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The time it took for Sun Wukong to get over to the mountain they were on felt like forever to MK when in reality it was only a mere few moments, just long enough for the small conversation he'd had with Macaque and the hug. 

The Monkey King arrived by slamming into the stone floor, rubble and dust flicking up behind him while he snarled, his tail lashing about angrily behind him. 

"Macaque." He growled out and MK felt his own heart leap up in his chest at the dark tone that crusted the immortal's word.

"Heya bud. Good to see ya'." Macaque taunted and he gave Wukong a manic grin because MK was looking straight at Monkey King and couldn't see it. 

It only served to make Wukong angrier. 

"I don't know what you're planning but I swear- you get away from MK right now or I'll-" 

"You'll what, Wukong? Go on! Tell the kid how you're actually not all he thinks you are! Tell him how many people you've murdered." 

"Stop arguing!" MK finally yelled out, having been watching the back and forth with wide eyes and shaky hands. The two others' snapped their attention away from each other and to the kid, concern on both their features as MK whispered in a small voice, 

"Please," falling silent again afterward.

"Kiddo." Macaque started, moving to sling an arm around his kid, a familiar gesture that MK associated with comfort and affection. 

Wukong saw it as something dangerous getting close to MK and lunged forwards tackling straight into Macaque, who let it happen. 

They slammed against the ground, a crater forming where he'd been pushed and Wukong growled at him, a primal, defensive thing. 

"Stay the hell away from my kid." He snapped out, voice dangerously low and Macaque let out a short, dark laugh, looking up at the other. 

"But he's not your kid, is he?" He taunted, watching and relishing in the look on Sun Wukong's face as it fell as Macaque hit all the sensitive spots he could, riling the immortal up in the most cutting way possible. 

"No, because you got rid of your kid, didn't you? Left him-" 

"TO KEEP HIM SAFE FROM YOU!" Wukong, now enraged slammed Macaque back into the ground, grabbing the demons head and crashing it against the rock over and over and over and over- 

"M-monkey King?" A trembling, terrified voice made him look up and see the horror grow on the boy's face as he looked at the two of them. 

Wukong didn't even have time to say anything before MK was rushing over to them, eyes wide and wild, though he slipped straight past Monkey King himself, sliding onto his knees before Macaque's bleeding, slack body, and gasping, hands hovering over the demon cautiously.

"Macaque. Wake up." He pleaded, gently pushing the slack body before him. 

"Please, please wake up." There was no response. 

"Macaque? C'mon, please be okay, c'mon dad you have to be okay." Wukong reeled back, eyes burning.

There was no way, he hadn't- he hadn't heard that right. It wasn't- it didn't make any sense! 

And yet, as he watched MK grow more hysterical, more upset, more terrified and Macaque remained still, he realized that there was something big he was missing. 

"MK-" He reached forwards and MK's head snapped up, teeth bared. 

"Stay away from him." He hissed out, curling protectively around Macaque's body like he didn't understand that Macaque was evil, was only using MK, only served himself. 

"You don't understand, kid-" MK let out a broken-off sob, choking it down to glare back at the Monkey King instead. 

"I said get away!" He yelled out instead, eyes wide and wild and Monkey King felt his heart shatter at the fear- the hatred that was behind them. 

"He's evil!" He tried to explain. 

"I was- I was trying to protect you!" he took a step forwards. 

"He doesn't care about you-" 

"YES, HE DOES." MK interrupted, voice going so loud that it broke in the middle. 

"You don't- You don't understand." He choked out, tears running down his flushed cheeks and Wukong had never felt so lost in his life. 

He sniffled for a few seconds after his outburst then rubbed his face with his hands, determined. 

"I'm leaving." He told the immortal that was just standing, watching, not sure if he'd be allowed closer, not sure if he knew how to explain when MK was running so high on emotions right now. 

At that, Wukmong did move though. 

"Wait, no. You can't leave with him! Trust me, kid-" 

"Trust you!" MK yelled out, sounded like Sun Wukong had hit a sore spot. The kid scoffed shaking his head. 

"No, I'll never trust you again." Wukong felt his heart shatter right then and there. It didn't matter, he told himself as MK tried to lift Macaque, failing. He couldn't let MK continue to be manipulated by this demon. Wukong knew the pain Macaque left behind all too well and didn't want MK to ever have to go through that, even if it meant being hated by him.

"I won't let you leave with him." Unconcious and covered in his own blood Macaque didn't look like much of a threat but Wukong had known him long enough to know that it didn't mean he wasn't still dangerous. 

MK's eyes flared gold. 

"I wasn't asking for your permission." He snapped out, voice dark and he tried lifting Macaque again. Failing still as his panic grew.

He had to get away. 

Monkey King was still watching. 

MK took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, steadied his mind- 

and shapeshifted. 

(Hey, hey! Hope you're all doing well. Christmas is approaching and I'm so excited for it. I also have more time over Christmas so you can expect me to update a lot more regularly. Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought, and see you guys soon!)   

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