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Macaque could do nothing but watch as the Bone Demon grabbed his kid by the arm, her mouth twisted into a self-satisfied grin because he couldn't get there in time, couldn't do anything but watch as she disappeared into MK's body, the boy yelping in pain and stumbling immediately to his knees.

"MK!" He'd never felt such terror race through his veins as he slid onto his knees hard enough to hurt, hands hovering worriedly as MK winced heavily, the boy's eyes squeezed shut.   

His heart thumping in his chest was impossible not to hear, as was MK's own heartbeat, racing wildly alongside his as he gripped the kid's hands, trying to get him to stop clawing at his head. 

"Come on MK, fight her! You can do this, kid, I've got you." He pleaded, feeling completely at a loss as MK made a whining noise in the back of his throat, a noise that made Macaque's heart ache.

"You have to go." MK's voice cracked, his eyes now open, tinted in blue, and looking at him with such desperation and pain that Macaque felt like his whole world was falling apart. He'd never felt this way before, never had such adrenaline scorching through his veins before. It was terrifying.

One thing was certain though, he wasn't leaving without his kid. 

"What? Kid no, I'm not leaving without you!" He didn't get attached easily, didn't care so strongly, and yet MK had made a way into his heart despite his best efforts and he wouldn't have it any other way. He wasn't giving up on someone who never gave up on him. MK could fight this. He had to. 

But MK merely shook his head, his eyes flashing blue as he gripped his head harder before making eye contact.   

"Get Baba and leave, I can't-" Macaque opened his mouth to immediately disagree but couldn't manage to get words to pass his lips at the sight of tears slipping down MK's cheeks, a truly begging tone making his heart feel like it had stopped beating.


How had everything gone so wrong? 

"I'm not leaving you with her-" He went to say but was interrupted by MK shaking his head, voice strained.

"Wukong's in the next room. Find him, free him, get my friends and then leave."

Macaque wouldn't leave MK. Not ever, but the gold in MK's eyes was washed out by blue and he knew in his heart that MK was losing the fight against her. That he couldn't hold out much longer. 

"Please, kid. Please, please don't give in. What's-" He wasn't weak enough to cry but his eyes still felt heavy and wet. 

"What's Wukong gonna say when he finds out I let you get hurt, huh? He'll- he'll go all protective mode and no one wants that. He can be so emotional." He let out a laugh that came out as more of a half sob and quickly snapped his mouth shut. 

His hands that had been gripping the side of MK's face suddenly burned with cold and he pulled them back at the sudden change in temperature, dread flooding past the worry as fear overtook the grief. It wouldn't be long before she was in control.  

He wouldn't leave MK, he wouldn't, couldn't but... but if he let himself get caught again then there would be no one left to help MK. 

He needed help. He should get Wukong. Free him and regroup and come back.

Because he would come straight back. There was no doubt about that. He wasn't going to leave MK here. Not ever. 

He just needed help. He was injured and couldn't fight her off on his own. 

He had to leave. 

That didn't make the choice any easier though. 

"I swear I'll be straight back, kid. I promise it. Just hold on." He told the motionless boy on the floor, backing away as the room got colder and colder. 

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