Thrown into battle

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Macaque knew that Wukong had thousands of battles for muscle memory and adrenaline to kick in once he actually got going. All Macaque needed to do was jumpstart that. He needed to push Wukong straight into the heat of battle to get his reflexes kicking in. 

Naturally, the best way to do that was what he did, grabbing Wukong by the arm and flinging him at the Bone Demon while he was distracted.   

Wukong was being thrown through the air before he even had time to register what was happening. Despite Macaque having aimed directly at the Bone Demon, Wukong missed her since she stepped to the side, letting him fall into the dirt right next to her feet.

Immediately the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, adrenaline racing through his chest as he pushed himself into a crouch, smashing a wall of ice aimed at him with his fist before finding himself face to face with MK. Only, it wasn't MK, was it? This close he could see her eyes, her glowing blue eyes, and determination pricked through his veins. he was going to save his boy. 

Surprised, probably at having Wukong flung at her so unexpectedly and then at having her underhanded attack being shattered, the Bone Demon took a step back, sparing a moment to calm herself before taking advantage of the opportunity in front of her and swinging her makeshift weapon at Wukong. 

He dodged under it, his tail helping him balance as he kicked back up, knocking the spike out of her hand before twisting away from her ice that she'd sent towards him with her other hand and moving backward, away from close range as his heart thumped loudly in his chest. Sensing Macaque behind him, he took another step back, not taking his eyes off the Lady Bone Demon as he hissed out, 

"Really? Was that really necessary?" He heard Macaque chuckle lightly, moving to stand next to him, weapon spinning around in his hand before he gripped it tightly and sent Wukong a grin. 

"Just like old times, huh?" Wukong let a tiny, fond smile find its way onto his face before narrowing his eyes, stance mirroring Macaque's as he nodded. 

"Just like old times." 

Seemingly having enough of watching Wukong and Macaque get along, the Bone Demon frowned, moving her foot forwards as ice tore out of the ground in large spikes that covered the area. 

Quicker than lightning, Macaque and Wukong were moving in sync, both focused as they got in closer, breaking apart ice in their way and jumping around the rest with movements Red Son and Mei were struggling to follow. 

In close quarters, Macaque used her shadow to get behind her, swinging his staff at her exposed back. It collided with ice, as he'd expected it would, and Wukong jumped in from the front, swinging a fist at her face. 

With her distracted, she didn't have time to move or block it, taking one step back as Wukong landed his hit that, hopefully, would be enough to daze her so Macaque could slip away and get that rope. 

Only he didn't. 

His fist stopped inches from her nose, wind from the blow pushing everyone else back as Wukong looked up at his son's face, eyes wide as he breathed heavily, and the Bone Demon's face went from shocked to delighted in a second. 

"Oh. That's right." She grinned harder, the smile sending chills down Wukong's spine who was still standing there, unable to make himself hit his kid. 

"You're weak. How disappointing. I would say I expected more from you but, well, I didn't." With that, she used her ice spike and stabbed him hard in the shoulder before he could move, glee in his eyes as she raised her other hand, forming another spike and going for his chest. 

Macaque was barrelling into Wukong before she could though, tearing him away with his heart screaming loudly in his chest, thumping so hard it hurt as he summoned a group of shadow clones, each one attacking her in a fight of chaos as she slowly destroyed each one lunging at her. 

It gave him enough time to get some distance though, quickly checking over Wukong's wound, the ice still in his arm, dripping blood into his fur sluggishly. 

"What the hell were you thinking?" He breathed out, hissed through his teeth, and demanded as his hands hovered over the wound, knowing he needed to take the ice out but not wanting to. 

"I... I just..." Wukong sounded so lost, so small and Macaque stopped fussing over the wound to look at his face instead, watching the look in his eyes. God's Wukong was just so soft. At least... at least he had Macaque there to balance him out, he supposed. 

"I couldn't do it. I saw his face and I just couldn't." He breathed out and Macaque sighed, keeping an eye on their enemy who was still dealing with his clones. He'd made a lot of them and the strain was making him tired so he needed to do this quickly. 

Getting back to the ice shard sticking out of Wukong's shoulder, Macaque put his hands on it, apologizing softly before yanking it out quickly. It showed that Wukong was out of it when he didn't even make a noise, squeezing his eyes shut more from emotions than pain as Macaque tore off some off his top and used it as a makeshift bandage. 

He checked back behind them, ears twitching frantically at the sounds of his last shadow clone being destroyed, and spun around while he was still crouched, keeping Wukong behind him as he kept low to the ground. 

Eyes wild and hands steady he watched through the fog that had filled up the area, the dirt that had been mixed up during the fighting making a cloud of dust that obstructed his vision slightly. 

He waited, listening until finally, she moved, one long shard hurling towards him and headed straight for his head. He was pulling his staff up before he even had time to process, instincts keeping him alive as he knocked the ice into the ground beside him, getting caught on his knuckles by the cold of the object. 

He hadn't seen the second one though, eyes flickering back up just in time to see ice in his vision and his mind flicked back to the last time something had been coming towards his eye, his whole mind screaming danger and pain at him from the flashback he practically chocked on.

He was going to lose his other eye. 

He only had time to think that thought before being tugged out of the way, Wukong having grabbed him from behind and pulled both of them to the ground so the object whistled through the empty air above them. 

"Now how's the one getting distracted?" Wukong panted out through clenched teeth, trying to imitate some of their earlier banter as he pulled Macaque to his feet, fists shattering another icicle that came their way as his tail lashed about. 

Eyes still wide with the memories, Macaque could do little but nod, shaking out of his thoughts when Wukong had to protect him again from the side. Right, there wasn't time for this. He needed to be in control of himself now and help. 

Macaque's panic had helped Wukong take action though, so perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing. 

He looked up at the Bone Demon, surprised to see fire melting some of her attacks and green lighting bouncing in between the jagged ice field, a sword cutting through some of the smaller ones. 

"We've got your back!" Mei yelled out, grin firm in place as she kept moving, the Bone Demon's frustration growing steadily at the chaos steadily surrounding her. 

Macaque smiled for just a moment before pushing himself back in, using his shadows to get to Mei and move her out of the way of a spike headed for her from the side. 

"As much as I appreciate it, kid, I actually need you to do something else for me."

(I found it! Thank god I didn't have to rewrite this lol. I hope you enjoyed this one, It's the first long action scene I've written I think so I hope the pacings good. Also, I just love that Macaque literally yeets Wukong at LBD, like my guy you are just as freaking chaotic as the kids' are lol. 

Because this one's late, I will still be updating tomorrow evening as well. Hope you're all having a good day and I'll see you all soon!)

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