I'll tell you because you asked

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After unpacking all his things, and by unpacking he meant telling Mei where to put everything, (Red Son even helped out some) they spent some time looking through Wukong's house, Mei immediately delighted at his gaming system as she began looking through his games. 

MK looked through them too while Red Son complained about low-quality controllers and he gasped when he found the newest addition to the Monkey King game.  

"Guys, we've got to play this!" He yelled, and Mei took the game from him, looking it over. 

"Heck yeah!" She went over to put it on while MK slowly got out of his wheelchair and sat on the couch. He was allowed to move around a little as long as he didn't strain himself and wanted to sit with the other two. 

Mei bounced back next to him, squeezing into his left leaving Red Son forced to sit on his right and they began playing the game, having fun and, surprisingly, making a really good team.

Red Son complained loudly whenever MK made a mistake and he laughed along with it, pretending like he was just clumsy, ignoring the way his hands trembled every now and then for no reason, making it hard to play.   

They played right until dinner, where they had Tofu with peanuts and red peppers made by Macaque, (and who knew he could cook?) and then afterward they settled into what would be MK's room for the next few weeks, MK doing tops and tails on the bed with Red Son while Mei stayed on a futon on the floor. 

"Are you sure you're okay on the floor Mei? I can switch if you want." Mk asked as he leaned out of bed to see her better, ignoring the way his stitches pulled slightly as he lay on his belly, his tail getting caught on the blanket on top of him. 

"Yeah, don't worry I'm fine down here!" 

"Would you two shut up! I'm trying to get some sleep." Red Son growled and MK shuffled around slightly in bed, peering over at the demon whose face was lit up by a glow.  

"You're not! You're on your phone." MK laughed at the way Red Son spluttered at that, face turning red but he didn't even bother trying to deny it. 

"What were you looking at?" Mei asked curiously and Red Son turned off his phone, also leaning over to MK's side of the bed so that he could look down at Mei and sneer at her. 

"None of your business!" 

"Ohh, was it something embarrassing?" MK giggled, joining in and Red Son huffed, crossing his arms.

"If you must know I was talking to my parents to tell them where I was." He huffed and Mei got a more upset look on her face, lips pressed into a thin line. 

"Oh yeah. I should probably tell my parents where I am too." Then, quieter, 

"It's not like they'd notice anyway though..." MK could feel the upset in her tone and felt bad for her, his heart aching in his chest.

"...Well they should. I'd notice if you were gone." Mk told her softly and she smiled at him, something small but real. 

"Thanks, MK." He hoped he'd helped even if it was only a little. 

A loud shriek interrupted the moment and MK started as he turned to look at Red Son who had yelled. 

"Why are your feet so cold?" The demon yelled at him and MK laughed as he realized he'd accidentally touched Red Son's leg.    

"You absolute peasant! How dare you!" He began and it just made MK laugh harder, Mei also found it funny, especially since they could tell that Red Son wasn't really angry and was more embarrassed at having yelled so high-pitched. 

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