Info Gathering

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Certain questions the nurse asked made MK uncomfortable. The way he seemed so unbothered with MK's fatigue and the way his whole right arm shook when he tried to hold it out straight in front of him as though that was normal.  

He was lucky he wasn't even asked to try to stand up because just trying to lift his legs left him exhausted, almost seeing stars in his eyes at the effort. His dad had told him not to push himself but MK was too busy feeling worried about his bone-deep exhaustion and aching. 

Not to mention that the pain in his stomach had been growing steadily worse and worse as time went on. 

Once they were finally done with the tests he leaned back against the pillow behind him, closing his eyes for just a second and feeling the weight of them. It would be so easy to fall back asleep. 

"Are you still with us, MK?" He heard the nurse ask and he peeled his eyes open even though he didn't want to, nodding his head and forcing away his tired frustration. He didn't want to worry his dads by just ignoring the nurse and going back to sleep. Besides, he had questions to ask he was determined to stay awake for. 

"Alright, I'm going to be changing your bandages now. You don't have to look if you don't want to." He informed him and MK nodded even though he was watching as the nurse began unwrapping the bandages around his stomach where his pain was originating from with practiced ease. 

He wasn't sure he wanted to look but found his eyes glued to every movement in need of finding answers.   

The white bandages were removed and MK was transfixed on the image of his own stomach. That... that was bigger than he'd thought it would be. 

Looking at the scar and ridged skin that spanned across such a big area made his whole chest flip uncomfortably, unease leaving a sick feeling in his throat. 

It was obviously bad, really bad, and yet he had no memory of the injury happening. He wondered how big the injury must have been to leave a wound like this that was sure to leave another big, ugly scar on MK's body. 

So yes, it was awful and yet the longer MK stared at it the more that sick feeling twisted into confusion. If this had just happened, why did the wound look... older than he'd thought it would? 

The bandages should have come back stained red or brown with blood and yet they were clean like the wound wasn't bleeding any more. MK knew from experience that wounds even smaller than this kept spotting blood on the bandages days afterward.

He looked closer and realized that the stitches he would have definitely had to have had were missing and blinked twice. How long did it take before the stitches were removed? How long had he been asleep? He didn't know. He'd never had stitches before so he had nothing to compare it to.

Unease built into panic and he forced himself to remain calm, snapping his gaze away from his wound when the nurse re-bandaged it, oblivious to his internal panic, and staring at his dads' instead.

"How long have I been asleep?" He breathed out, eyes wide. The hands still holding his left went stiff, grips tightening, and worry made MK scared to even breathe as he waited for the answer, now watching both of them intently and trying to look for any changes, seeing if they looked different than they did the last time MK remembered seeing them.  

"There, all done." Once again, the nurse seemed to interrupt every important question MK had but he didn't look away from his parents, ears flicking as he listened while the nurse continued.

"Everything looks good at the moment and your wound is healing up nicely. I'll be back when it's time to give you another dose of painkillers but you can press that button if you need anything else or are in too much pain." MK didn't respond for a second, too busy watching his dads' faces before realizing what he'd said and slowly nodding. 

"Yeah. Okay." He finally went to leave at MK's response but just as the nurse got to the door MK realized something, jerking up in bed slightly in panic.  

"Wait!" He called, hoping he'd get what he was looking for since it was obvious his parents weren't going to tell him. 

"How long have I been here for? Do you know?" The nurse turned back, looking briefly at MK's parents before seeing MK's face and sighing.

"Your family has asked that I not disclose that information to you so I would ask them, I'm sorry. If you need anything else-"

"No, that's okay. Thanks anyways." he quickly interrupted, letting the nurse finally leave while he turned slightly angrily to his dads. 

"MK-" Baba immediately went to explain, reaching forward but he frowned harder, pulling away from him. 

"No! Why won't either of you just tell me what happened? What are you keeping from me?" He tried his best not to yell, almost hissing the words out but Wukong pulled back at the questions, his face once again going pale and his eyes seeing something that wasn't there.

Luckily, Macaque was there too. 

"There was a fight. It's probably best not to tell you much about it till your memories come back on their own." He explained and MK pouted at the information, torn between feeling pleased with the new information and disappointed at the second part. 

"Is everyone else okay? Who was I fighting with? Were you guys there too?" He asked instead, fishing for more but Wukong only drew back further at the questions, leaving the answering for Macaque. 

"Everyone's okay, kid. It was just you that was hurt." Wukong gave him a side glance and he sighed. 

"Okay and me but not much." Wukong continued staring. 

"It wasn't!" He huffed, before sobering and turning back to MK. 

"And the person we were fighting? It wasn't the Bull King family was it?" He asked and Wukong's eyes widened at the question. 

"No, they wouldn't, Red Son's on our side at the moment remember?" Macaque stopped right after the rhetorical, realizing that no, MK didn't remember.

"He is?" MK practically shouted, ignoring the way it grated at his still sore throat. 

"How come? That's so weird, why would he? This is so cool." The awe of the very idea made him excited, wishing he could remember working with Red Son and the events that had led up to it. It must have been so awesome! 

But as exciting as that was he still didn't know who they were fighting and he'd noticed that neither seemed to be answering that particular question. He didn't think they would, either, but he could think of someone that would. 

"So where's Mei?" 

(Sorry! I've had an essay I've needed to focus on so I haven't had much time for writing. It's very sad, especially since the essay is on something boring so I really don't want to be doing it. I hope you've all had a good new years though and I'll see you all again when I manage to. Though I probably won't be able to update till I'm done with my essay in a week-ish time. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry for the wait.)   

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