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MK raced off to the noodle shop as quickly as he could, slightly out of breath once he'd made it there in under five seconds before changing back into his normal, non-shadow self before bursting through the door.  

"Hi, guys!" He yelled, making sure to put all his enthusiasm into seeming as happy as possible.

"MK! Come sit down! It feels like we haven't spent time together in ages." Mei said, patting the seat next to her and MK bounded over, trying not to look as guilty as he felt. 

"Yeah, sorry Mei, I've just been super busy training with Monkey King lately. I'll be back soon though and then we'll spend loads of time together, I promise!" He seemed to be promising a lot lately. 

Mei seemed happy after that though and MK vowed to train even harder so that he could finish sooner, even if most of him was unhappy about the idea of finishing training with Monkey King. he liked spending time with him. 

Not for the first time in his life MK wished there were more hours in the day. 

They spent the rest of the evening/ afternoon chatting and having fun and MK was warm all over by the end. There was nothing complicated about spending time with his friends, he'd found and it was nice to pretend like nothing else was going on for a while. 

Eventually, it was growing late and though MK could have stayed up chatting with Mei for longer he feigned tiredness and told everyone he was going back to flower fruit mountain to spend the night, grabbing some more things (like PJ's from his room) before heading out. 

Instead of going there, however, MK went straight to Macaque's dojo, a bounce in his step and he slammed the door open. 

"I'm here!" He called out, grinning when he heard a "come in" and rushing in to find Macaque sharpening his weapon. 

"I'm surprised you made it, kid. Figured you'd want to head back to flower fruit mountain to spend time with good ol' Monkey King." 

"No way! I promised didn't I?" Macaque grinned and turned around, patting the floor next to him. Getting the message,  MK sat down next to him, wiggling in place as he tried to sit still. 

"So, c'mon kid, tell me a bit about how the training's going? What's Monkey King like? Everything you hoped he'd be?" Macaque pried gently and MK grinned. 

"Yes! Well, it was awkward at first but he's actually nice once you get to know him. Though he's not as good at teaching as you." MK confessed, smiling up at Macaque with a dopy grin. 

"This morning I was hammering walls and even though I know it was for a reason it was still super boring." He didn't mention the suspicious looks he'd caught Monkey King giving him when they spared and he used a move Macaque had taught him and neither of them mentioned how MK already knew how to use a staff. 

"Yeah? Have you figured out any new powers while you've been there?" His mentor asked, sounding non-sealant about it though he was actually extremely curious. MK shook his head, disappointed. 

"No, I don't actually think he knows I can do more than just hold the staff." He pulled said staff out and began fiddling with it, movements slightly rough. 

"Maybe he thinks I'm not strong enough for anything else?" Macaque pulled his arm around MK's shoulder, pulling him in closer so he was tucked against his side protectively. (possessively)  

"Hey, that Monkey doesn't know what he's talking about. You're strong MK! You've got power inside you! Use it! Show him what you can do! Stop holding back and he'll see that you've got what it takes. That you're strong." MK nodded along, still dejected and Macaque sent him a smile. 

"Hey, you know, I guess I could give you a lesson now? Teach you some really advanced stuff?" MK snapped his head up, gasping as a smile formed on his face.

"Really?" Macaque nodded, nudging him affectionately. 

"Of course, kid! We'll show him that there's no one stronger than you." Macaque pulled out his own spiked staff, one MK hadn't seen him use before, and brandished it in front of him, eyes surveying around the room. 

"You know, there's something I've been wanting to show you for a while now..." He started ominously and MK listened with rapt attention as Macaque went on, smirking. 

"...and I think you're ready." MK's eyes widened. 

"Ready for what?" He asked out breathlessly and Macaque began to walk around the room, his shadow growing more prominent on the wall. 

"There's this power that only a few have, an ability that's both powerful and hard to master at the same time that holds impossible strengths. A form that is a raw representation of your power." 

He swung his staff around in his hands, the shadow behind MK smiling with its' purple glow. 

"But if I'm gonna teach you this, I need you to be completely focused." He continued, giving MK a pointed look that he made an offended noise to. 

"Hey, I'm focused! I'm- like- number one focus guy!" He sputtered out and then took a deep breath, seriousness crossing his face. 

"I can do this." Macaque's eyes searched his determined ones and eventually, the demon nodded, eyes once again scanning around the room. 

"Okay. But first, let's go somewhere a little less... destructible, yeah? I don't want you blowing any holes in my walls." MK nodded, excitement almost bursting out of him though he somewhat kept it in.

He'd make Macaque proud and with this power, he'd be able to impress even Monkey King, too! 

"I know just the place." 

(Yes I know, it's been ages! But I'm back now and will be updating regularly again. I hope you all enjoyed and I'm sorry for the long wait.)

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