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For a long moment, no one moved. Then she spoke. 

"Oh? You look surprised, Sun Wukong. I told you I'd make you suffer, didn't I? This is your fault, you shouldn't have dragged him into your mess. Everyone close to you gets hurt." The Lady Bone Demon's taunts echoed in the silence that had fallen but Wukong didn't respond, stood still over Macaque like a permanent fixture, his mind stuck on the blood pooling steadily underneath the body in front of him.

He didn't understand.

MK watched, off-put by the lack of reaction, a buzzing in his own head growing louder and louder the longer he stared at the scene in front of him.

"No." He couldn't believe it. After everything that had happened, after everything MK had done and had been through to get his dad away from her. It couldn't end like this. It wasn't real.

"No." He found himself gasping out the word again, his hands shaking at his sides, his eyes snapping to the Bone Demon.

For the first time since he'd met her, he wasn't afraid when he looked at her, an angry, boiling rage cooking his insides. 

"No!" He didn't remember moving and hadn't even noticed that he had until he was suddenly right next to her, swinging his fist toward her face with bright golden eyes and a yell. 

As weak as she was, she only just managed to move away from it but MK continued using his motion to swing again, grabbing at her arm and sending her over his hips and to the ground hard enough to shatter the rock beneath her. 

Standing over her, eyes wild with adrenaline he breathed, not really registering exactly who was beneath him. When he finally did, he flinched, stumbling away from her, unable to tear his eyes away as she tried to sit up, breathing wheezy. 

"Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me?" She laughed and instead of immediately feeling pathetic he frowned instead, eyebrows scrunching in thought. He had landed a hit on her though, so surely he couldn't be that bad.

"How childish. You should have run while you'd had the chance." The way she'd spoken terrified him, made him shake and step away as she slowly, casually got to her feet. He took a second to glance over at his dad now that he was closer, noticing Wukong still staring blankly at him, knees soaked in the blood that pooled underneath him. 

The only thing MK hoped was that Macaque wasn't dead but seeing the way Wukong was frozen in place made him doubt. 

He heard her move suddenly and snapped his attention back, yelping and moving out of the way of her ice spikes. The next one that came at him he punched and it shattered into pieces before he moved again, dodging another and getting in close. He wasn't thinking, just moving as he spun around her, sweeping her legs out from underneath and watching as she went down, frown clear on her face. 

One second he was staring at her on the floor and the next she was grinning, a laugh making him wince before suddenly his head ached and his eyes burned with blue. 

"No." Terror gripped him, heart thundering in his chest as he screamed. 

"NO!" He couldn't do this again. 

"Get off my friend!" Mei, his favorite best friend swung at the Bone Demon, breaking her concentration while MK tumbled to the floor, shaking and gripping his head as he shivered. Not again. He wouldn't go through that again, couldn't.

 Mei swung her sword at the demon again but it was quickly struck out of her hand, going skidding across the ground loudly, the sound making MK snap his head up. 

It felt like he was watching in slow motion as the Lady Bone Demon grinned, tilting her head and moving her hand. 

MK didn't want to watch his friend die, too. 

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