The Arcade

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"Do you have Monkey Mech in here?" MK went ahead and asked as he went to actually look at all the games only to realize with a tug that he was still holding Red Son's hand and dropping it like it had burned him, his whole face feeling like it was on fire as he ducked his head so no one could see his utter embarrassment.

Luckily for him, it seemed that neither of the other two had noticed the panic mostly because Mei was busy looking around and touching everything and Red Son was busy being disgusted by the question. 

"Absolutely not! As if I would ever buy such utter garbage-" 

"Hey! Monkey Mech is great thank you very much." MK was quick to defend with a huff, crossing his arms. 

"I bet you've never even played it." He added and Red Son shook his head, looking actually offended. 

"Of course I haven't-" 

"You've never played?" Mei gasped, butting in with faux horror in her voice even though, considering the game and Red Son's family's history with the actual Monkey King it was common sense that he hadn't played. 

"That's terrible! It's literally the best game ever." Mei continued on, her eyes lighting up like she had an idea.

"We should go down to the arcade together!" She suggested brightly, slinging an arm around Red Son's shoulder that, while he frowned at he didn't shove off. 

"We can get cheese tea, show you around the games and I'll teach you how to play some of them 'cause I'm the best." She rambled on and MK felt himself frown because that sounded fun and he really wanted to but...  

"Uh, actually Mei I'm not allowed." He told her, rubbing the back of his neck in shame at having been the reason they couldn't do something she was obviously excited about. 

"Aww, what? How come?" She pouted and even Red Son looked interested in his answer. 

"Monkey King said I couldn't leave Red's place if he let me come. He's kinda worried about me getting hurt or something, I don't know. He's been super protective of me for some reason." It felt good being able to talk about it, even though he was ashamed. Getting some of those feelings off his chest made him feel less stressed about it but when he looked up he saw the strange look on Red Son's face and wondered if he shouldn't have said anything. 

"Aww, man that's too bad." Mei sighed, understanding and disappointed at the same time but to everyone's surprise, Red Son spoke up with something neither of them had expected. 

"Well, it's not like he'll know if you did." He stated, tone very blunt and MK blinked. 

"No, but I promised-" The demon waved him off with his hand, confusing MK greatly. He hadn't thought Red Son even wanted to go. 

"Yeah, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I thought you wanted to play that silly game? It's not like you actually will get hurt." He scoffed, sounding like just the thought was ridiculous but MK wasn't convinced. He didn't want to get in trouble. 

"Well yeah but-" 

"And if something were to happen, Mei and I would protect you. With the son of the Demon Bull King himself at your side, nothing will survive my burning flames!" He cackled, and MK laughed a little at the enthusiasm, a little more convinced now. Red Son was right, it was just the arcade, he'd been there millions of times. Just because Baba was overprotective didn't mean MK shouldn't be allowed to have fun with his friends. 

"Okay, alright let's do it!" He cheered, his tail swishing about behind him and Red Son gave him a feral grin, face lighting up in that way that had MK's chest feeling fluttery. 

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