Part 99

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The best way to describe how Macaque felt about the others' being gone on their little side quest without him was bored. He spent the first few hours in his room, sitting on his bed trying to fall asleep but being unable to because of his nerves. 

What if they were caught? He couldn't imagine Wukong getting off lightly, not when the Jade emperor hated him anyway. Wukong had mellowed out but Macaque was certain that if they were discovered and a mountain was mentioned he'd lash out. 

Then who would be around to save MK?

He pushed the thoughts from his head, sighing on his bed and groaning into his hands. He just wanted to sleep. 

The energy inside him buzzed and normally he would've used it to fight someone but since he was injured even training was out of the question. The whole reason he'd stayed behind was so he could rest. 

He almost wanted to go for a walk but the possibility of bumping into either BDK or Iron Fan kept him firmly in his room. With any luck, his immense boredom would overpower the nerves and he'd fall asleep anyway.  

The gods' must have shown mercy on him because at some point later, he really did manage to fall asleep, dreams thankfully blank.

Far away from him, his group of idiots arrived at heaven, making up plans to break in and find what they were looking for. 

By the time Macaque woke up he felt better, his injuries, which had been aching, no longer sent sharp pains down his side when he stretched, and as he woke up properly he found that he felt much better than he had before going to sleep like he had more energy. 

Sitting up he unwrapped the bandages around his midsection, glad to see that the wound there looked much better than it had before. Even his tail looked better, more fur growing in where the ice-burn had been, obscuring the scar from sight. 

By tomorrow, he'd probably be healed enough that fighting wouldn't re-open any wounds. So by tomorrow, there would be nothing stopping him from getting MK back. The thought was both reliving and scary. 

He wondered if others had gotten the gourd yet, if they were on their way back right now or if they had been caught. He supposed he wouldn't know until got back. Which In hindsight was stupid because surely Red Son could contact his parents sooner than that and let them know they were okay... 

He couldn't imagine DBK using a phone though so maybe not. 

Feeling hungry, Macaque contemplated getting something to eat and risk seeing the other occupants before his stomach made the decision for him and he got himself out of bed tiredly, in the search for food. 

In the hallway he heard footsteps coming his way, his ears twitching at the sound. They were loud enough to only be one person, a person he wasn't interested in seeing. Sure he could slip into the shadows and escape unnoticed but he had the feeling DBK was looking specifically for him. Why else would he be in this part of their home when it was only him here? 

Deciding to just let whatever happens happen Macaque continued walking and sure enough came across DBK who stopped when he saw him. 

"Ah, Macaque, I was looking for you. My son told me they are on their way back and have the gourd in their possession." 

"Well, that's good news."

"Honestly they should have never gone in the first place. What a dangerous and stupid thing to do, stealing from heaven after what happened last time they got in trouble with the celestials. Your friends are a terrible influence on my son."  

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