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Pranking Macaque, as it turned out, was harder than it had any right to be. 

Part of that was because MK and Mei weren't the best at being subtle and the rest of it was because Macaque could hear literally everything they said at all times and therefore knew exactly what they were planning to do before they did it. 

After the demon had avoided their glitter trap and gotten them caught in it instead, MK and Mei had taken to only miming what they were thinking to each other, using hand gestures and aggressive eye contact to communicate and set up the most elaborate trap yet without letting Macaque hear their plans. 

They'd still somehow been the ones caught it in in the end and MK pouted from where he was hanging upside down, swinging around in circles. 

"This is so unfair! How did he know?" He cried out but Mei was just as clueless as him, shrugging in utter confusion. 

"Maybe he can hear the future," Tang suggested as he walked into the chaotic room casually and out of nowhere, sipping from a cup of tea and not blinking at the two upsidedown people suspended from the ceiling.

MK's eyes widened and his jaw hung open. 

"Really?" He asked, amazed with stars in his eyes and Tang shrugged. 

"Eh, who knows? Probably not though. It's most likely just because both of you are terrible at being discrete." MK's awe flattened into an offended gasp and he wiggled around in his trap, managing to loosen the rope a little as he swung back around to face Tang. 

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm the stealthiest-" The rope snapped suddenly and MK was cut off as he was sent crashing to the floor, screaming in surprise as he landed on his face before sitting up and rubbing his aching nose, quietly bemoaning his misfortune. 

"Owch." Mei sniggered from where she was stuck to the ceiling and MK sent her a glare, huffing as he stood up before pointing a finger at Tang. 

"I'll have you know Mei and I are the best! We are so amazing at traps." From where she was on the ceiling Mei nodded. 

"The best." She echoed in agreement and MK crossed his arms in satisfaction, nodding to himself. Tang shrugged, stepping over some of the beartraps that lay on the floor. 

"Whatever, I don't really care anyways, as long as you don't involve me in this." And with that, he walked out the room, leaving just MK and Mei and Mei's phone that was poking out of the bookcase nearby to record the whole thing. 

"Uh, hey, MK, buddy. How do you feel about helping me down?" Mei asked and MK's tail sprung up as he remembered her on the ceiling. 

"Oh! Yeah, don't worry Mei I'll-" His vision suddenly left him and disorientation made him spin, almost falling as he clutched his head. He didn't know why but it was suddenly hurting and when he looked up all he could see was gold. Panic flooded his body for a moment as he blinked rapidly, managing to see the room again only this time there was a very familiar outline of-

"Monkey King!" MK yelled out in surprise, eyes stuck to the glowing figure of his parent who had a smile on his face.

"MK, bud! Good to see ya!" MK nodded in agreement, hearing Mei's confusion in the background and tuning it out.

"This is so amazing! How are you here? Or, how am I seeing you? This is so cool." Monkey King chuckled in agreement, looking more relaxed now. 

"I know right. Took me a minute to figure it out but a little telepathic communication never hurt anyone. I just thought I'd check up on you, see how things are going." He sounded casual as could be but when MK caught sight of his tail he could see that it was lashing about anxiously and MK wondered if the great sage equal to heaven had been worried out him. 

"Yeah, everything's going great here! We're all good. How's things with you? Are you close yet? Do you know when you'll be coming back?" He flung his questions rapid-fire one after the other and Monkey King chuckled at his enthusiasm. 

"Well, good news, I've located the map. Bad news, getting it may take a little while so I can't say for sure. I'll give you updates every now and then though." And though it wasn't what MK wanted to hear, he nodded, a serious expression on his face. 

"Daily." He said and Monkey King rolled his eyes. 

"Jeeze you sure are clingy but fine, I'll check in daily." MK nodded, happy with that, and before he could ask about what exactly and where exactly the other had been Macaque walked in, grinning at the sight of Mei on the ceiling. 

"Hey kids, Wukong. Glad to see you're still in one peace." He drawled at where the immortal was standing and MK gawked. 

"You can see him too?" He looked up at Mei to confirm if she could see him, a questioning look on his face because he was pretty sure telepathy meant no one else could see him. She shook her head though so it wasn't exclusive to her like he'd originally thought.

"Nope. I can hear him though." Macaque confirmed, flicking one of his ears gently and MK made an 'o' shape with his mouth. 

"Wait, can you hear him all the time?" MK asked suddenly, very interested in the answer and Macaque smirked knowingly, not saying anything while MK huffed at the lack of an answer.

"Oh come on, you have to tell me!" MK pleaded, looking up with puppy-dog eyes at the other and Monkey King sighed loudly interrupting MK's begging face as he looked away with his arms crossed. 

"Seriously, I drop in on you from the goodness of my heart and you stand there and practically ignore me? Wow, rude. I can't believe it." MK rushed to spit out about how sorry he was, rambling for forgiveness even though Wukong hadn't actually been that serious when Macaque rolled his eyes. 

"Huh, I didn't know you were that desperate for attention Sun Wukong." He teased, a smirk on his lips, and Monkey King gawked, face looking very much offended. 

"Hey! How dare you! I'm not desperate for attention! That's stupid." He squawked out, huffing afterward at the way Macaque seemed pleased with himself. Then, since Macaque couldn't see it he stuck his tongue out at the demon, making MK smile and hide a laugh behind his hand. 

That Macaque could see and notice and he put the pieces together enough to roll his eyes. 

"Oh yeah, real mature." Monkey King responded with a gesture MK was sure he'd never be allowed to repeat and this time he did laugh, chest warm with joy.

"So... this is really sweet and touching and all but can someone PLEASE GET ME DOWN," Mei yelled, interrupting the moment and MK scrambled at the yell, frantic as he quickly helped cut his friend down off the ceiling while Macaque simply watched in amusement.

(Little references to the original book here, where Macaque can hear the past the present, and the future. He can't here because that would be OP and I don't need him spoiling what's to come but he's not going to tell anyone anything lol so everyone's very in the dark about exactly what it is he can do.  

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! We've got some family bonding here but there will be more Mei for a little while. Let's appreciate what a good friend she is before everything goes to shit and I cast her aside for some more of MK and his dad's haha.)  

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