The attack

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Everywhere was chaos. No one was really sure what had happened. Only that the Demon Bull King had escaped the mountain and was destroying the city using the power of Monkey King's legendary staff along with his family.

"What are we going to do?" MK asked, worried as Pigsy pulled him away from some falling debris.

"We should- we should try and stop him, right?" Mei asked, hands tightening into fists. They'd met up with Mei as soon as the chaos had started and were all gathered in Pigsy's shop, looking outside as their city slowly collapsed.

"What can we do?" Tang asked, pushing his glasses up so the light bounced off them ominously.

"He's too powerful. The only person who could ever hope to stop him is the Monkey king himself and no one's seen him for decades!"

"But we have to help!" MK cried out, nervous energy building inside him.

"We need to get somewhere safe." Pigsy reasoned, earning a betrayed look from both Mei and MK, who didn't want to run.

"I know a guy that has a boat. We can use that to go somewhere else. Somewhere safe."

"No!" Mei yelled.

"I'm not leaving! This is- this my home! We can't just abandon everyone here."

Pigsy sighed, looking at the younger girl who had tears in her eyes and feeling a hundred years older when he put a hand on her shoulder.

"We have to."

MK wasn't listening to them, eyes focused on the frame of the Demon Bull King in the distance, beams lighting up, casting the city in light every few seconds.

He clenched his fists, power bubbling up inside him.

He had to try.  

Perhaps, he thought as he used his shadow form to slip away from the group, going alone wasn't the brightest idea. 

He headed over to Macaques', planning on grabbing a weapon there that he could use but not sure if he was hoping the place would be empty or not. On one hand, maybe Macaque would try to stop him from helping. On the other, maybe he'd help? Macaque was powerful, surely together they could defeat DBK?  

It seemed far-fetched, even to him. They had the Monkey Kings' staff for crying out loud! 

Gods, they were practically doomed. Who was he kidding? There was nothing he could do. 

"Hey, MK," MK yelled loudly and stumbled backward, accidentally going out of the shadow and back to normal in his panic. 

"MEI! What the heck? You scared me!" He put a hand on his racing chest, trying to calm himself down and look less flustered. 

"What'cha doin' sneaking off on your own?" She asked, getting up close to him and he pushed her away with one hand, scoffing and trying (failing) to come up with a believable lie. 

"Nothing. Pssh, I wasn't sneaking away- I just, uh-" 

"Was going to fight DBK on your own?" She summarised, crossing her arms as she caught MK in his own lie and he gave up, sagging as he prepared himself for a speech about recklessness. 

"Yeah." He mumbled out. 

"I want in." He looked up, shocked at his best friend's enthusiasm and lack of trying to stop him. 

"Wait, really?" She nodded. 

"Hell yeah! Let's do this. Me and you MK." And honestly, he should have known Mei was going to be on board but he was still shocked. 

"What- but- Mei! It's gonna be super dangerous!" 

"I know." MK sighed in frustration. 

"No, you don't get it. It's gonna be really, really dangerous. You could get hurt!" He didn't want to put Mei in danger. Couldn't stand the thought of it. 

"I know! I'm not backing down MK. I'm your friend, I'm here for you." 

"Mei..." He couldn't let his friend get dragged into this. 

"I think we should go back to Pigsy and the others. It- it isn't safe. We shouldn't do this." She looked confused as she reached out to him. 

"MK, what are you talking about, I thought you agreed with me. We have to do someth-" 

"THIS ISN'T A GAME MEI!" She stopped and MK took a step back at his outburst, holding his arm. 

"If- if we fail then we die. We can't take that risk."

"Someone has to do it." She stated firmly and MK shook his head, taking her hand and leading her back to the adults. 

"But not us." 

Behind them both, the original MK watched his clone leave with Mei. He frowned and took a deep breath in before turning back to Macaques' a grimace on his face. She was right. 

Someone had to do it. 

He made it to Macaques' dojo, going in and finding it empty. He grabbed a staff off one of the racks, the one he usually used when they were training, and headed out, hoping by now that his family and friends were safe before using the shadows to make his way over to DBK. 

Time put his powers to good use. 

"Hey!" He called out loudly when he got to the demon Bull King (Who was much scarier in person) 

"Stop right there!" He held his staff out threateningly at the far larger being, watching as DBK began to laugh a deep, hysterical, and amused laugh. 

"You think you could possibly stand up against me? ME! I'M THE DEMON BULL KING. THOUSANDS HAVE COWERED BEFORE ME AND TREMBLED AT MY POWER." He looked down on MK, grinning. 

"You are nothing but an insignificant WORM. YOU HAVE NO HOPE TO STAND UP AGAINST ME!" 

"We'll see about that," MK mumbled before rushing forwards, using the shadows to travel quicker and creating a clone to distract DBK while he got in close. 

He saw the demon's confusion as he crushed the clone, leaving nothing but some hair behind, and then MK attacked, using his staff to swing downwards at him. 

Only, DBK moved in surprise and MK missed, yelling as he fell downwards straight into the light coming out the center of the demon Bull King's armor, screaming as his vision went white. 

His last thought, before he lost his sight, was that he hoped his friends would be okay. 

(Hey, hey! So I've been super busy today so I'm updating this super late. I still have loads of homework due tomorrow so I'm basically suffering over here. Love you guys and see you again tomorrow!) 

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