I've got you

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MK screamed as the knife went down, something desperate making him shove and push and make his hand stop moving. He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to watch this. He had to stop her! 

Like the push and pull of the tide, he grabbed a hold of the controls, his arm jolting to a stop above Wukong's eye, the strain of it making his body ache. 

He stayed like that for a second, not registering what that meant until he really looked down at his hand, chest heaving with the effort, moving feeling like he was wading through thick mud. 

But it was him moving, he realized listening to his on breaths as suddenly his vision got blurry and he realized he was crying, relief spilling over onto his cheeks.    

MK watched, as his parent's face scrunched up in confusion before he opened his eyes, staring alarmed at the weapon inches from his face before looking back up at MK, blinking in confusion at the tears all over his face and the way he was shaking. 

"Baba." He cried out, sniffling as he dropped the weapon in his hand away from Wukong, his palm aching with the cold of having gripped it so tight and Wukong flinched back, making his stomach drop. 

Was he mad at him? Did he hate him? MK hadn't meant to do all this. 

He could feel her tugging back at him, the effort of keeping himself in control painful as he winced.   

"MK?" He asked and MK nodded, legs finally giving out as he collapsed to his knees with a small noise. 

Wukong caught him though, tugging him in close and holding him tight, the warmth spreading around where he was touched chasing away some of the chill that was clinging to him tightly.

He trembled, Wukong cupping his cheeks and wiping away some of the flow of tears, looking him over before pulling him in again tighter as realization crossed his face. 

"It's you. It's really you. Oh, thank Buddha. I'm so sorry MK, this is all my fault. I've got you, I'm never letting you go again I promise. You're okay." MK just listened to the sound of his voice, letting it wash over him like a soothing blanket until eventually his arms grew numb with cold again and his whole body tensed, choking out on a sob as he curled in closer. 

He could feel her pulling him back, he could feel the battle as it got harder and harder to stay here so he pulled away from the crushing hug, ignoring Wukong's whine of confusion as he gripped his dad's arms with all his strength, desperation in his eyes. 

He didn't want to hurt anyone else. 

"I-I-I can't s-stop her. I'm sorry." He managed to choke out, his voice feeling raw and unused and he winced at that too, trembling on the ground. 

Wukong shook his head, eyes wide and just so tender as he smoothed circles into MK's arms, the motion soothing. 

"Hey, it's okay. I've got you. I'm so proud of you kid." MK squeezed his eyes shut at that, hurt bubbling away inside. He hadn't done anything to make him proud. He didn't deserve to be told that. This was all his fault. He should be stronger, should be able to fight against her better. 

A spike of pain in his head, her voice echoing loudly in it made him grit his teeth, Wukong clutching him tighter in worry as, in the distance, the sound of icebreaking made his ears twitch. 

"MK!" Another voice made him pull his head up, blinking slowly at the familiar sound. 

"Dad?" His voice was so small as Macaque slid to his knees to the side of him, having broken the ice trapping him while MK had been with Wukong, listening to the whole conversation while he'd quickly chipped away at his temporary prison. 

"MK! Oh, kiddo good job. You're so strong." MK wasn't sure what he meant by that, face falling into confusion because he hadn't done anything but be useless as Macaque joined the hug, both his parents holding him from both sides like a net of security.

"I- I love you both." MK managed to get out, almost sure it was the last time he'd get to tell them and they both softened, squeezing him in even tighter. 

"We love you too, kid." They said at the same time and a burst of glee that they were here like this together, all in one big hug made MK smile. 

Then he hissed, pulling back and clutching at his head as the pressure inside it increased, making it ache. He could hear her, yelling and shrieking at him and he struggled to fight back, his energy quickly falling. 

"I can't hold her off." He murmured out, sorrowful and feeling useless and his dad shook his head, holding onto his hand tightly. 

"You're stronger than her, kid." He told him and though the sentiment was nice, MK knew it wasn't true.

"Please don't let her hurt you." He begged, tears swelling up again in his eyes at the image he'd found himself in earlier, with his Baba on his knees in front of him. 

He never wanted to feel that afraid again.   

"Oh, kiddo." Wukong hugged him again, Macaque looking at his face and noticing the way MK's eyes flickered blue as he winced. They were out of time. 

Over MK's shoulder, Wukong caught sight of Red Son, a thought clicking into his head that made him jolt upright. He quickly pulled away from MK, eyes wide while MK stared up at him in confusion, ice beginning to form under his legs where he was kneeling.

"Red Son, get over here, I've got an idea!" He called out, adrenaline buzzing through his veins. 

This... could work. This had to work.

Red Son, confused, came over as quickly as he could, Wukong glancing back down at MK as he made his way over, who had curled his head into his knees and was shaking.

"MK? Stay with me for one more sec, okay baby? I'm gonna fix this." He told his child, running his hand through MK's hair comfortingly as Red Son approached.

"Great, now gimme the gourd." He told him and Red Son handed it over, Macaque blinking when he realized where Wukong was going with this. 

As soon as Wukong was touching the object he turned back to MK, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 

"I love you, kiddo. So, so much." He made sure to tell him but MK was too busy fighting the Bone Demon off, fighting to stay in control and not hurt his loved ones to respond. 

Plowing forwards, Wukong gripped the gourd in one hand and held MK in the other. 

"Is your name Qi Xiaotian?" He asked, not knowing if it would work with the name MK and not wanting to risk it. MK looked up at the question, nails digging into his palms and eyes red with how much he'd been crying as he tilted his head, pushing through the pain to get his mouth to move as he stammered out, 


(Soft, it's so soft, I hope you're all crying because I'm crying. I love this sweet family even though I keep hurting them. This is how I show my love okay! And good job Wukong, you finally did something useful. But also I'm moving into my uni accommodation and then I've got freshers week so I'm actually not gonna be able to update for a few days since I'll be super busy.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time!)

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