Late Night Thoughts

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Wukong wasn't sure when he fell asleep but he woke up with his face pressed into something soft, feeling warm all over with pressure all over his sides and back like he was wrapped in a hug. It was strange how calm and at peace he felt considering how upset he'd fallen asleep, feeling surprisingly well-rested. 

That didn't mean he was okay with waking up though, no. He wanted to stay where he was now forever, feeling like he was wrapped up in a cacoon, softness pressing in at him from every side and making him feel like he was on a cloud. 

He was fully prepared to sink back into that fuzzy, warm feeling and slip back off into a light sleep until the thing he had his face pressed into moved slightly, a small noise he knew he hadn't made reaching his ears. 

Immediately Wukong felt his eyebrows furrow, now feeling much more awake as he opened an eye, seeing his hands that were pressed against a chest and-

Great Budda. He was pressed into Macaque's chest, the other on his side with his arms wrapped around Wukong like he was cuddling a teddy. They were so close, Wukong's whole body tucked up with hardly even a gap between them. It immediately made his whole face feel burning hot, the warmth he'd enjoyed just a second ago now too much as he yelped, pushing himself away and breaking Macaque's hold. 

He realized a second too late that he shouldn't have done that, Macaque instantly stirring at the sudden movement with a frown tugging at his lips. He shuffled, curling in slightly before his expression smoothed out and Wukong let out a sigh of relief that the demon was still asleep, his heart calming down in his chest to a more reasonable tempo.

He took a moment to just stay still, just within reach of Macaque as he let himself breathe for a minute, face still hot with a warmth that spread all the way from his ears to his toes. 

He couldn't believe he'd been- he thought about the position he'd woken in and immediately the heat in his cheeks came back, making him push away the feeling and desperately try to ignore how nice it had been in the others' arms. 

He hadn't been held like that since- 

He looked down, not all that surprised to find their tails entwined tightly. That at least made him laugh slightly, a small smile lighting up his eyes. His tail had always seemed to end up entwined with someone else's. Be it Macaque all those years ago or the little monkey's back on his mountain that sometimes stayed with him or MK. 

He froze, his whole body going painfully rigid. MK. How could he have forgotten, even for just a moment? 

For a second, it had slipped his mind, still fuzzy with that feeling of just waking up and too frazzled at waking up in Macaque's arms that he- It was no excuse. God's, how could he have even smiled, even for a second while MK was hurt and he'd left him? Left him again. 

When they got MK back, and they would, would MK even want to see him? He wouldn't blame his kid for hating him, for feeling angry and betrayed that Wukong had left him again even after promising he wouldn't. 

He was such a horrible, horrible, selfish person. He hoped MK was okay, that the kid wasn't in any pain, that he didn't even know what was happening and was fine. As if sensing his spiraling thoughts the tail wrapped around his tightened slightly, a comforting pressure that surprised him just enough to snap him out of his thoughts. 

He looked back up at Macaque again, eyes wide but the other was still asleep, breathing evened out and steady. 

Taking a deep breath, Wukong leaned his head back against the bed, squeezing his eyes shut as his own tail squeezed back reassuringly without his permission. 

Closing his eyes too long made his mind wander, thoughts and images of her and MK flashing across his mind tauntingly and he snapped them open again, feeling old and tired. What he wouldn't give to have MK here now. He'd pull his child into the firmest hug he possibly could and would never let go, pressing soft, affectionate kisses to the top of his kid's messy head and telling him how much he missed him. He deserved to hear it until he was sick of Wukong telling him. 

Next to him, Macaque shuffled slightly and Wukong blinked, water slipping down his face at the action. 

He really, really missed MK. 

Wukong wasn't sure how long he stayed there awake, staring at Macaque and then the ceiling. Now that he thought about it how long had he been asleep? The question made him scrunch his eyes up. He'd been terrible with timings for a while. After MK had been born and then... wasn't with him anymore he'd spent a lot of time in the nursery, sleeping with his back to an empty crib. 

He'd never know how long he'd been there until he eventually left, sometimes finding he'd been lying still for days or longer. 

It couldn't have been that long this time though, someone, be it Macaque or one of the other on this ship, would have come in to wake him up if it had. 

He looked around the room then, his eyes clearly able to see despite the darkness as he searched for a clock or some way to tell the time. He huffed when he didn't see one, what type of person didn't keep an alarm clock in their room? He looked over at the demon beside him, still sleeping undisturbed. 

The answer was Macaque apparently.  

It was probably late though. He should wake him up... He should get up himself really. He should get up. 

He should. 

So why didn't he want to? Why did it seem so hard to get himself to move? The bed was warm and he was just so, so tired and worn down. What was even the point? 

Well, the point was that he didn't deserve to stay in bed. MK didn't get that luxury so why should he? Even sleeping was like slapping his kid's face. It wasn't fair. Why should Wukong get to sleep and enjoy anything when MK couldn't? 

MK would want him to get up. It was probably late. He'd been asleep long enough. 

So why was it still so hard to get the energy to make himself get out of bed? 

He'd have to untangle his and Macaques' tails to be able to get up he realized, staring that the mentioned limbs unblinkingly. 

Maybe... maybe another five minutes was okay? 

...It wasn't like MK was gonna be there if he did wake up anyway.  

(We're at 90 chapters! Wow, honestly this is so sureal. I can't belive how long this has been going on. When I'm finished I'll be sad :( but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways! Hope you're all having a good day and I'll see you guys soon!)


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