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Once MK had managed to get himself off the floor of the shower and out the bathroom he got changed, forcing himself back into his human form, skin feeling too tight and wrong.

Afterward, he forced himself downstairs, each step feeling like he was walking to his doom rather than the easy journey it should have been. 

He paused at the entrance to the kitchen, peeking around the corner to see Pigsy, working away preparing noodles like usual, and steeled himself before walking in. 

"Hey, Pigsy." He greeted, voice cracking just a little in the middle and he winced, covering it up as his boss turned around with a fake, forced smile. 

"Kid, glad you're up. You can have today off if you want. Spend some time with Mei or something." MK perked up at that, first feeling surprised then suspicious. It was unlike Pigsy to give him a day off for no reason. The only time he'd managed to get off was the time he'd spent at Monkey Kings', training, and even then it had taken MK a long time to convince Pigsy that it was a good idea, using the excuse of needing to be taught so he'd be safe when DBK came back. 

"Really?" MK couldn't help but ask, watching as Pigsy narrowed his eyes and huffed. 

"Yeah really. Unless you wanna keep being ungrateful and would rather work?" He asked but MK knew he didn't mean it. He grinned a cheeky grin and quickly backed away. 

"No, no, that's great. Thanks' Pigsy!" He yelled as he left, missing the soft, concerned look on the other's face as he skipped out of the building. 

As soon as he was outside the smile fell from his face and he looked around, noticing all the people and noises and feeling incredibly out of place. He took another deep breath before shaking his head and plastering another fake smile on his face, hoping it looked convincing. 

Okay MK. He told himself, clenching his hands into fists. It was time to find Macaque and apologize. 

It was hard because, on one hand, he felt terrible for what he'd said and still cared greatly for Macaque but on the other hand part of him was still upset with the demon for lying to him, for manipulating him and trying to use him. That doesn't even begin to cover what happened with him and Monkey King when he was a baby either. MK didn't have the whole story but perhaps if Macaque hadn't done what he'd done then MK could have grown up with a dad. With a proper family.

Maybe he wouldn't be the pathetic excuse of a person that he was now. 

He squashed those feelings deep down, crushing and hiding them inside himself because they were terrible things to be feeling. Macaque didn't deserve to have to deal with MK's insecurities and problems. Especially when MK probably would have turned out a mess no matter what his upbringing had been. It was unfair to blame others' when it was his own fault for being so clumsy and stupid. He was lucky people put up with him for as long as they did. 

It wasn't like they'd even treated him that badly. 

Anyway, he didn't have time to be standing here being idle, he needed to start looking and he knew exactly where to start. 

The dojo. 

Every time MK had needed to find Macaque he would be at the dojo. Sure, he wasn't always there but sooner or later he would be. At least, that was what MK was hoping. He didn't know where else Macaque lived. If he did live anywhere at all. 

With that thought in mind, he left for the dojo, moving through the shadows to get there. He didn't feel like walking and wanted to get there as soon as he could, nervous jitters filling his body. 

It surprised him how... cold and desolate the place felt when he got there. It hadn't always felt so abandoned and creepy. There were goose bumps on MK's arms and he cautiously swung the door open, the thing creaking loudly. He winced at the noise and slowly walked in, hugging his arms and biting his lip. He'd always felt at home here and yet now he couldn't help but feel like an outsider, like an intruder who didn't belong. 

It was unnerving. 

"Macaque?" He called out, though the lights were off and it was pretty obvious that no one was home. 

"Are you here?" There was no response and MK took a few minutes to wander around the whole place, eyeing everything like it was going to bite him. 

It was pretty clear however that Macaque wasn't here and MK sighed in disappointment, wondering how he was going to find someone who could literally be on a different continent by now. How was MK to know where the demon could possibly be? 

It's not like he would have stuck around after everything that MK had said to him. 

He sat down, feeling disgruntled and hopeless before squashing that feeling down too, forcing himself to stand up. 

He would just keep looking. He'd find Macaque eventually, he was sure of it! Yeah, he just needed a little more patience. Everything would be fine, everything is fine. He ignored the way those thoughts felt like lies and walked out of the dojo, slipping into the shadows to look around the city better. He was sure he'd find Macaque somewhere. 

He just had to do better.

He spent the whole day looking, scowering ever inch of the city and yet was no closer, getting towards the outskirts of town near the mountain with no results when he heard footsteps behind him. He paused instantly, the hair on the back of his neck tingling as he tried not to panic, that ever-familiar nervousness creeping upon him like a snake about to grab him and bite. 

What if it was her? 

Taking a deep breath, head prickled with terror and anticipation, he turned around and- 

"Red Son?" It was hard to hide his surprise. 

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