High Feelings

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Leaning over the railing and looking out into the ocean below him, MK grinned at the wind on his face, squinting as he tried to see the island in the distance, or at least watch as it came into view. 

"You shouldn't get that close to the edge while we're up this high, kid." He heard Baba say from somewhere behind him, and he looked over to find the immortal had followed him out after dinner, finding himself no longer alone as he pushed aside his more melancholy feelings to smile cheekily.

"What? Afraid I'm gonna fall?" He asked but did lean back into his wheelchair, away from the edge. 

"Would you jump in after me if I did?" He asked as well, still with that airy, teasing tone and Wukong huffed out a laugh too, stepping closer to ruffle MK's hair. 

"Not a chance, kid. I can't swim, remember? We'd just get stuck at the bottom. I'd have to walk back to the shore from the seabed." 

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that." Wukong rolled his eyes and moved closer, sitting next to MK and silently watching the horizon with him. Though MK couldn't see the edge of the island yet, he had a hunch that Baba could. To be fair, if MK activated his golden yes he'd be able to as well. They sat in silence for a little while, enjoying the sounds of the ocean and the grey sky.

They watched for a little while, MK's thoughts traveling back to what he was missing as they always seemed to recently, and the way it felt like everyone else was on the same page while he wasn't, stuck left behind with his amnesia.  

"So why aren't you in there with your friends?" Wukong asked finally, breaking the silence that had fallen over them. MK frowned, sighing as he leaned his cheek against the cool railing, the wind ruffling his fur. For a second, the cold made him think of something else, something lonely he couldn't remember and then it was gone and he was there with Wukong again, sitting outside watching the waves and still feeling out of place. 

"It's just... I really like having Red Son around. He's cool, and he gets on really well with Mei but..." He trailed off. 

"But?" Wukong prompted non-judgmentally, standing patiently and that patience was enough to make MK get himself to continue. 

"...but when we were at the table they just seemed so close. They were talking and I'm really glad but at the same time I couldn't help but feel a little... left out, you know? I guess it's just cause I don't remember getting to know Red Son, so they've had more time to get to know each other."       

Getting that out felt like a huge relief, he hadn't really noticed the way that feeling of being out of place had been weighing on him, suffocating him until he'd managed to get it all out. 

There was no response to his confession for a moment and he turned to make sure Baba was still there when arms wrapped around him, blinking as he suddenly found himself wrapped in a hug. 

"What?" He asked, confused. 

"I'm just so proud of you, kid. It's nice to hear you sharing your problems and not keeping them to yourself." Baba admitted as he pulled out of the hug and MK blinked again, realizing he was right. 

"Huh. Yeah, I guess I did. I think it's just cause I felt safe with you, you know?" He said, almost shy in his admittance as he looked up at Wukong who looked surprised and delighted himself. 

"I'm glad. Now about your friends. Mei's your best friend, she'll understand if you talk to her and Red Son came back for you, you know." That was new information. All four of MK's ears perked up at the confession. 

"Really?" He asked, jaw-dropping as Wukong nodded. 

"Yeah really, I think you really got through to him you know. He won't admit it but he was worried about you." He wasn't sure why, but he felt himself grin widely at that, feeling giddy.

"He was?" He edged, hoping for more information, delighted when Wukong, at seeing MK's grin, kept going. 

"Yeah, I think-" 

"MK! There you are!" MK turned his head to look at the newcomer, watching as Mei smiled and waved at him, rushing over with Red Son trailing behind her. 

"I told you he'd be out here..." MK heard Red Son grumble under his breath and he softened at the sight of the two, feeling warm as Mei kept talking. 

"You left before we finished lunch and I thought you were just going to the toilet or something so when you didn't come back we went looking for you. Why're you out here?" MK smiled, pointing a thumb at the ocean. 

"Just watching. I like seeing the shore come into view." He explained, leaving out those personal bits. He wasn't worried anymore anyway, it was clear that his friend loved him and Red Son was at least fond of him.

"Ooh! We'll join you then!" Mei laughed, running over to the railing and leaning far over it, feeling the wind in her face as it moved her hair about. 

"Whoever spots Flower Fruit Mountain first wins." She challenged, staring out into the water and Wukong chuckled, moving away a little as he crossed his arms. 

"Well, I guess I already win then." Mei gawked at his smug face, turning her head so she was looking at him and pointing. 

"No way! You don't get to do it then, it's basically cheating." She huffed and MK giggled as he spotted something on the horizon, finally making out the shape of the island. He may not have been using his golden vision but he still had better eyesight than Mei or Red Son. Probably. 

"Then I guess I win 'cause there it is," MK said, grinning at the way Mei swung herself back to the railing to lean over it, squinting her eyes into the distance. 

"No! There's no way you can see it already. I bet you're lying." It was lucky for MK that he didn't have to prove it since in a few more seconds they'd gotten close enough that Mei could now see it too. 

"Aww man, how come you get to have such good eyesight, that's so unfair. You're too overpowered MK." His best friend pouted before getting distracted by the view and MK watched as they got closer as well, enjoying the feeling of the wind on his face and the feeling of having his friends next to him. For some reason, he felt safer here than he had back in the city, only realizing now as unnoticed tension unwound itself from his shoulders. 

"Looks like we're here. Good. I was getting tired of being in this confined space with you all." Red Son scoffed and Mei grinned, pulling him into a hug that he immediately began trying to escape from.

"Aw, we're excited about the sleepover too, Red boy." 

"That's not what I said!" He squawked, making it out of her crushing hold. 

"And don't call me that!" MK laughed at the bickering, turning back to the view and tuning out the noise behind him as they got close to the island. It was going to be weird once Mei and Red Son left, leaving him alone with his parents. In a good way, he thought. He liked the idea of them all acting as a family and yet the idea hung over him, feeling a little daunting at the same time. 

He'd never really lived with a family like that. At least, not one that he'd been a part of.

It would be nice to feel that, just this once.  

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