Call to action

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They played games after breakfast and after lunch MK found himself on the deck of the ship, looking up into the sky worriedly as clouds passed by slowly and the world ever so slowly moved on around him. 

"MK, you okay there?" Sandy's booming voice made MK flinch and look behind him, giving the taller a thumbs up and a wide grin. 

"Yep!" He lied, making sure it sounded true this time. 

"I'm just... enjoying the weather." He looked back at the sky, missing Sandy's nod as his eyes went back to scanning the clouds and the horizon.  

"You look troubled." The man said and MK frowned, turning his eyes back to the other and putting on an innocent expression. 

"Really? Well, I'm not. Thanks though, I'll see you later!" He was skipping away before the other could protest or question his sudden exit and avoidance of having to talk about what was going on, not pausing until he was in his room. 

Once inside his room, he breathed a sigh of relief, his mind flickering back unwantedly to his dad's and worrying about them. His heart ached when he thought about them both and it took him a second to realize he missed them. Then he immediately felt like a child for missing them so easily. He was so pathetic. 

He just wanted to know if they were okay.

...Maybe he could just check up on them? It wouldn't take long and it would make the horrible feeling clawing at his insides go away. 

Mind made up MK nodded to himself, breathing in deeply before closing his eyes and searching for that same feeling from last time. That invisible tether was stronger now, easier to find and MK pulled along it, opening his eyes to a flash of golden light before Monkey King was in front of his face. 

He was on the floor, golden rope shimmering from where it was tightly wrapped around the immortal's body, his hands bound in front of him. He looked worried, then he looked up and saw a gawking MK and his face went casual and uncaring in an instant, a grin on his face. 

"MK! Bud! Good to see ya. I'm a little tied up right now but everything's fine." He joked and MK felt anger boil up inside him, squashing and smothering it down as best he could. 

"What? How are you- just break it! What's going on?" That anger bubbled up, his chest aching as he pushed it away, confusion and frustration making his head hurt. 

"Can't." Monkey King's tail, which was the only part of him that he could move around, pointed at the ropes. 

"It's magical rope. Totally 100% unbreakable." Then he mumbled, looking away, 

"I know 'cause I've been caught in it before." And MK believed him because he remembered Tang mentioning something like that a while ago when recounting some of the immortal's tales to him.

MK looked around, this horrible terror in his gut rising the more his panic at unanswered questions grew.    

"Where's dad? He went to help you, he should be there by now." At this, Monkey King actually dropped his carefree facade for a moment, looking worried and nervous. 

"He's... with the Lady Bone Demon." He confessed, grimacing, his head turned in a left direction though it was obvious that the two he'd mentioned weren't in the same room as him. 

"And I was stupid enough to get myself caught and I really, really hope he just leaves. If something happened to him-" He stopped his rambling, snapping his jaw shut, eyes turning and locking onto MK like he'd just remembered he was there. 

"But uh, I'm sure he's fine! Of course, he is. I'll break out of these binds and rescue him in no time. I am amazing after all." His not so reassuring grin was back and that anger that had been simmering in MK's stomach exploded to the top, finally reaching his limit of that nervous feeling of not knowing what was going on. 

"STOP LYING TO ME!" He all but screamed, breathing rapidly afterward and Sun Wukong froze, looking like a deer in headlights. 

"You keep telling me everything's fine and not to worry but nothing's fine and I do worry! I am worried! You never tell me what's really going on! How can I help when you don't trust me?" At first, it had been anger that had driven his words but as he continued it turned to sadness and then self-loathing. Monkey King didn't trust him and it hurt more than he thought it could.  

Sun Wukong, who was currently trapped and staring widely at MK for once had nothing to say. He felt like he'd been slapped, watching his son sniffle and wipe at damp eyes with frustration in front of him, and his brain halted to a stop. 

He felt like an idiot. This whole time he'd been trying to do his best to not worry the kid, to be strong and infallible like nothing bothered him. He thought he was doing the best thing, helping his kid not to worry about things that were too big for him. 

For the first time, he realized that maybe he was wrong.

"Kid..." He hadn't felt so bad about himself in a long time. 

"I- I do trust you." He ended up saying once MK's words had caught up with him, feeling terrible once he realized his own child thought he didn't trust him. Of course, he did! MK was amazing, how couldn't he? 

"Then- then why do you leave me out of everything?" MK despaired and Monkey King immediately found himself shaking his head, about to disagree only to realize he was right. But it wasn't because he didn't trust MK!

"I- to protect you." It felt strange, being this honest but he knew he had to for MK's sake. 

"I just... I don't want something happening to you." In fact, he was sure the thought of MK in danger was quite possibly the worst thing to think about.

"I can protect myself!" MK insisted but Sun Wukong knew he'd never accept that. 

"Besides, I'm not the one who's currently in trouble. We should be working together! I don't like seeing you in trouble either you know." Monkey King sighed but it wasn't an annoyed sigh. 

"But I'm immortal! She can't kill me, even if she wanted to. You're not. It's different." But MK knew that her goal wasn't to kill Sun Wukong. MK had every right to be worried about him. 

"But- she isn't trying to kill you! She wants to make you disappear. Want's to make everyone forget about you, erase you from history. I've seen it and I don't want it to happen." It was the first time he'd said it out loud and it was horrible how afraid he was of that happening, of being alone again. 

Monkey King's ears perked up. 

"What?" He asked and MK could hear the sharpness in his tone. 

"Yeah! She's going to make it so you never existed so stop being stubborn and let me help!" The immortal looked like he was actually pondering it for a second but then he was shaking his head, crushing MK's hope. 

"No, It's too dangerous." MK frowned, crossing his arms as he made up his mind. 

"No, no! I'm not just going to stand back and watch. I'm going to help." 

"MK, no, don't you dare-" MK cut off the connection, blinking back as he saw only his room again, determination coursing through his veins as he clenched his hands into fists. 

He was going to help, whether Monkey King wanted him to or not.

(MK's found his bit of determination! That whole family is so protective of each other and I love it. Anyway, it's late and I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cause MK's vacation is officially over.)

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