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After offering his help (Which these peasants didn't deserve quite frankly) Red Son waited until those ridiculous monkeys had gone before letting himself relax just the slightest bit. 

It was only when Mei followed after them and he was left with the rest of the group that he decided he'd rather be anywhere else but there and so went to leave. 

"Hey, little man! Mind giving me the coordinates of your house before you go?" Sandy, the big oaf, waved at him with a frustrating upbeat attitude. He scowled, crossing his arms but stalked towards the controls anyway, Sandy following, so he could input the directs himself. Better he does it than let the other, inferior man do it and get it wrong somehow. 

He didn't want to be on this boat a moment longer than he had to.    

So after making sure they wouldn't get horridly lost Red Son left Sandy as quickly as he could, intending on returning to his room to get some peace and quiet.

Only, on the way, he noticed Mei, who was walking away from the direction of his (and MK's) room. 

Hearing his footsteps, she looked up, previously having been looking down at the floor and Red Son caught sight of her frown that quickly left. 

"Oh, I wouldn't go in that room if I were you." She said, pointing a thumb back at the door at the end of the hallway and Red Son raised an eyebrow, silently prompting her to go on. 

She didn't and he had to clench his fists to stop himself from sighing in annoyance, using all of his patience to talk calmly and not snap. 

"Why not?"

"Cause someone's in it." She explained and he rolled his eyes, about to walk past her. 

"That's fine, I'll just tell 'em to get out." He shrugged, now actually having walked past her as she frowned.

"Yeah, about that. The Monkey King is in there and he's having a pretty heavy convo with Macaque so I wouldn't go in there. That'd be super awkward." Red Son had stopped walking again by the end of her explanation and stood still where she couldn't see his face before turning back with a grimace. 

"Infernal- annoying- of course they're inconvenient enough to be using my room. Not like Macaque hasn't got his own." He growled, then sighed. 

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to go somewhere else then." He started to stomp off, frustration making the flames on his hair burn until Mei called out, 

"Well, I guess you can sleep on my floor."  She offered and Red Son immediately scowled, turning to look at her so she could see his distaste. 

"Are you joking? I'm Red Son! The prince of the powerful bull family. I do not sleep on the floor like a filthy peasant!" 

Mei rolled her eyes at the way his hair burst into flames, his hands sparking from where they were clenched into fists. 

"Yeesh. It was just a suggestion. Unless you have somewhere else to go?" At this Red Son calmed down, scoffing and turning his head away from her. He didn't have anywhere else to go but he shouldn't have to share with her! He was sharing with the monkey boy! That shouldn't change just because that person wasn't here. 

It wasn't that he liked sharing with him anyway, he'd just gotten used to it and that room had his stuff in, and- well, it'd be a bother to move. 

"I'll just wait till those idiots leave." He huffed, foot tapping impatiently and Mei watched him for a moment, expression making him uncomfortable before she shrugged and walked off. 

"Fine. I'll be in my room when you get bored of waiting." She said, wondering off before Red Son could yell out a response, something along the lines of him having impeccable patience or something else equally untrue. 

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