Manipulating situations (but subtly)

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MK couldn't move, didn't dare. 

"But- but that- He wouldn't-" 

"I know you look up to him, kid," Macaque said, soft and patient while MK tried hard to recall everything Macaque had said, trying to piece together the idea of the Monkey King ever hurting someone like that then realizing he'd killed many demons in the stories he'd heard. 

But that was different, wasn't it? Those were bad people, demons! People trying to kill Tripitaka. 

But Macaque wasn't bad. None of it made sense! Monkey King wouldn't hurt a friend like that! And yet- MK's mind drew him back to the scar on Macaque's face, his milky white eye. 

"That's why I didn't tell you, kid. I didn't want to hurt you."

MK shook his head. 

"Monkey King wouldn't- wouldn't do that. Would he?" He turned to Macaque, desperation in his voice. 

"Why did he do it?" He needed to know, needed to understand. Maybe it was a misunderstanding? 

Macaque sighed a deep and old sigh that spoke of tiredness. 

"It's complicated, kid." 

"No- no I-" Macaque interrupted him with a hand. 

"BUT! I'll tell you about it. You deserve to know." 

He opened his mouth to start talking and suddenly MK felt his head feel heavy like it was stuffed full of cotton before his eyes turned heavy with pressure. He blinked rapidly a few times, gold filling his vision and disorientating him before, suddenly, there was a golden Monkey King standing a few feet away from him, an expression that could be described as relief slipping away quickly into a look of casual carelessness. 

"M-Monkey King?" MK blinked a few more times, confused and he watched his mentor grin widely, waving. 

"Hey, bud! Couldn't help but notice you were taking a while with that emergency. Just checking in on you." What he didn't say was that after a few hours he'd gotten nervous, then downright worried about the kid. Wondering if something had happened or gone wrong. 

Because he didn't say it, MK didn't hear it, thinking that the Monkey King was disappointed in him or thought he would fail. 

"It went fine, I just went out with friends afterward to celebrate." Sneaking a glance at Macaque MK told himself that it was partly true. He wasn't lying. 

Macaque looked confused. 

"What's going on, kid? He asked loudly and Monkey King's lightly see-through head snapped to the side at the sound of his voice and Macaque continued. 

"Who're you talking to?" MK froze, his heart thumping in his chest nervously.

Monkey King's face went through many emotions quicker than MK could read but eventually settled on anger and when MK looked back at Macaque he realized the demon was looking straight through the Monkey King, unseeing. 


"MK, you have to get away from him, trust me he's bad news." 

"No wait, Monkey King, you don't under-"

"Hold on kid, I'll be right there." MK scrambled to say something but the image of Wukong disappeared immediately after the immortals' words and MK was left spluttering. 

"Kid?" Macaque's voice made him look up, not even realizing when he'd started digging his nails into his arm until he was pulled out of his panic. 

"We- It's Monkey King!" MK blurted out and Macaque nodded, putting a hand on MK's shoulder to ground him. 

"He knows you're here, he seemed mad about it."  MK was honestly expecting his teacher to get nervous too but was surprised with how calm he looked. 

"Kid, MK. You trust him don't you?" Mk didn't know what to say but he did, of course, he did. Even though his mind reminded him of Macaque's eye, clouded over and scared. 

He nodded and Macaque sighed, reaching one hand up to touch his right eyes lightly. The glamor was back up, so it didn't look damaged but MK knew exactly what he was thinking about. 

"Then- then I'm sure nothing bad will happen. You can- WE can just talk it out with him, yeah?" He sounded so reassuring, so trusting of MK's abilities and MK found a small smile, aiming it up at the other as he nodded. Yeah, he knew Monkey King, there's no way he'd hurt someone without a good reason and Macaque was a good guy. Whatever misunderstanding had happened in the past, they'd talk it out. 

Things would be fine. 

Macaque pulled him into a quick hug and MK melted into it, comforted instantly. 

Over his shoulder Macaque grinned, after today, he'd have won.

He knew Wukong, had set everything out so perfectly, had made his presence known to the impulsive Sun Wukong, and had set all the doubts in the right place in his kid's mind while playing oblivious. In his kid's mind, after what had about to happen, Macaque would be seen as the victim, the 'good guy', and Wukong would finally, finally be the villain. 

He was going to tear the smug bastard down and take the thing that he cared about and use it against him.  

 His kid really was the most efficient weapon Macaque had created and Macaque couldn't be more delighted. 

Everything was going exactly according to plan. 

All Wukong had to do now was be impulsive and protective and prove him right

(Hey, I know it's a little shorter than usual so sorry about that. Let me know what you thought though and I'll see you guys next chapter! Hope you enjoyed.)

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