Coming together

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So MK had decided he was going to help but it took a moment before he wondered how. 

He still didn't know where Macaque and Monkey King were. He paced for a second, thinking about what he was going to do before growling in his growing confusion as his mind remained blank and void of ideas. 

Wait. He stopped, legs freezing in place as a thought passed his mind. 

Red Son. 

He'd said his family owed MK a favor and though MK hadn't wanted to ever actually use it, feeling like he didn't deserve a favor, maybe they'd have better luck finding Monkey King than MK would. 

It was worth a shot at least. 

Now all he had to do was tell the others of his plan and hope they were on board with it. 

If they tried to stop him... well. He wasn't going to let them. He had to do this. 

He left and went straight to the kitchen, finding both Sandy and Tang there, sitting down talking with cups of tea in their hands. 

"Stay here! I'm gonna go get the others." MK rushed out before darting out the room again, listening to the sounds in the boat to locate Pigsy, who was nose-deep in one of the cupboards, rummaging around for something and grumbling about useless handles under his breath, and Mei, who was in the game room. He could hear her easily because she was always very vocal when she played games.

He went to Pigsy first, yelling that he needed to talk to him now and to go to the kitchen before dashing off to find Mei and hoping Pigsy did as asked. 

"Mei! I need to talk to you and everyone else and we're all in the kitchen so I need you to come with me, okay thanks." He rushed out in one breath, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her out of the room as the controller fell from her grip and she pouted, letting herself be dragged while she complained loudly. 

They arrived back at the kitchen and MK was glad to see Pigsy there now, sat down with his arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow as soon as MK walked in and MK pushed Mei into a seat, staying standing up himself as Sandy offered Mei and him some tea. 

Mei agreed and was instantly handed a cup and MK declined, nerves too on edge for wanting to drink anything. Besides, he needed to talk. 

"Alright kid what's going on?" Pigsy asked and MK took in a deep breath before starting, words spilling out rapidly.

"Okay so Monkey King was in trouble and I told Macaque who went after him yesterday and today I was worried about them and checked up on them and Monkey King is trapped and we don't know about the status of Macaque only that he's also in trouble and I'm going to go and help both of them and I'd really like you guys' help and you can't talk me out of it so don't try and stop me." 

Somehow it was all said in one breath and he waited nervously afterward for their response preparing for the worst as his tail lashed about behind him rapidly when Sandy spoke first. 

"Of course, we'll help you, little man!" Mei nodded too, a big grin on her face as she punted a fist into the air. 

"Yeah! What are friends for? Let's go kick some ass." She cheered and MK's chest warmed happily. 

"I suppose I can come along." Tang agreed as well, taking a calm sip of his tea and looking very unbothered but that was the usual from Tang. It was nice to hear such support from his friends and now MK was smiling too, a bright, delighted thing as his nervousness faded away completely. 

"So where are they? Do you have a plan?" Pigsy asked and MK nodded firmly before stopping and rubbing the back of his neck, not sure how to put this next part out. 

"Well... kind of. The bull family sort of owes me a favor? And I was thinking maybe they could help locate them both. They're pretty knowledgeable people." It wasn't exactly a solid plan but it was the best he had and he was willing to take that risk. 

Mei just looked disgusted and scandalized.

"What? Them? No way! They're the bad guys! They won't help us and even if they did we can't trust them." She puffed her chest out and before MK could defend his choice Pigsy was putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. 

"If MK thinks this will work then I trust him. We'll keep an eye out but this is our best lead." Mei pouted at that, taking a moment to look like she disagreed before accepting what he was saying and the manic grin was back like a snap. 

"Okay but if any of them try anything-" She pulled out her sword, a flash of green lightning cracking behind her and highlighting her expression in darkness dramatically as her tone went sinister. 

"-I'll tear them to shreds." MK wasn't even the one being threatened and yet he still felt chills go down his spine, not for the first time very glad that Mei was on their side. She would make a truly terrifying villain. 

Looking at his friends, his family around him, MK felt confidence sore through his veins, truly ready for the first time in a while. They could do this.


It didn't take long to pile everyone into the truck and then they were off into the city, driving carefully through the wreaked place, each watching smoke and destroyed buildings with grimaces. MK couldn't help but feel like this was his fault. Like he could have done more to prevent this. 

He watched buildings speed by until eventually, they made it to the Demon Bull family's lair, watching the tall, ominous doors looming above them silently. After a long pause of everyone staring at the intimidating entrance, Mei spoke up.

"Sooo. Who's gonna knock?" Silence followed her question and MK rolled his eyes, stealing himself before walking up to the doors and raising a fist. 

He winced as he struck down, the sound loud as his ears twitched in low irritation, knocking three times firmly before stepping back into the group, now less on edge because he was surrounded by everyone else. 

It took a moment but eventually, a very annoyed-looking Red Son opened the door, rolling his eyes. 

"What filthy peasant dares to knock-" He froze as soon as he saw MK and his group, MK giving a small, awkward wave as the demon took an instinctive step back, eyes staring straight at MK. 

"Monkey boy?! What are you doing here?" 

(Red Son has joined the narrative again! I couldn't just leave him out, his chaos amuses me. Also, at some point here MK refers to everyone as 'friends', and even though I wrote that it annoys me. Like MK, buddy, these people are absolutely family at this point. Especially Mei and Pigsy.

As always I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll be back in two days with more.)

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