The Key

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MK couldn't believe his eyes at how many things Baba had in his vault. It was piled higher than him in some areas just filled with objects and things and his eyes lit up at the sight of it, squealing as he discovered new things to gush over every second.

It was hard to stay focused on just weapons when this enormous room was filled with so many treasures and trinkets. There were even action figures of Monkey King in here! His excitement was boundless as he dove into the stacks of stuff, recognizing some items every now and then and gushing out his knowledge of it proudly to his dads'. 

Wukong was happy to search right along with him, casually moving through the mess and getting as excited about finding some things he'd forgotten about just as MK was. Macaque was less eager though, kicking at things in his way with his foot and visibly wincing at the utter chaos and mess that was pilling to the ceiling. 

"Don't you ever organize any of your stuff, Wukong?" He grimaced and Baba shook his head, throwing a golden plate he'd been holding away from him, landing far away with a loud clatter. 

"Nope." MK giggled at the sight of his dad's exasperation, once again getting distracted when he found something else, picking up what looked like a golden blindfold curiously. 

"Oh hey! I forgot I had this." He heard Wukong shout over his shoulder, turning back to find him holding up a bag that looked like it was made from leopard skin. 

"Man, Nezha is gonna be so upset when he finds out I've had this all along." The immortal chuckled to himself, clearly amused and MK tilted his head at the name, trying to recall if he'd heard it before in one of Tang's stories but coming up short. 

"Oh well." Monkey King tossed the bag to the side, Macaque shaking his head in exasperation behind him as the immortal got distracted again, finding something else of interest while MK went back to searching through his own pile, picking up two vases and wondering what they were for. He didn't care enough to ask though so he quickly put them down when something shiny caught the corner of his eye, diving over to grab a large axe, almost falling over with its weight. 

It was the first weapon MK had found so far but he quickly decided that no, he didn't want an axe and was about to throw it behind him when Wukong called out, 

"Careful with that one MK! It can literally split the sky from the earth." He explained and MK blinked, staring at the axe in his hands before gently setting it down back where he'd found it. 

"I guess it's a good thing only us three can get in here, huh? Imagine if some of your enemies found some of this stuff." Macaque commented as he walked along the middle of the room where there was a small pathway to get through all the objects, MK wasn't really paying attention though because he'd found something else to look at. 

At some point, he came across what looked like a big rake with nine spikes on the end and picked it up curiously, wondering why it seemed so familiar. Oh! The answer came to him as he stared at it, poking curiously at one of the sharp edges, remembering Tang's sorties about  Zhu Bajie and his signature weapon that was able to tear souls from their bodies and it was that thought that made MK hold it away from him, slightly weary but also in awe.  

How cool was it that he was holding such a legendary artifact right now? In his hands! Not many people were so lucky. He went to yell his findings at Baba but when he turned he noticed how far away he'd gotten from his dads and how they were both talking to each other and looked to be having a good time so he let it go, turning back to look for more stuff. 

He went further and further in, the room feeling a little darker as he got away from the door and his dad's but he was having too much fun looking around to care, finding more and more interesting things to look at. Some had inscriptions on them that he tried to read but anything that looked dangerous he tried not to touch, just in case. 

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