Settling In

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Once Red Son was set up in MK's room, his own items and clothing appearing from seemingly nowhere before he set them away, they made their way to the caption of the ship, Sandy, to tell him what direction he needed to go in.  

Once they were closer, they'd do the thing again and direct him more accurately.

Sandy nodded at the directions and tilted the wheel so it was pointed East while MK looked out at the ocean and then back at the boat. Worry bit away at his nerves and he tried not to sound distressed when he spoke.

"Um, Sandy? No offense but how are we supposed to get where we need to go quickly when your boat is... well a boat. What if we need to go somewhere that isn't in water?" His eyes were wide as he blurted out his concerns. He didn't mention that it would also take a long time to get there at this rate and every moment they waisted was another moment his dads were in danger. 

"Don't worry little man! This boat has tricks up its' sleaves." He looked smug and MK squinted in confusion, saying nothing as Sandy began to look around, opening some draws before pulling out a remote with a grin on his face. 

"Don't worry, MK, with this, we'll get there in no time." And with that, he pressed the button, a moment of silence following before the whole boat began to shake, MK yelping and grabbing onto the table to steady himself and look out the window as the boat changed, lifting out of the water and transforming into an aircraft. 

MK watched in silence and surprise, startled by the change until he heard Red Son's voice, excited and almost impressed which made him turn back.   

"Wow, how did you make this? What types of gears did you use for the rotation? What metal did you use to make it buoyant on the water while also being aerodynamic? It changes so efficiently, will you let me look at some of the mechanisms?" He was speaking fast enough that it was much like MK when MK was excited about something and Sandy answered the questions, looking content that someone was showing interest and humoring the demon.

They continued for a while and eventually, MK grew completely lost in between all the information and sighed, checking the time before realizing that it was time for dinner, which was great because MK was hungry and bored, the two's conversation going completely over his head. 

"It's dinner time." He informed the other two, standing up and stretching his legs. 

"We should go, Pigsy doesn't like it when people are late." Sandy nodded solemnly at that and they began to walk back. It didn't stop Red Son's questions though and MK was relieved when they reached the kitchen. 

It was less reliving for Red Son though, who stopped talking instantly as he followed MK into the full room and winced inwardly at the large number of strangers, discomfort running through his body. Not that he'd let that show, of course.   

He wasn't sure what everyone was thinking as the chief, Pigsy, set down food at the table, everyone eating and minding their own business (except Mei who was still glaring at Red Son and pouting) and maintaining stilted conversation to brush away some of the awkwardness. 

MK, oblivious to the atmosphere, chatted away at both Mei and Red Son, all but dragging the demon into the conversation that he eventually fell into. At some point, even Mei stopped glairing and begrudgingly let Red Son into the conversation, cautious but less hostile. 

Sitting around such a... unique group, loud conversation, and noises coming from almost everywhere was a new, strange situation for Red Son. His own family had been torn apart for so long, meals with his silent, temperamental mother dull, and the reunion of his father bringing with it a table where Red Son felt out of place constantly. 

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