Basically a sleepover

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Monkey King opened the door, stepping inside and MK followed him in with delight, buzzing with energy as his eyes scanned around everything, a strange faint wave of nostalgia hitting him the moment he looked inside. 

The living room was filled to the brim with personal items and even a TV. Who knew Monkey King was so modern with his tech? MK bounced around, determined to look at everything as he followed the immortal.

They walked down the hallway and Monkey King pointed out one of the rooms. 

"This is my room, if you need something, knock." He pointed to another door.

"That's the bathroom and I'll get some blankets for you to stay on the couch. It folds out." He was about to leave, presumably to do as he'd said when MK pointed at the only other door in the corridor. 

"What's in that room?" Monkey King got that look in his eyes again, a haunted, upset look that spoke of grief before it was replaced with a casual wave of the hand. 

"Ah, that's just the storage room, nothing interesting in there except junk. Don't worry about it, bud." MK nodded and Monkey King walked away, not giving the door a second glance as he pulled out the sofa and brought blankets and pillows for MK to use. 

"There. Anything else you need?" MK looked down at his clothes. 

"You don't have any spare clothes I can use as PJ's, do you?" He asked, preparing for a 'no' but Monkey King only shrugged, leaving the room with a 'lemme check.' MK hoped he did because he didn't really like sleeping in his clothes, especially if they were going to be training tomorrow. 

Monkey King came back with a white T-shirt and tossed it at MK, hitting him in the face while MK scrambled to get it off him so he could see again. 

"Here, this is clean and should fit." He said and MK nodded, thanking him as he took his own shirt off. He waited until Monkey King was facing away before slipping his shirt off and putting the one he'd been given.  

The shirt was big on him, coming down past his thighs and he grinned, feeling silly wearing a shirt that was too big for him and enjoying how soft it felt.

Monkey King turned back around, smiling gently at the sight of MK swamped in his clothes and left with a surprisingly soft 'goodnight, kid,' leaving the light in the hallway on. Something MK was deeply grateful for. 

"Night, Monkey King!" He called back as he snuggled down into the borrowed blanket, allowing himself to relax and sigh in contentment as he closed his eyes. 

He couldn't wait for tomorrow. 

It should have been less of a surprise when MK woke up in the middle of the night, breaths coming out in short pants as he gripped the scar on his elbow, mind flashing back to the memory and the nightmare he'd just had to experience. 

He felt shaky and being in an unfamiliar place, no matter how safe, put him on edge, wishing for some form of comfort. 

Usually, when he'd had a nightmare he would sit outside Pigsy's door, the close-ish contact helping to calm him down. He never went in, though. No matter how much he wanted to sometimes. 

Unsettled and body feeling the need to move he got out of the bed, creeping across the living room, careful not to trip on anything until he found his way outside Monkey King's door. 

He hadn't meant to come here, not really, but he was sitting down, back against the wooden door before he could register what he was doing and tucking his head into his knees, breathing deeply as his heart rate calmed down. 

He'd always had good hearing and since the recent thing, it had been even more clear, helping him hear the deep breaths and occasional snores of Pigsy from outside the door. He couldn't really hear Monkey King though, and pressed his ear against the door, being as silent as possible as he listened. 

He heard a movement, a shuffle, and exhaled a sigh of relief, knowing that he wasn't alone and being able to confirm it. Now settled, he wondered if maybe this was invading Monkey King's privacy but he didn't have it in him to move. 

So he stayed there, curled up against the door as he tried to feel calm again. When he didn't fall asleep within the next few minutes he opened his eyes, giving a small huff as he looked around the hallway. 

His eyes brought him back to the spare room door, curiosity washing over him. There was something odd about Monkey King's reaction to that door and MK was dying to see what was inside. What could possibly cause such a reaction?

Maybe he could take a look? No. He put his chin in his knees, pouting. He didn't want to betray Monkey King's trust like that. 

But still, no one would have to know? 

Slowly and carefully, MK stood up, ears prickling as he listened inside for any movement that might indicate Monkey King was waking up. There was nothing so he slowly crept along the hall, one hand using the wall to balance and make his footsteps quieter. 

He made it all the way to the door, eyes casting down at the doorknob while his fingers went to touch it, gripping the handle carefully and gradually. 

He paused then, looking back at Monkey King's door with bated breath. He really shouldn't be doing this. What if he was caught? Then Monkey King would be angry with him and never trust him again! 

And yet, he really wanted to see what was inside. 

For a while, he stood there debating, on the threshold of going in or staying out. His curiosity was strong but his reluctance to get in trouble was just as aggressive. In the end, he took a deep breath, hand turning to the side as he opened the door just a crack. 

It made a sound and MK froze, not daring to breathe as he waited for steps to start coming from Monkey King's room, waited for yelling and disappointment. 

Only, everything was silent and he sagged a hefty sigh of relief, shoulders sagging. 

Now in the clear, he turned his attention back to the door, putting one hand against the wood and slowly pushing it open. 

(Hey! How are you all doing? It's late so if there are any spelling mistakes then that's why. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time. 

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