Learning to show you care

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Pigsy drove the group towards the edge of the city, Mei taking photos of some of the destroyed buildings through the window with her phone while MK perked up as they slowed to a stop at the docks, remembering Sandy and that he lived around here. 

"Alright, we're here. If there's anyone that can keep us safe it's this dangerous, angry, powerful demon I used to know." He explained, voice dark and MK's tail lashed about in nervousness, making him grab it from behind him and hold it to keep it still. 

It was also a good way of having something to hold to calm his nerves as he tried not to panic at the thought of a dangerous, mean demon they'd have to stay with. Maybe that's why it was so surprising with they stopped at a very familiar boat. One MK knew belonged to- 

"Pigsy! MK! Mei! It's so good to see all of you!" A large figure shouted happily from the boat, coming down to greet them as Pigsy looked over at MK and Mei, confused as to how they knew Sandy. Likewise, MK and Mei were also confused. 

"You know Sandy?" All three of them asked at the same time with surprise and Sandy crushed the group into a tight hug, a smile bright on his face. 

"What brings you guys over here? I didn't know you knew each other. This is great! We're all friends now. And who's this?" He asked, noticing Tang who had somehow managed to escape the hug. 

"Tang. It's nice to meet you." The scholar said and Sandy nodded. 

"Nice to meet you too, the more the merrier. Why don't you come on in and I'll make you all some tea? You can tell me what you're all doing here then." Tang, content as soon as tea had been mentioned followed quickly, 

"don't mind if I do," passing from his lips as he walked into the boat first, Sandy looking back to wait for the others. Pigsy looked outraged. 

"Tea!" He exclaimed, gasping. 

"Where's the angry, rage-filled buddy I used to know?" MK looked over at Sandy again, trying to compare him to anything fierce and scary and finding himself unable. 

"I've changed! I'm not the same man I used to be. That time of my life is over." He explained and MK looked over at Mei to find her already heading onto the boat and scrambled after her, sure that the conversation that was happening wasn't for his ears. 

Even when he was inside his ears still twitched, hearing bits of the conversation and Sandy talking about therapy cats and regrets. He tuned it out as Mei found Mo, rushing over to the cat and squishing his face in-between her hands with cooing noises while Mo tried to get away from her. 

MK watched her, feeling uncomfortable as he tapped his claws together, tail swishing about behind him as his ears twitched, trying to get any sign of Monkey King nearby. 

He hoped the other really had followed them and hadn't just left without him. Hadn't abandoned MK and gone off on his own, leaving him behind. His chest felt tight and he curled his hands into fists, letting his nails dig into his palms as he forced himself to focus on his breathing and calm down, refusing to think about the what-ifs.

"I'm gonna check on Monkey King." He blurted out to the room, turning before Mei or Tang could respond and heading back out and onto the main deck that Sandy and Pigsy were just walking onto.      

They looked okay and he was glad they'd sorted things out.

MK looked up into the sky, squinting his eyes for any sign of gold when a voice next to him made him jump. 

"Looking for something, bud?" MK yelped, turning quickly to the side to see Monkey King to the right of him, perched on the railing of the boat and looking as casual as he could get, a cheeky grin on his face. 

"Monkey King!" MK yelled out, delighted and excited that he was actually here and Monkey King's smile grew a little wider at MK's delight. 

"What? I said I'd be here didn't I?" It was said in a way that implied it wasn't really a question and MK smiled, muscles relaxing for the first time since he'd gotten in the truck.    

"Oh yeah, and you always keep your word, don't you Sun Wukong?" A sarcastic voice spoke, interrupting as Macaque stepped out the shadows, ruffling MK's hair who leaned into the touch, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly while Monkey King frowned. 

"Dad! You decided to come!" MK exclaimed, genuinely surprised that the demon had decided to follow. He didn't exactly have any reason to after all and it meant more to MK than he could explain. 

"Course I did, kid. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you." He hedged, eyes flicking over to Wukong for just a second who huffed in offense and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh, as if there's no one else who is." He all but snapped, voice sarcastic, back and MK's head turned between the two of them, going back and forth as he tried to find a way to stop whatever animosity was going on. 

"It sure doesn't feel like there is." Macaque drawled in response and Wukong snapped his jaw together, bearing a snarl of frustration. He didn't say anything back to that though and for that MK was glad, the feeling of having his parents cast snide remarks at each other making his chest feel tight and uncomfortable.  

"More friends!" Sandy's booming voice was suddenly there, smiling as his eyes raked over a startled Monkey King and Macaque. 

"I'll have to make even more tea, come inside when you're ready." He offered as he walked off, Pigsy giving MK, who was in between the two others, one long, concerned glance before following the much taller demon inside.  

"I'll wait out here." Monkey King rushed out and Macaque scowled like he'd been about to say that himself, MK nodding as he tugged Macaque by the arm inside. 

"We'll be out soon!" He called behind him before entering the room and letting go of Macaque's paw so the other could choose to sit (or stand) where he wanted to. 

Mei waved from her seat when she saw MK, a cup of tea already in his hands as she patted the seat next to her and MK left his dad's side to sit next to her, smiling and nodding gratefully when Sandy came over and passed a mug into his hands. He noticed that Macaque stayed near the entrance, leaning back against the wall not making eye contact with anything or anyone. 

"Thanks, this is really good Sandy!" He praised once he'd taken a sip, closing his eyes for a moment to enjoy the warmth and smells and taste that immediately made him feel more relaxed. 

"No prob little man." MK then let his attention waver to Mei and Mei's excited rambling about some new app on her phone, missing the interaction between Macaque and Sandy as he handed him a cup, a small, missed slip of words passing between them in the cozy room. 

Once everyone had a cup of tea and was sat down Sandy addressed the room, hunching over so he was more eye level with everyone else.

"So, what's going on?" 

Pigsy decided that the question was best answered by him and began the explanation, albite a summarised one, of the Lady Bone Demon and them needing a place to lay low until they found something that could defeat her. 

MK looked away once he'd gotten to that part, grumbling to himself. He was still 100% sure that together they could do it but Macaque wouldn't work with Wukong and Wukong didn't seem to want to let MK help.  

He wished he was allowed a chance to prove himself.    

(Wukong has once again managed to avoid social interaction while Macaque is not as lucky. I relate. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time!)

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