Demons cave

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The next morning they had breakfast and when MK had finished he went onto the deck, eyes staring out at the mountain nearby. There was this feeling inside him, this tug that made him just instinctively know. 

"This is it." He said, voice serious and dramatic as the wind seemed to tussle in his hair. 

Despite previously being alone and not hearing anyone move close to him suddenly Mei's voice had him startled, jumping away from the railing and Mei, who had been standing very close to him casually like she'd been there the whole time. 

"Really? Huh. It's definitely not what I was imagining. Are you sure?" 

"Mei! When did you get here?" He yelled out in shock, forever amazed by her ability to sneak up on him and she shrugged like it didn't really matter. 

"I was kinda expecting a cool mansion somewhere or some sort of grand, ancient ruins. A boring mountain is... kinda underwhelming." She continued on with her previous line of thought and MK looked back out at the mountain they were hovering close to, eyes scanning the thing. 

"I don't see them... They might be inside. Where Monkey King was last time I talked to him looked pretty big though so I guess it's a cave or something." In his head, he remembered pillars covered in stone walls and figured that the cave he'd seen was less of a cave and more of an old building that had been covered by the mountain at some point.

"I'm gonna go tell Sandy to land down there," MK said as he skid away, rushing towards the cabin with the steering and crashing into that room to tell Sandy exactly that.

The boat-aircraft hovered closer and landed on the flattest part that was still close to the top. Once firmly on the ground MK wasted no time in jumping off the ship, laying down on his back on the stone floor. 

"It's so good to be back on solid ground." He smiled, bounding up from the floor just as quickly as he'd laid on it and walking around to get rid of some of his excess energy that had been building up the whole time he was on the boat. 

Mei joined in on standing on solid ground and MK waited impatiently as Red Son watched them both with a disinterested expression from the railing. 

"Aren't you coming with?" Mei asked loudly and Red Son shook his head, distaste clear on his face. 

"Absolutely not! I already told you I wasn't coming with you filthy peasants. Good luck not dying." He said sarcastically as he began walking away, leaving it at that.

"I'm also going to stay here!" Sandy told the two, yelling over the railing like they were far away. They weren't though and MK's ears twitched at the sound.

"We might need a quick getaway." He then added as an explanation though MK wondered if it was more to do with the bigger man not wanting to fight. 

"Okay, we'll be back soon then!" Mei called back, smiling confidently and seeming so sure in her own abilities here that it made MK jealous. He wished he felt as ready as Mei seemed to. 

"I'll also stay here," Tang added, hands clasped together and MK didn't mind because he hadn't expected anything else. Tang didn't add anything or explain why but they all knew anyway so it wasn't needed. 

Pigsy however rolled his eyes and huffed. 

"I'll go. Someone's got to look after you kids." He complained and MK felt better with the other coming along. He was sure they were going to need all the help they could get. 

"Come back safe!" Sandy called after them as the tree-o started to leave and MK waved back, catching sight of Red Son back on the deck, standing far away from Sandy as he watched them leave. 

MK waved at him, making eye contact and the demon immediately rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and turning his head away. He had a frown on his face and MK wondered for a moment if he was worried. Probably not though. Knowing Red Son he was most likely just frustrated that they were even trying, just waiting for the moment they failed so he could say 'I told you so'.

MK walked alongside Mei up the mountain, eyes scouring for an entrance to the cave while Mei raced ahead, checking around corners and getting distracted by everything. 

Nerves that were very familiar to MK began building up the longer they walked and soon the anxiety was so strong it felt like the knot in his stomach was going to kill him. His tail lashed about behind him, claws picking at the fur on his arms as he focused on breathing in and out as they walked. 

His ears twitched violently at every little noise and he swung his head in the direction of those noises like it was a bomb, feeling silly every time it ended up being Pigsy stepping on a stick or Mei throwing a stone. 

"Do you think they're okay?" MK asked when the silence became loud and Pigsy paused behind him for a moment, something MK only knew because he heard it. The older continued walking though, his voice sounding sure when he spoke. 

"Yeah, of course they are! Don't worry kid, they're literally immortals. If anyone's fine it's them." MK didn't believe him but nodded along and put on a fake smile like he did.

He was about to say something, not sure what but knowing that the silence following was meant for MK to say something when Mei yelled out before he could, making him sigh inaudibly in relief. 

"Hey! I think I found the entrance over here!" She called out, her voice echoing down the mountain and MK perked up, sprinting over to her in a moment to look for himself at the gapping, large chasm that went further into the mountainside. 

It was clearly manmade rather than being a natural cave because there were old pillars set into the sides of the walls, towering above them in a grand fashion. 

Though the ceiling was rock there was a hint of a pattern beneath it that told them both that a long time ago there was a very tall ceiling here with intricate designs that had long since been overrun by the natural stones.

"Woah!" MK found himself letting out, finding the space bigger than he'd thought it would be and then winced as the noise echoed lonely down the entranceway, seeming to disappear into the darkness that loomed menacingly.    

"Let's check it out," Mei said as she took a step inside and MK froze, eyes widening as his heartbeat felt far too loud all of a sudden. He swallowed the feeling down, crushing the panic and following after her, the sunlight swallowed by the entrance of the cave behind him.

He had a bad feeling about this.

(Maybe you should listen to that feeling MK, lol. Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it? I had some exams going on and things got pretty stressful but I'm done now. I'm officially finished with all my exams! 

I'll do my best to update regularly again now that I've got time so see you guys soon and I hope you're all okay.) 

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