK took a step back, suddenly feeling out of place at how personal that had sounded. MK wasn't always good at social interactions or emotions but he was sure Macaque hadn't been talking only about MK there and he found himself once again wondering about their past, too apprehensive to ever bring it up. 

"This isn't about being a hero! This is about protecting the people I care about. I'm leaving him behind to protect him." The immortal explained and MK's heart felt like it did a happy little dance at being told he was cared about, flipping about excitedly in his chest for a moment. Macaque shook his head, hands curled into fists at his sides. 

"You're leaving him behind for yourself. What happens if the Bone Demon finds him here while you're away? What then?" He argued and the hairs on MK's arms stood up on end as a wash of cold terror passed over his face, his body taking a step back like it wanted to run as thoughts spiraled through his head.

What if she did find him? What if- what if she got into his head and came for him while he was alone and- 

"Then I know you'll be there to protect him." That there, a surprisingly soft and trusting statement made Macaque flinch, the demon's eyes going wide with more emotions than MK could decipher. MK was stumped too, sure that they had just been arguing, sure that Monkey King didn't trust Macaque, not one bit, sure that they'd be at each other's throats forever and yet...

In an act of making the moment feel less vulnerable Macaque placed a grin on his face, chuckling dryly. 

"Well, someone's gotta keep an eye on the squirt." It was a callback to what he'd said earlier only this time there was no malice in it, nothing challenging. MK didn't want to hope or reach on wishes but he could have sworn it sounded fond. Like the way you'd speak to an old friend.

He wasn't sure if he could fix the relationship, whatever that may have been, between his dad's but he wanted to try and this was the first time it felt like he might eventually succeed.  

Monkey King's small but real smile in response only made him more sure. 

(I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter, man dialogue is so hard yet satisfying to write. I love writing Macaque. Also, sorry for being a little late, I had no idea what day it was yesterday but it's half term so you can't really blame me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought and I'll see you next time!)  

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