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(swear warning. It's only once but still, just letting you know.)

The feeling followed him all the way to the edge of the city where MK now stood, looking out at the sea.

There was nothing for him anywhere now, it seemed, and let the ocean breeze clash against his skin as he stood, staring out at nothing. 

In contrast to earlier when he'd been angry, betrayed, and then terrified he was now feeling nothing but a numb icy coldness that spread deep into his toes, swimming around his head and leaving it hollow. 

There were too many thoughts going around his mind and he tried hard not to wince at them all, unable to distinguish the thoughts in his head that sounded nothing like him. Even now he was on edge. 

Finally alone he let his form drop, shifting back into his normal body with fur and a tail. The previous strain of holding the human form slipped away and he was left with nothing but a relieving sensation, the pressure finally leaving his body. 

He sat down, tail still behind him as his ears twitched. It seemed that no matter where he went there was always noise surrounding him. He pressed his hands against his ears, sighing deeply. 

For once, he just wanted things to be quiet.

"...Kid." There was a soft voice behind him and MK turned around, eyes wide as he looked at- well, his dad. 

"Macaque." He spat the name out, whispers in his head about him being a betrayer, about him never caring, about him deceiving MK and lying to him. They grew louder in his head, echoing loudly and he missed the solemn, guilty look on the demons' face completely amongst the whispers. 

"I wanted to-" 

"Wanted to what?" His voice came out more stern and scathing then he'd meant, harsher then he thought it had ever sounded. 

"Wanted to lie to me again? Wanted to manipulate me? Wanted to-" 

"I wanted to apologise, kid!" He stood a step forward and for a second the loud panic and desperation in his voice was enough to cut through the whispers, leaving MK shocked. 

"I- I was going to use you at first. I wanted to get back at Wukong for abandoning me! But then-" He paused, going quieter, softer. 

"Then I got attached. I didn't mean to but I do care, MK." Then, looking down and being quiet he mumbled. 

"I haven't cared about anyone as much as you in- well, a long time." It made something in MK soften too, the hate and rage dying down. 

He's lying. 

The tentative smile that had slowly been growing on MK's face dropped and he scowled, turning away from Macaque to look down at the floor, angry. 

"How can I trust that you aren't lying to me again?" He asked, even though deep down he knew that he wasn't. He could tell just by his voice but the feeling was washed away by a cold, icy thing. 

Macaque looked hurt but also like he expected it.

"I know you don't have any reason to trust me, kid but I am telling you the truth. I just- I don't want to loose you, MK." 

He wants to use you again.  

MK shook his head, trying to dislodge some of the thoughts running around in it to know how to respond. Part of him wanted to run into his dad's arms and hug him but the louder part was vicious with its' furry. It wanted to scream and hurt and- 

"Just leave me alone! I'm done with your manipulative shit! You're the reason Monkey King left me! You're the reason my whole life has been hell! Why I was alone for so long. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Blue rage clouded his vision, it didn't even feel like he was the one talking really and had the demon been closer to him MK probably would have pushed him to the ground hard. 

As it was, he only snarled at him viciously before stomping away, ignoring Macaque's heartbroken look as he left. 

He didn't care anyway. He deserved it after everything he'd done to MK. They all did.  

He wasn't sure where he going after he left then either, but found himself wondering the streets before he could question it. 

His mind brought him back to the feeling of anger, the feeling of rage and he pictured Macaque's lying face. He yelled, hand slamming into the wall next to him and going straight through the concrete in his fury and collapsing most of the wall. 

 He didn't spare it a second glance, still feeling that bubbling dislike rising upwards like steam, pressure only seeming to increase. It developed quickly into hatred and soon he was wishing he had actually struck Macaque back there. He would have deserved it. 

After everything that had happened in MK's life, after how lonely he'd been he'd deserve all that hurt and more. 

So would Sun Wukong. 

The thought hit him like a hissing whisper and he agreed with it. 

Yeah, yeah Monkey King had left him too. He did it because he cared though so it was different, wasn't it? 

He didn't want you. 

And yet he'd seemed so sad when talking about his son who was MK that- 

He didn't care enough to put the effort into keeping you. He's the great, legendary Monkey king. He could have kept you safe if he'd tried. 

He couldn't argue with that and nodded, frown firm on his face as the anger set back in. 

"He doesn't care!" He found himself yelling out, tail lashing about angrily, fists clenched. Then, he dropped them, letting them hang limp by his side in defeat. 

"No one does." In the empty alleyway, his quiet admission seemed to make more noise then the yelling had. 

The sad demeanour was gone once again when the blue vicious feeling crept back in and he kicked at a can on the floor with his foot. 

They'd make them all pay. 

Deep down there was the feeling of wrong, wrong, wrong

(You know, originally this wasn't gonna even have the White Bone spirit in it but she just kinda made her way in and took over. Either way, hope you're enjoying this! Let me know what you thought, have a great day and I'll see you all next time.

Also can we all appreciate how punctual I've been with updating recently? I'm so proud of myself, usually I procrastinate for ages!)

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