Home Sweet Home

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Sadly, MK didn't find out any more information despite trying to prod for more at every opportunity. It didn't help that Wukong and Macaque never left his side, staying seated to his left the whole time and dis-swaying any of the events that led to MK in the hospital being mentioned. 

Eventually, the doctor came in and ran through more tests with MK while his friends left to give the women more room, and he was made to stand and walk around the room. It took more effort and hurt more than it should have but MK pushed it down, ignoring his trembling legs. He'd noticed that as he went to sit down again afterward his whole legs seemed to spasm and twitch for a moment, the action startling him and completely out of his control. 

He stared wide-eyed at his leg afterward and the doctor said something, talking to both him and his parents who hadn't left the room, but he didn't hear any of what the woman was saying, too busy staring at his leg.  

The rest of the day passed slowly, with Mei coming back in to keep him company with a game, forcing Red Son along with her until drowsiness kicked in and MK took a nap. By the time he woke up, they had gone home but his baba and his dad were still there.

In the end, he talked to them,  asking quietly about how everyone else was doing and where his phone was. He didn't try to pry for more information this time, knowing he wasn't going to get anything out of it. 

The next day the doctor came in again and watched as MK stood up and walked around the room, finding it easier this time but still tiring and by the time he had sat on his bed again he smiled at the way his leg didn't twitch this time, delighted. 

"-Leave once we've checked his blood work." MK's ears twitched as he caught the tail end of the conversation, brightening, even though he missed whatever they'd been saying before.

"I can leave?" He asked excitedly, smiling and the doctor nodded patiently.

"Yes, you seem to only be suffering minor effects that are hopefully short-term. I've given your parents all the information they need to help you while you recover but as long as someone's watching over you and changing your bandages, there's no reason you can't go home."  MK nodded, bouncing gratefully before turning to his dads', anxious to get back to his place above the shop. 

"Great! I'm sure Pigsy will help if I ask him. I can't wait to go home." Wukong shuffled out of Macaque's arms, looking confused. 

"Pigsy?" He asked slowly and MK nodded, not understanding. 

"Yeah, because I live with him." He stated because it was obvious but Wukong just shook his head. 

"You'll stay with me." He said, leaving no room for discussion. His tone spoke of finality that left no room for MK to try and change his mind. 

"O-kay?" He wasn't sure what to make of that but didn't mind much anyway. Then, realizing what Baba was implying he clapped his hands together and blurted out, 

"thank you!" Not wanting to seem rude.  

The conversation seemed over after that and the next half an hour was doing bloodwork and then finally, finally by the end of the evening he was cleared to leave and his dad pushed him in the wheelchair out of the hospital, Wukong sat as a ladybug in MK's hair. 

He giggled at the feeling, looking up through his bangs and laughing to himself at the thought of Baba being up there to get away from the crowds and noise as they left.

Being wheeled about would have been more fun if Mei had been the one to push him, MK thought as Macaque pushed him out of the building, letting out a sigh of relief at being out of the hospital as he tucked his plush closer under his arm.

MK was just as surprised and excited as he saw Mei from the car park, leaning as far out the van window as she could possibly be without falling out. 

"MK!" She yelled his name as they got closer and he grinned as she really did fall out the window in her excitement, getting back up with a spring and opening the side door for him. 

"Mei, you're here?" He asked once he was close enough and she nodded, bobbing her head. 

"Yep! I thought you'd need help moving your things from Sandy's boat!" She smiled and MK tilted his head in confusion. 

"Why would they be on Sandy's boat?" She blinked at his question. 

"Right! You don't remember." She mumbled the last part like she was talking to herself before looking back up at MK and shaking her frown away, casting a side glance at Macaque.

"It doesn't matter, let's just get your stuff and help you move in with Monkey King and Macaque!" She said loudly, then once assured that while Macaque was definitively listening in, he wasn't watching her so she mouthed the words,

"I'll tell you later," making MK nod back at her quickly, unbearably grateful for his best friend. 

Macaque and Wukong couldn't hover forever and the moment they were alone MK was getting every detail about what happened from Mei.

"Wait Macaque will be there too?" He shouted after a second, finally registering what Mei had said before. As far as he was aware, his parents didn't like spending time together. Or did they? He hadn't put too much thought into them being so close in the hospital but the idea of them living together? It filled him with giddy excitement as he looked up at Macaque. How had they managed to get so comfortable with each other in the time MK didn't have any memories of? 

"Yeah, kid. Someone's gotta keep you outta trouble and it definitely isn't going to be Wukong." He teased, ruffling MK's hair playfully. They both heard an offended, 

"Hey," coming from MK's hair that they laughed at. 

Macaque helped him out of the wheelchair and into the van, and he buckled himself in while Mei sat next to him, noticing Pigsy in the front. 

"Hey, Pigsy!" He waved to the man, watching as he nodded back gruffly in acknowledgment. MK figured that he was there to drive them considering Macaque didn't have a car.

"I bet you're super excited to be out of the hospital!" Mei asked as she buckled herself in and MK nodded, his left arm twitching and cramping as he reached to close the door. He winced at the pain that shot up his arm, pulling his hand back and holding it with his other as he waited for the pain to fade. 

Then he realized Mei was staring at him, waiting for a response and now looking a little concerned and he flashed her a big grin, smiling brightly.    

"I sure am! It'll be nice to eat Pigsy's noodles again." 

"Except you'll be staying with those idiots, who probably don't even know how to cook at all." Pigsy huffed, sounding upset at the idea and it warmed MK's heart that Pigsy was sad about MK not staying with him while he recovered. 

"No one says I can't visit! With Baba's cloud, we can get there in no time and you can show them how." MK told him optimistically while Macaque complained about being able to cook at the same time.

The drive to Sandy's ship was filled with noise and bickering like that and MK smiled at the feeling of having the people he loved around him, ignoring the irrational feeling that they'd be gone in the next moment, leaving him alone.

It was a silly thought, they'd never leave him like that, and yet he couldn't help but feel like that was wrong somehow, the cold wind from the open window in the front making his chest tight.    

(Mei is literally the best friend that everyone wishes they had, I love writing her. Sorry, this was late anyway, I've not been very well. It feels like I spend more time being unwell these days than I do feeling okay :( 

I don't know when I'll update next, hopefully in three days but we'll see. I hope you guys are doing well though and I'll see you next time.) 

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