The Epicentre

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Waking up that morning was a hard thing for everyone. For Mei, she was filled with jitters and nerves, anticipation making it hard for her to stay still. Even Red Son was affected by the energy in the air. It had already been decided that while Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy were coming they were going to be staying on the boat, not getting in the way. None of them were interested in getting murdered thank you very much and Sandy had sworn off fighting.

They would be there close by if they needed them anyway.  

Wukong and Macaque were the most nervous, Wukong taking a few deep breaths to steady himself before he left his room, picking up the gourd off the shelf opposite his bed on the way while Macaque stood next to him, arms crossed and face serious. 

What they didn't know what that their tails were wrapped around each other's tightly, an action of comfort and intimacy neither had noticed except Mei who sniggered behind their back and took a sneaky picture. She was so showing this to MK once they'd gotten him back. 

The group was about to leave on Sandy's ship when DBK and Iron Fan arrived, both with sharp expressions as they stared at their son who shrunk back guiltily. 

"You're not thinking of going with them, are you?" His mother asked him, her tone cold and Red Son awkwardly fiddled with his hands. He'd lied to them and told them he wasn't going, knowing they'd never let him.  

"Well... you see-" His hesitance was answer enough and Iron Fans' expression darkened. 

"No. Absolutely not. I will not have my only son go off on this foolish plan." It looked like she really expected him to just agree and leave and Mei placed a hand on Red Son's shoulder, concern written on her face at the resigned look on his face.

That was enough to bring the spark back to Red Son's eyes, his fists tightening. 

"I'm a crucial part of their plan, mother! I need to do this." It was true. Red Son was the one who was going to be holding the gourd and getting her to respond to her name. He was the only one able to fight that hadn't seen her or met her. He'd only really met her when she was possessing his father and even then he hadn't known who she was until she was already gone. 

He technically had a motive for wanting to know and confirm that she was the person who had possessed his father. Coming from him, she wouldn't suspect a thing. If Wukong or Mei or Macaque asked if she was the Bone Demon she'd know something was wrong because they all already knew for certain. 

"No, you don't! I will not have my son going off and getting himself hurt! I forbid you from going." Her tone spoke of a finality that had won many arguments in the past but this time Red Son had something to fight for. He needed to be there. He owed MK a debt and he was going to save him. The idea of letting him or even Mei die made him frown, an uncomfortable feeling settling in his gut. 

"I don't care what you say. I'm sorry mother but I need to do this. I'll be safe, I promise." He said, uncharacteristically soft but determined and his parents watched, eyes wide as he turned back and walked onto the ship, head high. 

Iron Fan snapped her head up to look at her husband, about to tell him to do something when she noticed the proud expression on his face as he stared after their son. She paused, mouth snapping shut as she looked back to where Red Son was walking away. 

"Make sure you come back to us." She called out, watching as he froze before turning back to face her and she couldn't help but notice how grown up he looked. Her sweet boy wasn't the child he'd once been, she realized suddenly. 

"I will." 

None of the others mentioned the family conversation as they left, the group submerged into silence as the weight of what was about to happen set in for all of them. 

The trip to the mountain was uncomfortable, each person not wanting to be the one to break the silence that had fallen. Most of them were lost in their heads, anxious for the moment they'd be able to see MK again and dreading that they'd have to see her using his face. 

When they were only an hour or so away the nerves in Wukong's stomach made him feel like he needed to scream and he took in a deep breath, hoping to settle his jittery body a little. 

It didn't work so he decided to talk instead.

"So we're all sure of the plan?" He asked out loud and Mei, Red Son, and Macaque (the ones who'd be there) nodded. 

"Great. Then I guess I should give this to you." He held out the gourd in Red Son's direction who took it carefully, Wukong shooting him a stern look. 

"Don't drop it and don't let her see it, okay? We're counting on you." The younger nodded, staring down at the object and keeping his grip on it tight.

Wukong was going to distract the Bone Demon, demanding her release MK, and then when she didn't, Red Son would but in, acting angry and furious as he'd only come along for revenge, asking her if she was the Lady Bone Demon, the one who'd tricked his father? 

Then when she answered him, it'd hopefully all be over. 

It was simple and if things went their way they wouldn't even need to fight. 

It was the perfect plan. 

Eventually, Wukong could see the mountain he knew she was waiting in and he tensed up, Macaque following his gaze before squeezing his shoulder comfortingly. 

"We've got this. There's no way she can win, okay?" He told him and Wukong nodded, leaning into his side gratefully, their tails tightening their grip on each other subconsciously. 

"Thanks. Let's go get our kid back." 

Everyone was on guard as they landed but the Bone Demon didn't attack. 

Instead, it was eerily silent and quiet as Red Son, Mei, Wukong, and Macaque walked up the side of the mountain, eventually making it to the top where they saw MK, sitting lotus style on the ground at the entrance to the cave. 

They froze at seeing him and the Bone Demon opened her eyes, the blue sickly and bright as her mouth curled into a smile. 

It hurt. It hurt so much seeing MK like that. His body being used like that. Could he even tell what was happening? Did he know Wukong was here, that he'd come back for him and always would? He wasn't sure if it would be worse if he could see.   

"Sun Wukong." She greeted, face pulled into that same blank grin that made Mei look away from him, uncomfortable. 

He took a step forwards, hands tightened into fists. 

"I'll go easy on you if you let him go." He snarked, sharp teeth on display as he grinned dangerously at her. 

She laughed, a loud, empty laugh that gave everyone shivers and Macaque pulled out his shadow staff, clear that he was on the offensive, silently protecting Wukong from behind. 

"You've always been too self-assured for your own good. Your arrogance is evidence of your foolishness. I'm going to enjoy watching you succumb to your destiny, Sun Wukong." She monologued, practically hissing out his name and Wukong felt frustration bubble up inside him, knowing that she was wrong. 

They had her right where they wanted her. 

If anything, she was the one who was too self-assured. 

"So are you just going to ignore the rest of us? Disgusting. You're the Lady Bone Demon, aren't you? The one that disgraced my father?" Red Son butt in and to be fair to him he sounded so very genuine in his pride and anger, nothing suspicious in his tone, nothing to give it away. 

She should have responded to him, told him she was, or just said anything at all just like they'd planned. 

She didn't. 

(I guess their plan wasn't so foolproof huh? Has anyone figured out yet what she saw in Wukong's room? I feel like I made it obvious enough. But I hope you enjoyed, nothing is ever allowed to be resolved quite so easily. 

Hope you all have a great evening and I'll see you guys again in two days!)   

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