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MK was on his way to falling asleep until they made it to the Pigsy's, the sight of the familiar shop making him smile. He was rushing in as soon as they touched the ground, smile brightening as soon as he saw Pigsy. 

"Pigsy!" He rushed forwards and hugged the other, unfairly glad that he seemed completely normal as he gave three firm pats to MK's back before stepping away. 

"Glad to see you in one piece, kid." He gruffed and MK could have cried in relief. If there was one thing he knew it was that this was his Pigsy and that meant that this was all real and he was finally, finally home. 

"MK!" Another voice rushed out, sounding ecstatic and MK turned only to get practically barrelled over by his best friend, the girl in question hugging him with a grip so tight it made his back crack. 

"Mei!" He yelled, hugged her back just as fiercely, delighted that she was her normal self. The image of fake Mei and her weird confession had him shivering and he smiled into Mei's shoulder. 

"We were so worried! We couldn't find you anywhere it was like one minute you were there and the next, poof! You were gone. I was so worried!" She poured out, speaking so quickly that only MK was about to decipher what she was saying. 

"Sorry, Mei didn't mean to worry you." MK apologised and she squeezed him harder, cutting off all the oxygen from his lungs.

When MK finally got out of her grip he was able to spot Tang, sitting calmly on his usual seat. He gave MK a nod when their eyes connected and MK smiled back, eyes still scanning around the room for- there. 

He spotted Macaque standing in the corner, as far away from everyone as he could get with his back against the wall and MK sagged when he saw him, noticing the way that despite his efforts to look unbothered, the demon was scanning the room wearily the whole time. 

He also noticed that Macaque looked as tired as MK felt, even though he hid it well. Then he remembered that Macaque was still injured and knew why.

He wanted to talk to him, talk to both of them, but there were more important things at the moment even if the thought of having to do anything but sleep right now made him want to cry. 

"We need to stop the Lady Bone Demon," MK said seriously, looking around the room at everyone and trying to stand straighter to make himself look taller. It didn't take him long before he realized that his tail was thrashing about tiredly from behind him, giving him away and he quickly stilled it which honestly was probably more suspicious.  

"What you need-" Monkey King started while picking him up like he weighed nothing. 

"-Is sleep. We can worry about her later." MK shook his head, throwing his hands up into the air in exasperation at being held like some child. 

"I'm fine! I don't need to sleep, I need to help! We have to stop her before she takes over the whole city and finishes her plan and- and-" Makes everyone forget about Monkey King or traps MK in a living nightmare again, was what he didn't say. 

"People are getting hurt." He finished with, trying to sound heroic but coming across as scared. Pathetic. Weak.

Monkey King didn't put him down though, instead began running his claws through MK's fur soothingly. It felt so relaxing that MK's tail sagged behind him and he almost felt a purr bubble in his throat, quickly silencing it with a blush on his face that would have been more visible without the fur in the way. 

"You're not in any position to be fighting her right now, bud. Not like that. We need to be at full strength to defeat her." He explained but MK didn't want to sleep, didn't want to be alone, didn't want to wake up and be back in that other place. Monkey King must have sensed some of his fear because his voice dropped to a softer tone. 

"It's gonna be okay, bud. I promise. I'll stand guard while you rest." Though he was still hesitant MK reluctantly agreed and let his dad carry him like a child up to his room, when they went past Macaque though MK reached a hand out, halting them when he grabbed a hold on Macaque's arm. 

"Come with us?" He asked, eyes wide and pleading and Macaque frowned for a second before giving in to the wide eyes and groaning loudly and obviously. 

"Finnne. If I have to." He complained but followed without much further prompting. It was clear to everyone else in the room that despite the show he put on the Six-eared Macaque was actually relieved to be able to come with them and watch over MK, his nerves still tingling with worry when he'd heard that his kid was missing. 

Sometimes being able to hear everything had its' benefits.

The three walked in silence up the stairs, Sun Wukong setting MK down in his bed tenderly and tucking him in. It was the first time anyone had ever tucked MK into bed that he could remember and it made his whole chest feel warm. 

He wondered if his dad had tucked him in like that when he was a baby and the smile faded off his face, thinking about all the years he'd missed out on this. All the years he'd been alone when he didn't have to be. 

"Goodnight, kid." His dad whispered, affectionately ruffling the top of his head and MK smiled up at him, soft until he yawned. 

"Night, Baba." Wukong looked amused at the warm nickname. 

"Baba?" He asked, voice sounding both entertained and delighted. Mk nodded, eyes sagging in the soft blankets and dark lighting. 

"Yeah, I can't call you both dad. That'd just get confusing." He said, slipping his eyes shut, he missed the surprised look on both the others in the rooms' faces, Wukong twisting his head to give a shocked Macaque a look no one could decipher. 

The expression softened just a bit when he saw just how shocked Macaque looked and he sighed fondly as he turned back to MK, patting his kid on the head gently. 

"Yeah, guess you're right kiddo." But MK was already asleep. 

(Hey, hey! I'm back with another update that I hope you all enjoyed. You know, I've been surprisingly punctual with these recently and It's great. I'm usually really bad at updating on time. Let me know what you thought and I'll see you all next time!) 

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